Yes that says he here are warriors, I’m not refuting you there, but there isn’t a prot warrior and fury warrior in every raid. That’s all. Look at the gap between the top 3 dps and the rest. That’s what needs to be fixed. Look at arms warrior and unholy dk…. No way that’s designed like that on purpose.
Arms is a “PvP spec” so it kind of is designed like that on purpose. I think that’s stupid though, because some specs get to be really good at both.
Stating that something is a pvp spec because it has success in pvp and then turning around and stating that it can’t be good in pve because it’s good at pvp lacks logic. Becuase unholy dks/balance druids/feral druids/fire mages/affliction locks/ assasination rogues/elemental shamans… what about them?
Arms warriors damn near doing tbc dps and you said with a straight face, pvp spec???
In that case Sub rogues need a buff. They have less representation than arms warriors
I agree, it’s a really dumb excuse to let a few specs be terrible.
Sub is overcomplicated and unintuitive. I think Blizzard could come up with a way to fix this while buffing the spec by about 10%, with larger gains for most players.
I agree, fury warriors deserve a buff at this point to make up for their lack in utility/dps combination.
Buff fury’s 10 percent they still won’t touch ferals
y do they need buffs? you said it yourself, there’s no under representation, and they will be at the top in togc with more scaling and more cleave
0 dk tanks
0 rdruid
93% prot pally
56% holy pally
some balance needs to happen but it ain’t dps, certainly not fury
Didn’t feral have fine representation pre buff too? You’ll literally say anything to try keep warriors down lol.
You’re either trolling or ignorant to the topic at hand. With the buff to the Ulduar gear, Fury is performing significantly worse than people thought they would even with said ilvl increase.
The scaling simply isn’t there.
Fury might do “good” DPS after acquiring a shadowmoure, phase bis from ICC, and bis items from ruby sanctum. Cool, we get to be totally useless and undesired until the very end of the expansion.
Meanwhile this “small” buff that ferals got is going to scale insanely from here on out, and is lining up to be top dps by quite a margin according to sims.
I don’t want to be “that guy” but if nothing is addressed by ToGC beta for warriors, I’m out.
The biggest thing, is it’s not even the DPS aspect that bothers me the most. It’s the sheer lack of utility and the out right brokenness of multiple things fury warriors have to deal with.
The solution can be as simple or hard as blizzard wants to make it.
The most easy way would be to address TG penalty during ToGC ptr and tune the exact percentage based on data and feedback.
Then QoL features are much more difficult. Munching and spell batching issues are significantly more tedious to work on.
Don’t get me wrong. Because I say Fury needs a buff doesn’t mean I don’t think other classes need to be looked at.
Prot paladins needs a nerf, but since people don’t like needs, I guess buffing other tanks would work as well.
Resto druid needs their wild growth to be smart heal.
DK tanks needs some form of preventive block/absorb mechanic like other tanks. (Give them a glyph that makes their death strike shield them instead of heal them when hitting a non player target or something)
I am personally in favor of changes but I also understand that people don’t want changes, even to broken stuff like tank and healer disparity.
ohh no you’re not defacto #1 again!
awesome , i want shadowmourne for my blood dk
Pretty sure DKs can wear shadowmourne.
I personally just want to be able to enjoy the game and be somewhat desired in a competitive setting.
Possibly the most inaccurate thing I’ve read on these forums in 15 years. Hats off on this one.
Surely must have meant Fury, or something anything.
Fury warriors are brought to speed clears.
Speed clears are not indicative of general raiding. A single warrior is brought for commanding shout because tanks don’t stack for stamina, rather for threat.
They’re bis in arena though so how do you suggest they “fix” arms.
Increase dmg dealt in pve scenarios, by about 40 percent I’d say, prolly start with 30
I think that Blizzard should chime in here with their all knowing strategy plan for how this works out in their minds? Are they aware that everyone thinks Warrior is a meme? Do they have a plan?