Because the only reason I’m posting in this thread is because another poster tried to make the claim that Dragonriding isn’t flying. Since Dragonriding works similar to how most planes work, and most planes can’t just stop on a dime, hover, ignore physics, and ignore gravity, then by comparison it would be like saying an airplane isn’t actually flying.
By coming in here and joining the conversation already at hand, it appeared you were trying to argue in favor of the other poster.
I understand that some people prefer the non-Dragonriding flight. I’m not arguing about which one is better. Just arguing that Dragonriding is flying.
Should get unlocked by going to pain the the butt spots for each map. Then you still explore but get flying after.
I dont understand why they took levels away from vanilla wow players, they made it not fun for returning player having to level their mains again through levels they have already done. It discourages people from wanting to play again. If classic wasnt out i wouldnt be playing wow right now.
Flying isn’t content. Flying does not skip any content. Flying gets you to content.
Pathfinder was never great
This is only partially correct; Druids could purchase their flight forms at 60, but normal flight was originally only purchasable at 70. This level requirement was only brought down during Wrath of the Lich King for Journeyman at 60 and Epic at 70 because, wouldn’t you know it, Blizzard didn’t want to lock flight for Outland for people leveling more alts or new players.
Maybe you should get your facts straight.
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Yep, the fact they continue to force new players into BFA with Pathfinder but then these players figure out they fly elsewhere (Incredibly common because the game literally tells you to go buy flying), turns off a lot of them.
Flying should be free and easy. I hope Dragonflight pushes us in better directions going forward. Restrictions on older content should be lifted. I’m of a similar mind to Allied races and I went through the process to unlock them. There’s absolutely no real reason why these things should be locked as they are now. We’re two expansions removed from BFA going into Dragonflight, just make them baseline or something you unlock simply by hitting 10 the first time (For Allied Races).
No, new players should have to unlock flying in all zones just like the rest of us.
Think all the old path finders should be unlocked once you have a toon at max level.
For someone leveling their first toon though… Maybe that should be done on the ground?
But otherwise, grinding out WoD and Legion path finding after the fact wasn’t the best experience.
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Have you tried and thought about not spamming dungeons and while not having flight i dont know … run around on a land mount to get places? That is something that exists you know
It was 70 then, actually. Later on brought down, as another user pointed out. Druids were the exception.
Cold weather flying required what level, if you’ll remind me?
Cataclysm, sure, because it just enabled flight in ‘old world areas’.
I will also ask you about MoP flying, Wisdom of the four winds was again something you just purchased but there was ‘tome’ added later on for alts.
I remember the WoD Pathfinder grind.
It was terrible. I did it, and it sucked.
Even though I did it “the hard way”, just give flying to everybody now.
It’s old content, and making people have to do it just because I and others did it years ago, is juvenile and dumb.
I did in WoD/Legion but didn’t have the mental wherewithal to do it in bfa/sl. I’d like to have it in bfa cuz at least the levelling zones were nice.
While, sure, the condescension here is appreciated; the first time through might not be that big of a deal to many people in terms of how necessary Flight is, or isn’t–but it gets annoying when you’re leveling alts, especially when you consider you’re leveling through what is essentially long-outdated content. All you want to do is just get those alts leveled as quick as you can.
You’ve already run through that content before, multiple times. That you don’t have access to Flight in what Blizzard considers the normal leveling experience after the first several times you level a character is an annoyance.
Since Warlords and Legion has lost their Pathfinder requirements, it’s time for BFA to do so as well. I don’t get why this is such a hard concept for folks to wrap their heads around. You’re not losing or gaining anything if you already have the achievements.
EDIT: I also haven’t run a single dungeon on the two characters I’ve leveled to 50/60 so far and each time going through stories I’d already gone through multiple times was an insufferable slog that could have been mitigated by having access to Flight.
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They are neccessary since bfa wether old or current content is still part of the game. If you only want to play a single aspect of the game then you are not an mmo gamer and should find simplier games instead.
Mmo games are wide and varied with different contents, if you only want to do single content then dont play an mmo.
Its not even inconvenient. You can finish bfa flying in a week. Its also not that difficult so i dont know why you cant do it at all.
It was true when a person I know tested, this would mean it’s changed since then.
What is the pointing you’re getting at? Are we not getting BFA pathfinder for DF?
You seem to keep missing the point so I’ll spell it out for you;
It being easy is not the point, the argument is that it is completely pointless and unnecessary.
Explain to me, what does locking flight behind a pair of meta achievements-- one that, for one, players are not really even told exist unless they go searching for it–achieve? What is done in-game to encourage people to grind BFA reputations and explore Nazjatar and Mechagon for Pathfinder Pt. 2?
Players are told they can buy flight at 30. But they go and do it, they go back to leveling in BFA and suddenly they’re not able to fly. Oh, go to a different expansion and use flight there. Okay, but what in the game informs them that they have that choice?
Perception matters. The game does not do enough to tell new players that they can pursue these options.
Your point that “oh, you should just go and play simpler games” is also unnecessarily condescending and arrogant. How about no? I’ve been playing WoW for 16 years and that isn’t about to change.
Pathfinder isn’t content. It’s anti-content. The individual tasks which lead to its completion are content, but no one should be forced to do them for an entirely unrelated reward. If I want to do those quests and experience those storylines I will do them on my own time and because I actually want to.
And if you can’t entice me to do them for those reasons then tough shirt. Get better at writing and quest design. It’s only in MMOs that the reader gets blamed for not liking the story instead of the author. If Stephen King writes a trashpile people blame Stephen King for writing a bad book, but if he were to write an equally awful series of quests people would blame the players for not wanting to engage with them. MMOs are writing on easy-mode even. You have a captive audience that you can repeatedly attempt to lure into your story over hundreds of hours, and you can use bloody set pieces and 3d models and cut scenes. If you can’t get players interested with all those handicaps you really are a hack.