I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

Define “content” because nothing about this style systems is content in the definition most players are looking for. Most people would mean when they say they want content:

Content = Engaging mechanics in the game that allow meaningful and fun interaction.

Nothing about the PF systems or similar old school design systems fit that. Most of those style systems are in the game not for engagement but to enforce their ideology of what is “correct” play onto the player which is the opposite of meaningful engagement.


Anything that some people like to do in the game and requires effort from Blizzard to exist.

Yes it is. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it isn’t content. I don’t like arena, that doesn’t mean arena isn’t content.


Flight is the genie you can’t put back in the bottle, since they take it away regularly with the intent to restore it, many people claim to quit while waiting for flight to come back. Maybe the dragonriding system will end up ameliorating this issue.

I would have more respect for the devs if they would take away flying in an expansion, design the scale and zone pathing with lack of flying in mind, and stick to their guns. As is, I don’t mind seeing the world from the ground, but the frustration of being inefficient when you know it’s just an arbitrary period they’re enforcing is my least favorite aspect of the flight issue.


I’m sorry, “I had to do it when it was new” is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

I have PFs and allieds on this account, probably most or all of them. and Im first in line to say to open both up for everyone.
Theyve opened up flight for Legion and WoD., theres no reason not to do the same with BFA when DF drops.

Great thing about DF is you’ll have flight from day one just running the main questline. Its actually a lot of fun playing thru, getting each dragon model and finding the dragon glyphs to get better at dragon riding.

If Ion holds out on BFA it’ll be the only content left that has flight thats a pain to get. SL’s was very easy, and even ZM wasnt that much of a deal.
No reason to hold out on ONE expansions worth of PF crap.


This is personal taste agnostic though. I don’t like mythic raid but it still has engagement and meaningful interaction. Those are objective measurable standards. It’s not subjective.

Meaningful interaction means your input has a determining factor on how the situation plays out.

Engagement is common marketing and is a measure of how well content can retain a user and gain interaction over the relevancy period of the content being measured.

Those 2 things aren’t subjective. Regarding pathfinder, it’s really the reputation system because that’s all pathfinder is really, benchmarks on the reputation system, no one has issue with the other portions of pathfinder typically. However, ever since they moved the reputation system to be basically just world quest based it doesn’t fit those 2 metrics anymore.

Personal input and decisions dont matter in world quests. They are generally terrible at keeping player attention in relation to the other end-game content hence why they keep trying to find ways to throw rewards and achievements at it to brute force the engagement. Literally a carrot on a stick. Which is why reputation is being re-worked for new content. It simply objectively wasnt good content.


I did PF for all of the expansions and I’m perfectly fine if Blizz ever decides to just give it away for old content. Could not care less.


Unlock allied races

Get rid of pathfinder


PF isnt content. its an achieve you get by DOING the content.
Leave the content…remove the achieve that serves NO good reason in old expansions other than to waste time.


Why is it necessary to have something if it only helps complete irrelevant things?


i stopped trying to get PF in BFA didnt do it in SL should be base game not a unlock



But the problem here is that the OP doesn’t want to do the content.


and…he shouldnt HAVE to do it now to get flight in an expansion that old.


“I don’t want to do BfA stuff, but I want flying so I can do BfA stuff.”

Makes no sense.


SL flight was very easy to get, just a renown thing that goes by pretty easily.
BFA is another story. PF there needs to be removed to get flight


please stop trying to pretend to be obtuse…thanks
you KNOW the game is easier to get that content done WITH flight as opposed to WITHOUT flight. stop playing games.
He…WE…want OLD content to drop the flight restrictions just like WoD and Legion have had so we can do that old content without having it drawn out 5 times longer by having to ground travel everywhere

YOU KNOW the issue here, stop acting like you dont


I’ve never seen anyone defend pathfinder that way, lol.

It should be grandfathered or relegated to a vendor at this point.


The only problem with Pathfinder is that it doesn’t actually award flight. It gives an IOU for flight later in the expansion.

For old expansions, that one-and-only problem is eliminated, since flight is there waiting for you.

The requirements are trivial.

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Correction; I want leveling to be faster on new characters if I want to level them through BFA. Having Flight starting at level 30 helps with that.

They really aren’t. The requirements as they stand right now are that you need to earn Revered reputuation with six factions just for Part One. Questing, at a minimum, gets you only to Honored. At which point, you need to complete world, daily, and emissary quests.

Difficult? No. Unnecessarily time-consuming when it’s old and irrelevant content? Absolutely. Flight shouldn’t be gated to begin with.


for example. I have BFA PF on this account, Im nearly positive…but on my other account where my main character is, I dont. And I WONT bother trying to get it again for another account.
Which leaves me just not bothering with BFA at all. Im not going to waste my time in the ONLY content I CANT fly in on that account.


hope they unlock bfa flying soon for you (though for my money it has some of the weakest main campaign story ever told, be forewarned) and at least there’s only one expac left where flight is tied to pathfinder!

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