I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

Later being the key word. In order to be able to avoid the time gate, you had to wait out the time gate.

But the Covenant campaign WAS a true time gate. Notice the “was.” Because I was speaking of the past when it was introduced. Not the end of the expansion when the time gate has now lapsed.

That makes it a staggered release, not a time gate.

If it were a true time gate, you would need to wait a week between chapters NO MATTER WHEN YOU DID THEM

Every time I visit these forums I am always amazed to find you having the worst possible takes on this game. This is the same guy who said The Maw was actually good, but people were just not doing it correctly which is why they didn’t enjoy it.

Yeah people who dont agree with me in video games are basically hitler. Like how could anyone disagree. With me?

A staggered release is a time gate. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Nope. But you do you.

There is no arbitrary limit on how many chapters you can do in any period of time, so long as all of the chapters have been released.

Yes, you keep glossing over this part.

But I’m not going around in circles anymore.

So is 10.0 content being time gated right now?

That’s content that’s in the game files, but hasn’t been released yet.

I definitely did not say that lol. But I honestly have no idea how you could possibly oppose unlocking old Pathfinders other than you just want to be a big turd. I didn’t even know it was possible that anyone even had this opinion because it actually just makes no logical sense to even care about.

I think you’re misunderstanding quite a lot. No one said anything about expansion releases. You’re conflating things that don’t make sense, comparing apples to shoes.

But I don’t see a way to solve this difference in perspective here, so I’ll just say I hear you, respect what you’re saying, but really, we aren’t going to see eye to eye on this. So I’ll stop, because I don’t want to argue with you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well inversely i could argue that i find it unthinkable for pathfinder reqs to be removed as i cannot fathom why people could possibly want to remove others hard work and anyome who thinks that is clearly a bad person.

I aint arguing that but seriously thats how you sound.

10.0 is going through a staggered release of content/systems. You got the UI/class updates on 10/25, Evokers and the event will release on 11/15, the dragon isles release on 11/28, and the raid/M+/PvP season will release in December. That looks like a staggered release to me, which you are claiming is a time gate.

Because that’s two totally different things. It’s like trying to compare apples to staplers.

No it has not. That’s a fact you cannot argue with. Flying in BC through MoP was available to players the day the expansions launched.

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There’s no reasoning with these kinds of people. They just enjoy arguing as a pass time. They’ll argue about literally any and everything.


Well yeah, because if you were arguing that you would sound crazy, which is why those 2 things are definitely not the same.


Why would you want flying in shadowlands? The zones were handcrafted to be annoying to traverse. Just like the zones and story were made intentionally to be the worst experience you’d ever survive through. If youre not miserable, youre playing the game wrong and wow devs dont like that.

BC/Wrath/MoP required you to both hit max level, and fork over an amount of gold that was substantial at the time, per character you wanted to fly on. BC/Wrath (after adjusting for inflation), is between 500k and 1M gold to fly, per character.

VS with pathfinder, it was do a meta achievement once on your account (which also usually gives a mount), then fly if you’ve trained flying.

First, the only marginally hefty investment was BC for the fastest flying. Regular flying was super cheap. Second are you saying flying was not available day one if you could get to max level and had the funds?

What does that have to do with anything?

That alone would be fine if there wasn’t a 7-11 month time gate stuck between the achievements.


That’s what people use the term fomo for. I know what it actually means.

But yeah, if the path finder achievements are no longer needed and are turned into legacy achievements. then so do the mounts.

So, be careful what you wish for.