I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

Basically my title is my expression of thoughts on the subject matter.

It’s been two years since Battle for Azeroth. By the time a normal player can have flight unlocked, they’re already halfway through the leveling experience. Not everyone wants to sit and spam dungeons for the entire time.

Flight should be available as soon as a leveled character reaches that point, no matter what expansion they’re in. I had to complete both Warlords and Legion Pathwalker and I wouldn’t want to force that grind onto anyone new to the game who wants to fly in that content.

“You can just go back and level in other expansions instead” is also not an excuse, it’s an unnecessary workaround. While many players might prefer leveling in older expansions to leveling in BFA, there’s always the possibility that newer players might not. Even still, newer players probably won’t have Flight in BFA, or Shadowlands anyway. Why make things difficult for them?



I’ve gotten PF in every single expansion when it was current and I approve this message.

It’s time to free flying.


They ain’t difficult there gonna experience the same problem in every new expansion guess what you can’t fly and don’t say dragon riding is flying lol it sure ain’t flying so I don’t see the problem at this point blizz ain’t never just gonna let people fly without doing something might as well get used to it. You just don’t go dragon riding with everything maxed out lol and sure will never get regular flying at start so what’s the problem again?

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You get Legion and WoD flying at level 30 when you train expert flying.


They tacked mounts into most (if not all) of them. That’s fine. Give it to the newcomers free of investment. If they want the mount, there’s your grind.


Pathfinder is great,while the expansion is current.After that people should be able to fly.


Might as well get used to not flying this happens every expansion and it’s not like everyone says omg I quit I can’t fly in bfa play the game get flying in bfa?

I’m all for it. Either give it away for free for old expansions or significantly lower the requirements


BfA Pathfinder is incredibly annoying, even more so once you’ve leveled past it and are into Shadowlands.

I totally get not flying in the most current content, but the fact I have to do so much just to fly in BfA zones is not exactly great. I can fly free in every other past expansion zone - why is BfA different? :dracthyr_cry:


WoW has to be one of the only communities I’ve seen that gatekeeps innovation because it was hard for them so it has to be hard for you mentality. Kinda cringe.


They already removed the pathfinder locks on Legion and WoD, and they’ll do the same for BfA during Dragonflight. I’m a proponent of retroactive flying, if you get it anywhere it unlocks for all previous content, but they’ve also completely departed from the “grind” system, in favor of unlocking it on a timer for minimal effort (10.1 will almost certainly give flying to everyone who has finished all the 10.0 content by the time it drops)



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I wondering if they are waiting until DF goes live before they unlock BfA flight. I don’t remember exactly when they unlocked Legion. If it was in the pre-patch or when BfA went live.

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If Blizz doesn’t want to just automatically unlock flying in older xpacs, maybe they could add flying back to the flight trainers to purchase with gold (one-time purchase, account-wide) once new players reach the appropriate level for that expansion.


This would be a good option. Gives another gold sink, makes someone have to work for it still, but isn’t a major annoyance to unlock.


They did it right after the SL announcement, it was during 8.3


Hey man, I’m with ya. I earned all 3 pathfinders and I feel they should all be unlocked for free, especially considering how they freed up WoD and Legion.

I was questing with a friend in Vol’dun who doesn’t have BFA flying and I felt bad that I had to carry him around on my drake.

I’m sure it’s coming. BFA is technically the current canon story, so once DF is out, maybe they’ll add it to the list of “old stuff” and let us have free flying. :dracthyr_nod:


I was thinking more that it’s the only community where people constantly scream they want “more content” but also keep screaming they want content removed.


I also didn’t realize those requirements went away for Draenor and Legion 'cause I already had them unlocked by the time they did, so I never noticed any differences on new characters. I’ll amend my post to reflect this.

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I’d be very surprised if they don’t unlock bfa flying during DF, and it feels like the “gates” on flying will likely always be tied to story completion, rather than any time gate, once they put flying in each expac. You only need to do your covenant story once and korthia up to chapter 3 to get flying in SL, which if you were to start SL today would take maybe 10 hours of effort and has absolutely no timegates at all.

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