I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

It’s not irrelevant if you’re doing it.

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Pathfinder was a convenience reward for doing content. (note that dragon flight changes this, as dragon riding is better than regular flying in almost every way)

Not sure what the point of this comment is, a sucker is someone who doesn’t get what they’re paying for, and for myself, I consider WoW worth the subscription. I enjoy the class designs, I enjoy the art, I enjoy many of the side stories, I play because I have fun, not because I’m being tricked.

I don’t care about everybody else. Being on the ground is a slog.

Annoying experiences. Nothing in the open world is threatening.

Good for you. I would and I’d bet I’m not the only one.

If you don’t enjoy or like flying, then don’t fly. Stay on the ground all you want.

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Pathfinder is nothing but a patience test. The only “effort” required is making yourself do all the literal chores required.


if nothing is threatening, then again, how is spending the travel time on the ground or in the air any different? aside from the fact that being on the ground forces you to know where to go, how to get there, and to exert a minimum of effort.

Time and convenience. The 4 mobs that knock you off your mount aren’t threatening and won’t kill you but it’s a needless inconvenience.

How is it effort riding to the same place each day?

Flight for every prior expansion should become available the moment it’s no longer current.

No pathfinder, nothing else.


buy a barding once

so even less reason flying is superior to ground, except that people have decided it’s necessary and blizz has capitulated, rather than designing zones with no flying intended and fixing their quicktravel system.

(edit) there’s literally no point in putting forth any design effort for open world if you let and encourage people fly over everything you’ve designed. you may as well just roll an arbitrary number to decide how far away something is going to be and put a chest on the ground if flying from goal to goal is the status quo

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Lol…ZM sucks so hard no one should even bother this late in the expansion.
Just ignore it exists.
Get the 233 AH gear which is more than enough to start DF content

The point comes in when you’re leveling alts.

No, it is not difficult to just mount up and ride out to your objective on the ground. It’s easy to maneuver around mobs; but I’ve already seen it before. Going to the destination is formulaic. There’s no aspect of exploration or wonder when leveling in older content.

So there isn’t really any reason why I shouldn’t be able to just get on my flying mount, hit up the objectives, and then fly back at double the speed of my ground mount. If I’m leveling a new character to get to the current relevant content, I don’t want to waste too much time while doing it.

Or just wait until this Tuesday and buy the 252 blues. :dracthyr_nod:

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or that, lol

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Well, my point was that they’d design content to be the scale for 200% movement speed instead of 400%, and they’d fix their flightpath system so that instead of afking to fly twice the distance, you actively play for similar or shorter travel time, and they get to make the world more dynamic and have people actually engage in the environment rather than deliberately skipping everything because it’s less travel time.

I’d be fine with them separating flying from the pathfinder achievement for old expansion content.

Let the achievement be for the mount.


It varies from expansion to expansion. At one point we couldn’t fly in Panda land through Legion then all of a sudden we could. I don’t remember anything like Pathfinder which for the casuals is almost impossible.

Then we couldn’t fly at all in SL, then suddenly we could which made Threads of Fate dramatically easier.

That being said, most BFA zones are pretty flat, very few places that are hard to fight your way out after a quest and there are plenty of flight masters so it’s not that difficult to get around.

Iunno, maybe i’ll make a thread on this whole subject of handouts when i have more time and can write my thoughts clearly but i will say, i do not know what alot of people in this thread, the forum as a whole, reddit, ect actually want out of this game. Its as if anything that takes a modicum of effort is bad as every player deserves god mode just for exiating.


How is it not?


It’s not great, and especially now that there’s dragonriding. There’s no excuse to fight against it lol.

Flying was originally bought at max level, just an fyi for those that enjoy defending the ‘nu devs’ that do dumb stuff like Pathfinder.

Can you hover? Especially over say mining/herb nodes? Can you hit numlock and just keep flying where you were headed? Do you not have to hit any buttons to keep going? :3 It goes on and on like that

Everyone currently has to land for herbing and mining. No one can hover for that.

Oh, god forbid you can’t watch Netflix for two seconds to get where you’re going. You do realize that I traversed 4 zones in 3 minutes, yes? I think you can handle not AFKing.

No. You don’t. Only if you want to get higher.

It really doesn’t. But I’m not surprised you’re still on this rampage. I mean, that video was specifically made for you when you ranted over something about how it’s too hard to do, claiming it doesn’t work the way we said it works and that video proved it did.

:yawning_face: Moving on from this.