I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

Eh fair enough. I don’t have a dog in that fight.

I used the price of the big gold sink mount to get a conversion factor from wrath to start of SL, and arrived at the wrath system would have cost me 2.25M gold to fly in SL under that system, the same way I can with pathfinder.

Try reading. God forbid, I know.

Why do you think there would be such a cost associated with flying? There’s been no precedent set. BC was 5k for fast flying. You weren’t buying flying, you were buying a flying speed. Every expansion until WoD, you bought a flight license for a pittance.

Oh you think I was actually asking, no you’ve proven nothing. You’ve also not even answered my question. Nice dodge.

I’m just going to quote this one more time and hope you actually READ IT.


It existed day 1 of the expansion though. That’s my point if you could pay attention for a bit.

And every time I visit General Discussion, I’m amazed at the number of people subscribing to the game just to complain on this forum they don’t want to play it.

This is unique to General Discussion, though, you don’t find people who sub but never want to play the game on any other forums, or youtube/twitter/reddit, etc.

It’s just here.

Actually not quite true. The FFXIV board is similar. Constant complaining yet everybody is subbed.

FF14 has its own forum? I just assumed they had none, since they all come here to post about their game.

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It does! It just looks like a 1999 forum though. I enjoy both games though.

I see you still refuse to read what’s in front of your face. Good job acting obtuse and proving.you aren’t worth the conversation.

So you’re telling me that BC through MoP, if a player leveled to max on day one, they couldn’t obtain flying?

Still refusing to read and comprehend.

Good riddance to a bad argument on your part. Done goodbye.

Refusing to answer a simple question. That’s pretty sad really.

You still don’t, unless you’re talking about alts?

Nah, I only do it to people like Caps that like to bring out tons of posts about how they’re better than other people and casuals.

Go back to your older posts and you did a lot of that, ironic.

That’s funny, Because I’m seeing pre-patch M CN by ilvl I’m at 98.9 best, 94.8 median to your 94.0 best, 77.0 median

I see 3 bosses, and your “Best perf average” is 89.6. Compare my 2 DPS parses at… 94. That’s also by ilvl. One of those parses is a 100. You all good?

Sadly Blizzard has a set amount of reports per 24 hours per char, just forgot to switch back to reply!

Though, for yourself if you want me to bring up you ACTUALLY sockpuppeting on Bästilä we can play that game <3

Forgot which toon you were logged into to sockpuppet?

Flying was bought at max level… back in the days when people didn’t have 100s of thousands of gold laying around from years of no reliable gold sinks being present in the game and we aren’t doing daily auction trades that are valued at the price of historical gold sinks and or a guild’s worth of repairs for a MONTH.

Honestly the only reason we don’t have flying at level cap auto unlock now is because of the stupid requirements that the OP is probably mentioning like BFA’s original need for revered with effectively EVERY expansion reputation or something like 9.2’s elite/treasure hunt that might be ignored by someone.

And yes there’s an excuse to argue for… “why not both” Cause I like the account wide achievement unlock position still and simply hate what some of those achievement hurdles are due to the timegate nature the devs seem to take (BFA’s revered with all factions bit when it was current)