I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

I’m sorry, I had to do it when it was new?

1k gold per toon in wrath is not super cheap.

The moment DF releases flight should be included in every expansion minus DF.

Nice cutting off what I said that proves my point.

Poor attempt.

There sure isn’t when your kind of people cut off explanations in a bad attempt to be right abd your bad argument.

And you’re using it wrong. So stop. Limited time items are not a psychological phenomenon for everyone.

Except they don’t. So your argument is moot.

You forget as well that once BC released, gold jumped up a lot and was easier to aquire than in Vanilla. At max level in BC with dailies and uncompleted quests, each completed quest’s Xp converted to gold. So on average it was 30g per quest or 35-40 for an elite. WOTLK made it even easier and gold sinks were needed.

I rather do this 10x over on all my characters and alts than do Pathfinder (which doesn’t even involve exploring!! It’s timegated repgrinds!!) to unlock flying.

Either go back to classic and making us pay for flying, or make flying and pathfinder be earned through exploring the regions than a chain of meta-achievements and reputation grinds.

1k gold for that tome from Dalaran is very cheap for such a huge QOL change for an alt. it makes levelling go so much faster. And with it being available at lv.68, it means more gold to pay for stuff at 80, or to pay for another alt’s flying tome.

BfA Pathfinder isn’t unlocked yet? I don’t see why it shouldn’t be so I agree with you.

Perhaps they also should streamline unlocking the other races as well for everyone and revisiting them to smooth out unlocking them quicker.

Hence why I was trying to adjust the prices for inflation.

Happening this upcoming Tuesday.

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Except that they are which is why many players are against them.

And no… The achievements are meant to grant flying. If that’s removed then so are the mounts… It’s common sense.

So yeah no free flying unless you willing to give those mounts up.

My best guess is that the spaghetti code is so bad that removing things might cause just as many problems as adding things in.

Are they not changing this though? I mean they gave us WoD and Legion pathfinding for anyone who doesn’t have it and I’m not entirely sure but I assume we’re getting it in BFA as well once DF launches? I already earned them all when they were new so I can’t test this but hopefully they do add BfA to everyone who doesn’t already have it with flying those zones are actually enjoyable to go around.

Both mounts are still in the game, genius.

Ah well good then! Glad others can just have it right away.

Yes it was. You could make about 700g just from leveling and vendoring the trash/not needed equipment. It was a joke amount.

Proves what exactly? Flying was available day one of expansion launch BC through MoP. How are you going to deny this?

Are the achievements still needed to fly?

Retail gold sources are still massively inflated from wrath. Either way, if they reverted to the wrath/BC system for flying, you (or somebody else on the forums), would loudly complain that it was just a push to sell wow tokens, especially since the gold was per character.

Ironic given your post was exactly that, being angry at my posts because you dislike me. You do kinda follow me around like a lost puppy.

Dragonriding has a bunch of issues with it that flying doesn’t have, therefore it’s inferior. That simple. Blizzard knows this, it’s why they won’t release flying and allow people to freely fly at the same time.

Let’s be real, You are trying to flame me now that I have better ilvl parses than you do now.

Now we’re playing what if scenarios? You can’t stay on topic. You just deflect and dodge when you’ve been proven wrong.

Case in point :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That was a jab at a specific person (not you), who has a history of saying things to the effect of “your parses are bad, so you are bad and are not allowed an opinion”.