I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

Now look at CN, not sepulchur. My guild’s been taking a break for pre-patch until evokers are out, so this has been mostly in pugs.

I only see 5 bosses, and only your WW healing are close to my DPS damage.

Damage to bosses only makes it look worse for you.

Ohhh. so you’re admitting to abusing the reporting system, got it.

There’s you denying you alt-swapped to both avoid an ignore and sockpuppet in a thread you were posting on your other char on while you continuously mocked RPers.

Sorry, not really. It’s also why your parses are lower, overall. Should probably learn the difference between healing/DPS parsing and how I still outperform you in alt specs vs your main spec. <3

Nope! Blizzard has no problem with you switching to alts to report posts as long as you’re not using alts to report single posts more than once. Should probably educate yourself.

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You (unless you have another WCL you think would be more accurate):
You (limited to DPS Spec):


i thought this was a thread about pathfinder, why are you two acting like children over raids?

Eh, it’s fun putting pawzer in a catch-22. Either they can claim that they lied about their main toon earlier, or admit that I’m playing better than them RN.

I’m not, just said poster gets really upset that it turns out they’re not a very good player while they call tons of other players bad/casuals. They can’t help but bring it up in basically every thread because they prefer to attack others instead of arguments about the thread topic. They really enjoy sockpuppeting, too.

You mean, it’s like “casual” or “pay to win”. Everybody has their own definition and your own personal idiosyncratic definition is the only right one.

Which means that being made to wait an entire year isn’t “time-gating” to you, and we should accept that you are right and all of us enjoyed being stuck on the ground, looking up at the underside of copy-paste tree canopies and trying to find the obfuscated path to the top.

You “proved” that it wasn’t “time-gating” according to those of you who are doing PR triage on the forums, therefore we didn’t actually have to wait, and we all enjoyed being stuck on the ground for an entire year. You proved it, maybe if you copy and paste it a dozen more times people might accept that your talking point is God’s Truth™.

Except of course for the people who left over what felt like a stupid year long grind. They’re gone, and you share responsibility for supporting a time gating feature that has probably been responsible for more players leaving than any other. So gratz, I guess you succeeded if your goal was to reduce the game population by 90% since the start of wod?

I’m going to assume typo there.

Also: I never said my definition was the only one. Why do you think I spent an entire post explaining how we can see both sides of things? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You really need to learn to read and comprehend before you start condescending with personal attacks like you always do.

Step off your pedestal, Karen.

Just imagine if they didn’t keep putting things in the game they knew people were going to hate, you wouldn’t have to be here doing PR triage for them in an effort to convince players that the version of reality you are pushing on us is the only possible reality and what everybody remembers is false. Because you say so, Karen.

Copy and paste your own comments harder. Keep telling yourself if only you copied and pasted what everybody knows is false often enough, they would accept your fabricated reality and become good little drones.

Seriously, you have told us in the past that you have no choice but to copy and paste your comments repeatedly because people don’t agree with you yet.

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Considering I never once said I was for or against any of this, you once again made crap up to act all holier than thou and go after me for no reason.

Sorry your reading comprehension is so poor and you keep getting corrected that it makes you this angry. :wave:

Give ppl that bother to get pathfinding a real nice mount, that doesnt show up later in the shop or free in another expac, then in old expacs let them have flying for free but they dont get the mount, problem solved.

They already did that. Twice.

You could of course ask yourself why you feel the need to provide unpaid labor for a multi-billion dollar company that doesn’t even care whether their product is accepted by their remaining customer base.

Sorry your lack of understanding why and how people play videogames means you have helped to make the game less successful. People keep pointing this out to you, but you can’t stop yourself from fixating on some small factoid.

You have already lost. You and those you work with haven’t changed anybody’s mind. Except about you.

Please show me where I’ve done this here in this thread. I’ll wait.

Better yet? Let’s look back at the reason I posted in here:

And then I had to explain some things to someone on that particular point.

And then I said this:

And then agreed with this:

And then said this:

And then I explained that hovering isn’t being removed from the game. THEN said this:

Right there giving two sides to the time gate conundrum and plainly stating that I wasn’t sure where it would fall.

So you want to tell me how I’m playing “Blizzard shill” with any of that? Or are you going to continue to not read things like you never do and just act all holy and mighty?

Seriously… get over yourself.

Bruh why you responding to murdercarpet? All they do is twist everything to suit their insane logic.


LOL… fair point. You’re right.

LMAO accurate

Ground travel is a better way to experience new zones, imho. I am having to go back and get Pathfinder now for BfA, because I didn’t play it when current. I’m not complaining. After all, it’s irrelevant content, right? So if you’re just mucking about, Pathfinder gives you something to work toward.

Flight has more uses than just going from point A to point B

For instance, I am in a semi-dangerous spot collecting 13/20 Large Bear Butts and my downstairs washing machine buzzer goes off. I hop on my flight mount, fly upwards for a few seconds, and am safe from mobs roaming below me as I finish my laundry. When I return I am ready to land and continue punching innocent wildlife in the face to collect those juicy Bear Butts.

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Like a broken record. That’s all you did with my posts too. I see a pattern here.