I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

Nobody said they were. They’re just a needless and pointless grind for grind’s sake.

No, no it’s not. Flying should be available right at max level.


Pathfinder isn’t content.


Thankfully it SEEMS Ion has learned a hard lesson on this with DF and might actually be heading down the old path of designing the game FOR flight instead of being controlling and trying to kill flight or make it an afterthought.
DF is frikkin amazing where flight is concerned. Absolutely love it. I just hope those who have motion sickness issues like the wife can handle it.

Yeah…I’d legit quit and not a “oh grrrr I’m not happy so I’ll sit around and complain about it for 6 months while I stay subbed”. I’d dip out and bet MANY would as well.

According to beta, BFA pathfinder gets removed this upcoming Tuesday.


Well they might end up having an option like the vendors for Grimrail and Deathwings Spine for a potion or something to remove some of the effects.

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And theyre literally defending PF for ONE expansion now, lmao.
WoD and Legion no longer require PF for flight.
SLs uses renown and it throws renown at you now so youre going to be flying pretty easily and quickly compared to when it was new.
ZM is the annoyance, but even its not full blown PF.
DF will be tossing you airborne day one unless they change things from the beta.
There is ZERO valid reason not to just open flight up in BFA, remove the PF requirement, at this point in time…especially given Legion and WoD.


Honestly, there are so many games that have no flying at all, if blizz would remove the time sink of auto-travel, would anyone fundamentally miss flying? (like you get to click on a flightpath and load there instantly)

Does it?
I havent been on beta in a bit.

They need to remove pathfinder for good.
Max level flying for gold again.


Pathfinder is an achievement that is made up of doing content. As already pointed out in the thread.

ESO travel is sooo much faster than WoW, because of that.
But I dont see Bliz giving up that precious ‘travel time is content’ aspect of this game…ever.
My guess is, based on their removal of portals around the game, that they dont like portal travel at all because its TOO fast…not enough time /played.

Then maybe people who don’t like flying should go play those games instead.

Yes. Because once you arrive at said FP you still have to slog around on the ground to get to your destination.

So you agree pathfinder isn’t content. Good.


Don’t forget how to get flying in ZM though. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Don’t think that should be counted. ZM isn’t technically leveling content.

if everyone is in the same boat, then what’s the difference between flying afk for 2 minutes to the flightpath and not flying at all, but running on the ground for 2 minutes to get to your destination?

The devs weren’t wrong when they pointed out that people flying over content that’s supposed to be threatening is inimical to their ability to create dynamic play experiences. If they took out flight entirely but made it so travel time was essentially cut to only short journeys through threats, I wouldn’t miss flying and the devs could make the world as easy or threatening as they like and players would get the full intended experience.

It’s the wishy-washy insistence that flying is necessary that has spawned stuff like pathfinder, so that people will actually play the game instead of just flying to the thing they want and waiting for the respawn for 15 minutes.

Well no, but ZM was practically impossible to navigate without flying, once it was unlocked. I saw so many people who were late to getting flying by a few months, complaining about getting to rares too late, or they were too far, or “How do you get to Tahkwitz?”

It was important solo content for an entire patch and even the one after, because of the flux. Flying was essential, not because it was designed for it in every case, but because those who did have flying made it a nightmare for people who didn’t.

It’d be like if you were questing in BFA in warmode and a guy dropped down on ya. You run and get out of combat, but you can’t fly, so he just hunts you down like a hawk, lol.

I dont disagree with removing bfa pf but i do think this raises a pretty good question of if everything eventually just gets handed to people, whats even the point in playing this game? Feels so like…empty to have a mentality where putting in effort for something that gives a reward is bad.


Increasingly, the people who stick around and play the game are suckers.