I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

I missed BFA; I’ve already done Loremaster and the War campaign, but I still need the 8 required revered reputations and 100 unique World Quests… It’s just too much single player grinding for something I’ll probably barely use.

I didn’t move any goalposts.

It was available to you whenever you had those funds. WoD to current, you could have the pathfinder achievement done and then had to sit around until the time gate was lifted.

Big difference.

I like Pathfinder*, but I agree it should be an option for old expansions. Players should be able to do Pathfinder and earn flight for all the characters (current and future) at once**, or pay gold for each character that they want to fly.

I don’t care that I “did all the work” and someone else doesn’t. All my characters fly in all the Pathfinder areas for free. That’s my reward. If someone else wants to pay gold, I don’t care.

*but it shouldn’t be in multiple parts where you have to wait months or a year before you can finish it.
**and also receive the mounts that come with some Pathfinder achieves.

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No. Once you got the achievement, there was no time gate. you could instantly fly.

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You’re asking blizzie boop to take away time played metrics.

They will drag it along until they milk it dry. They don’t care what people think. They care about numbers and money. That’s it.

“It’s always been bugged” or “it’s always been badly designed” is a strange reason for keeping something that may be hurting the game.

Yesterday I went to look up Emeriss. In the wowhead comments there were people who were saying it’s was bugged in vanilla, so why remove a serious bug that was introduced when it became part of the annual anniversary event?

They can and should fix or change old content, especially when it’s promoted as a continuing “feature”.

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This is an interesting angle, because dragon riding is 2-3x faster at getting to your destination than old flying was.


There is no difference. Hover doesn’t exist while leveling ever. Flying is unlocked later in expansions. The unlock method is irrelevant.

If you want to be mad at Pathfinder, I’m not stopping you. But don’t claim hover is removed and that it doesn’t come back every time we unlock flying in every single expansion.

Done and done.

This is not true. Pathfinder part one in most expansions only gave you faster mount speed (or some such nonsense). You had to wait for part two to come out before you could work on flying. Now, of course, all parts for old expansions are available, so you don’t have to wait for any patches.

Strawman. Pathfinder P1 is just a P1. You don’t get the full benefit of completing the whole thing when you’e only done the 1st half. P2 gave flying in Legion/BFA.

Killing M Anduin did not give CE for Sepulcher.

But it is still an achieve. You said there was no wait after learning the achieve. However, I looked back and saw you were responding to someone who seemed to be claiming a player could earn the full Pathfinder but still had to wait. You are quite right that flying is instant the moment you earn the complete Pathfinder achievement.

It is AN achieve.

But it is not THE achieve, they are 2 distinct, separate achievements.

Yessss. I did say you were right about the second achieve… or did you not read that post?

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I’m just hammering home that Pathfinder P1 being called “pathfinder” was irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

I looked back and saw that you were correctly responding to someone who was incorrectly stating you have to wait after completing Pathfinder, and I apologize for the misunderstanding.

All the Part 1 achieves are the only Pathfinder achieves available at the start of those expansions, and while I like the Pathfinder concept, I hate the long wait between parts. That was MY point. That Pathfinder is fine, but NOT when you have to wait months or even a year to complete it.

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Oh you’re talking about parts 1 and 2. Please don’t pretend like flying hasn’t been time gated for 7-11 months at the launch of every expansion since WoD. Just don’t.

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If the required achievement is not out, it is not a time gate. As soon as the required achievement was out, you were only limited in how fast you could complete it.

No it’s not. Someone could get to max level day one of an expansion and get flying. That’s literally impossible in WoD to current.

Oh let me change my phrase then.

Flying is the most time gated feature in wow bar none.

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


If someone complains about “why was dragonflight time gated, it’s been playable for months now”, people would laugh you out of the room.

This is the complaint you are making.