There’s a problem with that.
Wrath: They made all but two zones assuming you did not have flying, and did not let you have flying on your first character until you arrived at a level high enough to quest in those 2 zones designed around flying.
Cata: One of the zones was underwater, and the other three seemed to be built around flying, and anytime they did not want you flying, they forced you to escort or go into long lengthy caverns.
MoP: Could not fly until you reached max level and pay a modest fee.
There are ways to deal with flying and the leveling experience without nuking flying altogether. Of all of the above, I think Wrath and MoP did it best; just not let you get the flying ability until you are a certain level (or max level).
That, and/or stop making us equip items just to remove the most lame mechanic in the history of WoW: Daze Dismounting. There is nothing good, compelling, fun, or engaging about getting knocked off your mount because you got love-tapped in the back from 50 feet away because somehow enemies can ignore melee distance while you’re moving at 120% (if you’re a Paladin) groud speed and hit you from 50 feet away and knock you off your mount. /eyeroll It is also so lame when that happens.
And/or maybe actually give us reasonable paths through the zones. I remember back in the days of TBC, you could go through Zangarmarsh, Nagrand, or even Terokkar on the roads, even when underlevelled and usually not find very many aggressive mobs in many places. Heck, even places like Borean Tundra, Fjord, etc you can do that too, travel along roads even with mobs are orange to you and have increased aggro range, and not get into fights.
Nowadays? Pfft, every road has a bunch of “trash packs” (those mobs without full nameplates that don’t drop loot when killed) all around them, and it’s nearly impossible to travel roads without constant aggro in some places, and quests are conveniently set up that force you to ride through lots of aggressive, and annoying enemies.
Like, for example, in Tiragarde Sound, how many fricken aggressive deer did they think they needed to stick along the roads in the southern area of the zone? And of course, it’s always 3 at a time and they do absolutely ridonkulous damage if they knock you off your mount and you’re forced to fight them.
Gee, I can’t fathom why people want to fly, as they made terrain and mob density as annoying as possible. I didn’t mind questing on the ground in Zangarmarsh and Terokkar, or even Nagrand in TBC Classic before I could fly. Well, Nagrand starts to get mildly annoying with all the valleys and stuff, but Terokkar and Zangarmarsh were fine. Or even HFP wasn’t too bad outside of a couple spots.
They need to go back to those zones and analyze them, play them on the ground, and realize why we hate no-flying in modern WoW.