Oh please It’s nothing but a time wasting slog to unlock a baseline feature such as travel. There’s nothing difficult about it except mustering up the willpower to slog through the chores.
Absolute asinine statement.
Oh please It’s nothing but a time wasting slog to unlock a baseline feature such as travel. There’s nothing difficult about it except mustering up the willpower to slog through the chores.
Absolute asinine statement.
This is one of the more cringe things I’ve read on this forum. That’s saying something…
Classic TBC flying was 1000g just like the original. It’s just that gold is easier to come by and players in 2022 arent stupid with their gold like players in 2007 were and know to hoard their gold until the end when they reach Shadowmoon Valley for the 800g license to fly in Outlands then the 200g slow flying mount.
I easily got the 1000g on my first char in Classic TBC by just questing, vendoring green/trash and not buying trivial items off the AH. And this was my main who was broke after Classic Naxx and had about 50g across 3 toons.
This is absolutely how it should be done. Reward players with PATHFINDING and EXPLORING a zone. Playing FF14 and learning Flying was just ‘find the green wind balls’ hidden in the map I almost had an aneurysm at how painlessly easy it was compared to the months of daily grinding for reputations given to me at a snail’s pace to have the privilege to go fast on a ground mount or god forbid, do the pathfinding TWICE and spend 6+ months to just fly.
It’s garbage gameplay only made and kept in nu-WoW so Bobby can show shareholders that people are ‘playing our games and player retention is ok’ and not the fact that it sucks and people hate doing it. AND the fact people are on here DEFENDING such shameless and crappy “”“Gameplay rewards”“” just shows that you’re painfully addicted, got nothing to do with your lives except be proud that you wasted hours, days and even months on a WoW achievement that in previous expansions just required gold to unlock.
It is not a good system. It’s not a good “gameplay reward”, it will lead to burn out which is exactly what happened to me in BFA. Doing horrible chores every day fora small little gain of “75 rep points” is disgusting when in previous xpacs I could just grind a dungeon with friends, do heroics with said faction tabard on and get the rep done within a week or two. I honestly hope the person who implemented these changes back then got fired.
While it is a point of convenience, consider that it is also only relevant to veteran players, first.
And then, in the lens of a veteran player…this is just part of the RPG portion of the MMORPG. You do not NEED those unlocks for leveling. And those unlocks, outside of Chrome time, do carry economic value to them as well, much like they did back then.
And THAT fits the bill for the crafter/economy lane, where unlocks such as that ARE part of the game play, even when they may not seem like it, or if others may not utilize it as such.
Beyond the WHY as to why these should remain in place to some degree, I think it’s also fair to look at this from the other direction, regarding the time and effort required to unlock something like BFA pathfinder.
For Part 1 and 2, Explore is entirely free, and Lorrmaster is reasonable as to expect one to experience the story content at least once before a shortcut to it exists. By doing these two, you already do the majority of the legwork for the rep achieve for part 1.
Thus, the real effort less lies with the world quests, and effectively two additional rep grinds. Everything else can basically be accomplished within a day or two of playing, and that’s a very trivial amount of time for an unlock in most MMOs, and would take most people less effort to just go do it than to fume about it for a time or two and debate it. Everything up to this point is absolutely reasonable to keep intact.
Of those remaining three items, the world quests doesn’t really take much PLAY time or effort, but it does have some IRL delay. This is probably a good candidate to less and/or remove. If they lessened it to around 20-30, chances are you could busy them out IRL rather quickly, but I’d argue the time effort at that point becomes near trivial, and this req should go away.
Of the two additional rep grinds for part 2, Nazjatar is an easy easy grind solo, but mechagon was annoying even when there was an abundance of help. These two conditions are probably fair game to less and/or remove. While I think lessening Naz and removing Mecha would be ideal from an effort perspective, I also felt as if subsequent reps should not have been the bottleneck on any part 2, and axing both rather than one is easier and more uniform.
But that lends to a better philosophy; it is fine to have a Pathfinder for flight unlock, but it should never really require more than an expansion’s base story content, give or take some rep and tasks, to achieve in the first place.
I mean, it isn’t really like the grind is even remotely lengthy nor that bad, and the only one that ever had been was the WoD rep grind, and ONLY because they nerfed those rep rates retroactively.
So I think curbing back Pathfinder a little makes sense, but there is certainly value on many lanes in keeping a gate in place of some kind
But OP, it’s not up to us if Pathfinder is kept.
We can have all the hot takes in the world but blizzard ultimately decides. Took them several years before they realized flying gone for a year doesn’t work so they are experimenting with dragonriding.
Pathfinder is also the lowest kinda hanging fruit per se as to call it content that they do it 'cause it’s the laziest way to give you a cheese to chase after.
I could not care less if they made it all unlocked automatically. I’m guessing BFA might be next once DF is released but something tells me they may leave it untouched or lessen requirements even more.
I’d like to know this as well.
I can’t think of any value in making me wait 6 IRL MONTHS to wait to fly when I only need, say, a week or two to experience 80% of all the zones have to offer on one character, and another week or two for another character, etc.
By then, the no fly thing just turns everything into a chore, going through the same mob-infested roads, around the same sheer cliff walls conspicuously placed just to hinder progress, etc.
You can take a look at zones like Revendreth and Zuldazar and just see the meticulous design that went into making these zones as unpleasant as possible to traverse on foot. You can tell they designed these zones for maximum time-wastage.
What kind of “value” could there possibly be in frustrating us to the point we would rather quit than continue playing?
I wound up taking long breaks from the game, days at a time (usually only to do Pet Battle dailies on alts to get them on 60), once I got Revered with all the reps, just waiting for Pathfinder to come out so I could actually start having fun. Is that good game design?
I don’t think so…
I have 32 characters. All but 1 is Level 60 (the newest one I made a couple weeks ago). Almost Half of them have never been to Oribos. They got there through a mix of pet battles, archaeology, and daily quests outside of Shadowlands.
That should tell you how much I didn’t want to be stuck on the ground. I spent weeks just logging in for 5 minutes a day to do a few pet battle dailies and log off because I hated being stuck on the ground in Shadowlands. Did the same thing in BfA too. And Legion. And heck, even WoD, I have characters who were made before WoD, who levelled up through WoD Levels who don’t even have a garrison unlocked.
happy balance?
from an abusive company… … hmm
Yeah, I agree. I don’t have any problem at all doing them in the current expac but once it’s over, I don’t think you should have to.
Honestly they did hood on flying in shadowlands. No insane rep grinds, just play yhru the campaign which was easy. Even a new player can get it within 3 hours after hitting 60
No youre not. If you are, you wouldnt be crying here about the simplest of things. Lol.
Only kids complain about these stuff because of the generation you grew up with. Thats why I suggest try newer games as they cater more to your generation of everything being handed to them with relative ease and got spoiled by instant gratification on video games. Perhaps some idle games would suit you more.
WoW isnt like that. Its meant to be played.
I would just change pathfinder to be explore achievements. No rep or anything. Just exploring stuff.
Ignorant generalization. I’m not surprised. Not even going to bother looking at my achievements to see that this character’s been active since at least before Wrath of the Lich King.
Even adults find inconveniences annoying.
This is false information. I just logged onto the beta with a character in Boralus and a character in Nazmir and tried to fly. Both of them have flying, neither were able to fly in BFA zones.
45 year old here with a full time job and two kids. I DO NOT have time for pathfinder bs either when it’s current or 3 years after the expansion WAS current. And your post comes off as a child pretending to be an adult.
…after a NINE MONTH RL wait.
Sure, today, you can “just do the campaign and get flying within 3 hours” but back in the day?
You had to wait NINE EFFING MONTHS to fly.
And even then, you had to grind up to Renown 40 before starting on Korthia, and back then, Renown was only 2-per-week once you got caught up to the current cap. So it was a long and arduous grind, and/or lots of waiting RL time to pass.
Achievements means nothing. For all I know you bought your account lol.
Anyways the whole point is if its inconvenient for you then dont do it. Rewards are there because of the effort you put in. This concept is pretty hard to understand for you kids nowadays but thats how things work back then and should always be for WoW.
WoW isnt meant for the newer generations. Pathfinders are already super easy to finish.
If youre 45 and dont have time for a simple achievement then i suggest dont play games at all and try to better your life first lol.
Family > job > game.
If you dont have time to play a game then get a better job that lets you do so.
Earning 6 figures a year with extra time is easy if you develop your skills enough in real life.
I’ve gotten all flight content unlocked so far, the only real ballache for me was Warlords because of how grindy it is. Wouldn’t matter to me if you had to pay to unlock it or it was given freely, then again I’ve hated Pathfinder since the day it was announced.
The whole point is that because BFA is not recent content there is no point in forcing people to grind reputations they’re not going to care about to get something that they get unlocked at level 30 anyway.
And I never said they were difficult but they are unnecessary. BFA is outdated content by this point.