I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

What’s innovative about Pathfinder? And i say this as somebody who unironically likes Pathfinder and disliked how you need to spend gold for every single toon prior.

I have done all of the pathfinder achieves and grinds.

I still believe you shouldn’t have to do it. Just bc I did it, doesn’t mean everyone should, ESPECIALLY when the content is years old.

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Not what was said.

It looks like to me that they won’t be removing it until next expansion. Because Legion’s didn’t go away until SL. :slightly_frowning_face:

Then what are you saying then? Because honestly, i find that most of the community to be quite open to innovations like Dragonriding.

Sorry, did i say open? I mean hype them up like it’s the next Breath of the Wild.

That blows. It’s old content, I see no reason to gatekeep flying :frowning:


I agree, don’t gate keep old pathfinder.


Those that did complete deserve a nice FOMO mount for our efforts.

Thank you.


Make all the mounts received received via those pathfinders FOMO

The argument being made is that more speed is not really a good sacrifice for the utility flying mounts bring. Such as popping back down, picking the herb and moving back up easily. Knowing those sorts of flying mounts Dragonriding is going to be, you have to ensure you land there, stop all momentum, pick it up, and hopefully you can pick it back up again in 5 seconds, rather then be instant. Something that tells me that it lacks precision.

In my opinion from watching that video, it just seems much easier to just stay on your ground mount if you value nodes, i.e, things you need for your profession, which i don’t think that’s a good for Dragonflying to lack.

You keep saying “handouts” like it actually means anything in this game.

Your argument hinges on the belief that absolutely everything should require the same amount of effort, or more effort than others. That if people don’t want to do something that just wastes ludicrous amounts of time, they don’t deserve those rewards.

The difference being, Flight having been an intrinsic part of zone design since Burning Crusade and then (at first) being locked behind the acquisition of a time-consuming achievement completion for no other reason other than that Blizzard wants to pad out your subscription time–this is different than people just wanting free endgame loot thrown at them while not putting in any effort.

One aspect of the content is designed to waste your time and keep you logging in every day if you’d hope to ever see it completed. The other fundamentally shifts the dynamic of endgame raiding towards favoring people who don’t want to play the game.

Nobody’s asking for handouts. We’re just asking for arbitrary requirements that serve no purpose other than to inconvenience players to go away.


Pathfinder shouldn’t have been a thing when it was current, years later it absolutely shouldn’t be a thing.


Ah okay! You want to be bad faith in this argument, just remember you asked for it.

Hover, as in to hover and stop. You know, that thing that happens when you hit 0 MPH and you’re not moving? :3

You have to actively keep pressing buttons and watch where you’re going and try to follow speedlines and whatever else, yep.

Kinda do, actually.

It does, actually. But, ya’ll will see when the forums explode even more than the ‘new UI is bad’ when the real part of the playerbase starts to interact with dragonriding.

Actually, Rhielle, my claims were that if it was so ‘easy’ and ‘all this wasn’t needed’ for it then why did people make entire WAs for it when flying has no WAs?

You also very conveniently forgot all about all the disability issues with dragonriding.

Bet you don’t lmao


Again…guy…its OLD content being discussed here.
BFA will literally be the ONLY expansion left with any amount of ‘work’ required for flight.

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100% agree. I was gonna come say they seemed to be changing their gatekeeping philosophy on this but it seems someone has beat me to the punch.

Pathfinder exists if I recall correctly because Blizzard want you to experience the ground content. That’s fair enough. But after that expansion has run it’s course and you’ve done it there’s no need to have it. If you are a new player it only serves as yet another barrier for a new player to overcome if they want to try and get to current content. Unless Blizzard are banking on those players paying $60 for a boost…

I do however think pathfinder doesn’t even need to exist. If you don’t want players flying in an expansion right at the start? Fine? Just make it something that you purchase from a trainer when you hit max level like it used to be. Or heck? Maybe do away with the gold requirement for learning to fly. 5,000-10,000 gold just for flying? Why? Make flying part of the reward for hitting max level. Flying should feel like an extension/progression of your character. Not yet another hurdle for you to properly engage with other content like world quests. World quests take more time if you don’t have flying. Blizzard need to stop arbitrarily wasting player’s time. It’s not about “handouts”. It’s about making the player experience more satisfying. The “grind” or “Chase” Shouldn’t be about attaining flying. Flying should be a means to the end. The end being doing actual content that rewards you for your time i.e. attaining gear, mounts, doing dungeons, raids, etc.

Heck FFXIV has a bit of a “Minigame” for flying. It too can be a bit tedious where you have to find “Aether” currents and attune to them with an Aether compass.

Now what I will say is that Dragonflight’s apparent Dragonriding mechanic could be the shakeup flying needs. The fact that your dragon apparently levels and you can unlock cosmetic armor, etc? That’s progression that feeds into flying itself and makes it less about being a passive method of traversal but more a mechanic that you can engage with. It turns flying itself into some proper content.


no…but its very easy to dragon ride. You’ll get the hang of it in minutes.
and yeah, you have to get the glyphs, but honestly that was a huge part of the fun of dragon riding…getting to those harder to reach glyphs.

Im actually loving how they did it for DF.
I get my mount and as I get the glyphs my mount learns to ‘fly’ better and better.
If they do it this way going forward each expansion, Id be happy.


That sounds like an awful idea, ngl.

and that is going to be the problem.
I have my mouse speed set to max. But my wife sets hers to the lowest possible because the screen motion moving too fast kicks in the motion sickness.
Hoping normal flight doesnt take too long to show its face.
I mean, once the expansion is going and everyone is flying anyway, just open up normal flight after a week or two tops


I don’t want to choose between walking on water and not getting dazed to death.

You really don’t get it.

Because people enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it, stay on the ground. You can make that decision for yourself.

Want players to engage with your world? Make the world engaging and not some forced chore.

Or you know, we could just keep flying.

I agree, new players shouldn’t need to get an achievement 4 expansions back just to fly to a current mythic dungeon.

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