I'm sorry, but it's time to buff Fury Warriors

Why you keep talking about buffs lmfao.

You’re down bad

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good luck with that.

It largely doesn’t matter that the gap between the top and bottom DPS is about 2k. When your raid brings 18 DPS you’ll never particularly notice that difference.

The only time that really matters is if everyone in the raid is already playing at or near their top possible performance, otherwise you’ll see more gains out of simply having people that play better regardless of the class they happen to be playing.

Compared to prior expansions, the current class balance in Ulduar is in a really solid place. If you are noticeably outplaying other classes, you are fairly likely to be ahead of them on the meters. You don’t see 50 parses beating 95s like we have had happen in the past.

There is no class balance emergency right now.

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if you truly believe that you should include hodir and vezax in understanding how a class performs you are truly beyond help and all reason


Because insisting rets be buffed because they’re the only dps spec for paladins is convenient reasoning. It ultimately suggests hybridized classes are the most deserving of buffs. In the age of dual spec it’s ridiculous to say the offspecs of paladins don’t factor in when considering the overall balance of the class in relation to others.

In a pure dps class, you can just say “Well play the good dps spec then”. It should be reasonable to say to paladins “You picked a hybridized class, pick your good spec”.

Not only that, but prot paladins are far more overpowered than ret paladins were ever underpowered.

Hybrid classes should not be penalized for being hybrids. How much healing does a ret do? Hardly none at all. Paladin happens to be the only spec in the entire game with one dps spec, so the dps spec should possess value. Even after the buff it is the lowest single target in the game while having a shadowmorne.


wait, what is your definition of scaled. because they’ve scaled massively from naxx.

you said it yourself you move up to top 5 in icc… that’s not just scaling but scaling more than other specs. In cleave you will likely be roughly tied for 1st.

if you got a massive 13% buff like you want you would be op af

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Every time I have typed that warriors can be top 5, I’ve always followed that with( they have a smourne. Why do you leave that out when you type it, the best warriors will be where they are now in ICC, in the middle of the pack.

Go back and look at fury warriors in naxx-and then in ulduar, you will find them at the bottom of the pve specs in both.


raids have like 1 ret 1 warrior, most will get it.

unless blood dps is a real thing, you’re fine

you’re more than likely 1st in line for it. must be nice…

Yeah it’s so easy to get dude, everyone will have one. You just need to do all bosses on hmode, ulduar was so easy that icc must be as well. Good to balance around that metric.

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like feral?


and btw, assassination rogues got more dps than fury in Ulduar…

warriors scale in parallel with other classes, so the 2k gap ends up being a smaller % of overall damage. Theyre pretty bad for a class that has such little utility. They should be doing as much or more/top end of what rogue/mage/dk/lock can do


dude, even the worst guilds will full clear when the buff gets to 30%.

blizz accidentally overbuffed feral, and you want them to intentionally do it for you lol

your utility is about the same as most specs in 25m… enough with this lie

Well, to be fair, unless they change the tuning in ICC, and remove the 30% buff… That place is pretty easy (other than arthas). Pre-nerf Ulduar is the hardest WotLK raid.

I don’t think I have ever seen someone that has Algalon on farm cry so much.


I disagree entirely. They have two S tier specs across two roles, that’s more than any other class. They should have been told to run as the best tank and best healer for 2.5 phases and wait for ICC where they’d eventually scale.

It’s not like they’d miss out on ret gear while being taken in literally droves to raids as tanks and healers.

No one is calling/asking for an intentional over buff. Hell, most would be happy with QoL fixes.

A slight dps buff wouldn’t be out of line either. An adjustment to the Titans Grip penalty could easily be implemented and adjusted accordingly during the ToGC ptr. Start at 5% penalty and go up or down from there based on the data. The penalty directly relates to all of our damage and would which would make tuning it, or reverting it back to 10% easy.

As for QoL issues. Try to fix batching and munching. And possibly try to design a new glyph that works around something like shattering throw. Maybe a glyph that when used will cause shattering throw to apply 5 stacks of sunder. That way we aren’t having to waste a ton of DPS at the start of a fight sundering since it’s on gcd.

Fury is simply clunky with the sunder, munching, and batching issues, and is very understandable given our pure lack of utility. As mentioned before, other classes/specs can provide everything we do while bringing more utility, more DPS, and sometimes both.

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Shattering Throw is a tough ability to change because of the pvp implications. Most of QoL changes (faster sunder, rend, sthrow) would probably need to be tied to a deep fury talent rather than a glyph just to not buff arms pvp.

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The glyph idea I heard removes the pvp aspect, ie, the immunity breaking
I see a lot about “automatically applies 5 sunders” and though I agree sundering is suffering, piggybacking it on Shattering Throw is like when lawmakers add personal agendas to important bills. If Sunder Armor is bad then it needs to be addressed at a root level, not just grafted onto another ability that gets more attention because it’s actually horrible (Shattering Throw being casted, and only in Battle Stance).

They get a massive buff final patch of Wrath and I mean dead last patch so do the prot spec for warriors as well.