I'm sorry, but it's time to buff Fury Warriors

Exactly 2:

Kings (2% of it, but not limited to ret)
And either DSac or Aura Mastery (again, not limited to ret, and holy paladins can bring both rather than choosing 1)

The “ret brings lots unique buffs” is a lie, it just has a lot of coverage which matters not at all outside of 10m raiding and smaller.

Ret and fury’s buffs are a lot more comparable than you’d think, given that, when removing the things that other classes can bring, you are really talking a defensive cooldown vs a raid buff that both directly increase effective HP. Warrior’s is worth about 3k health at all times vs DSac which is worth upwards of 5k for a black hole explosion once every 2 mins.

Rets can potentially bring more flexibility due to wider buff coverage, but there aren’t any examples of ret being the best source of any of them (including the paladin specific ones)

Dog, BECUASE I don’t know. Just list off all the buffs that ret provides. Every class provides about 1-2 things while ret provides like 10. Dont lecture me about what ret provides bro, I have one. And I have more alg kills than you. I play at a higher level than you. My level of understanding of the game far surpasses yours.

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that’s single target too. Add some cleave and they’re at the tippy top.

literally whining about nothing.

Sorry they do. In every raid you are going to find fights that cater to certain roles, certains specs ect ect. You dont get to dismiss them to make points. When you try to dismiss stats that go against you just to sound more credible you lose all credibility

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There is no fight in the history of time that gives casters 200 percent more dmg and gives melee none, you lack common sense. Next you should compare fire mages dps on hodir and compare it to ret pallies dps and complain that fire mage is doing 12 times more dmg than ret and demand for buffs. LITERAL FOOL


Weird im looking at the #s and theyre in there. Huh must count

Cope while you wait for your buffs

Nothing you say until the end of time matters. I haven’t encountered iq BELOW room temp on here before. Gg

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Im pretty sure that can be said for the forums in general. Like warriors thinking they deserve a buff, its all one giant opinion piece.

Wait like Blizzard told you like a good little boy.

I’m chilling dog, fury warrior is top 5 in icc and every rogue spec in the game is is bottom 5. Get literally destroyed.

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Im ok with that, I wont be here crying my eyes out for buffs like someone else…


Must have suffered child abuse goriwng up, those kinds of people normally just stay quiet about known problems.

Im happy youre admitting warriors are right where they should be finally

Here asking for buffs then you say this. LOL im dying at how pathetic you all look asking for buffs when you know this

Welcome to what we have been telling you the entire time.

Right now they aren’t, when we go up 6 item levels next phase we won’t, and we won’t in icc either, you HAVE to have a smourne to be viable, that item drops off of every boss too, so every warrior will have one. Which I will have one, so all g there, . Luckily I’ll have the Lego weapon that gives 2k dps, just to have a place in top 5. Sad I have to type this out to you, but I forgot about the lukewarm iq.

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The 10 are largely overlap, so clearly your higher level of play (which is more about the guild you find yourself in compared to the one im happy being in) doesn’t mean anything about your understanding of the game balance or how useful those things ret “brings” actually are in a 25 man raid.

So here is the list
Judgement of Wisdom / Light (brought by any paladins)
Kings (brought by any paladin, or 8% from drums)
Might (also brought by warriors)
Wisdom (also brought by shaman)
3% damage (also brought by BM or arcane mages, but you lose less DPS from an arcane mage not being fire than you lose from bringing a ret for this)
3% haste (also brought by moonkins, which deal more DPS than ret)
3% crit (also brought by ele shaman and assassination rogues, which both deal more DPS than ret)
Replenishment (also brought by shadow priests, frost mages, BM hunters, destro locks… Shadow + Destro are both higher DPS than ret)
Attack Power Debuff (also brought by druids, warlocks, and warriors)
And DSac OR Aura Mastery (both brought by other paladins, holy paladins get to bring both in one character slot).

So yeah, ret can bring a lot of things, but is the best choice for bringing none of them. It’s pretty rare that a well built 25 man raid is missing anything on this list that you’d particularly want a ret for over the other sources of the same effect. You generally need to be missing multiple in order for a ret to start looking appealing for buff coverage…

And hey, that’s exactly why before the buffs, there were FAR more fury warriors brought to cutting edge Algalon kills than ret paladins. It wasn’t even close, and even after the buffs, there are more fury warriors being brought even though ret has this supposed giant utility advantage.

Wrath was built to make most of it meaningless, which is why how much theoretical buff/debuff utility a class has is largely irrelevant as the vast majority of that list is covered by things you are probably already bringing.

They certainly aren’t useless, but their utility was certainly not strong enough to be 10-15% behind where Fury is on average and still expect groups to want them.

Vezax does worse than give melee none, they actually debuff melee while hyper buffing the caster DPS so each cast is almost 8x as powerful.

1/4 cost, 100% more damage, 1/2 cast time…

It’s very reasonable to ignore that fight when comparing classes because that is never repeated in the game to that degree.

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You are exactly where blizzard said you should be. So you are

I dont think you know what “viable” means. You are viable right now

Stay the course buttercup. You want to be broken not balanced. Blizzard has said exactly what you said happens. You are just throwing a tantrum that its not soon enough. Endure or quit.


Blizzard did not say “with smourne you will be strong” they said warriors scale; they haven’t scaled yet with the largest jump in ilvl we will see in the whole expansion.

Wdym, dks, locks and rogues have been broken by comparison to the bottom this entire time. They seem to be having a last, I wouldn’t mind being broken, don’t speak for me swines

Guys points out obvious issue. You say “stop crying” “tantrum” because changes were asked for.

Keep responding dude, I’ll be here all day to completely destroy your lukewarm iq takes. You can even call me on discord if you want me to destroy you in comms.

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Lol an internet warrior too. Like in raids you do nothing here too. Nothing you said above me is true. Dont need to single out the points, theyre just wrong.

SaRah wIn IntErWeb FiGht in oWn mInD

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You even whipped out SpongeBob on me, you admit true defeat.

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Except you did… As evidenced by where Fury started in Naxx compared to where they are now. Over the next two tiers you’ll see another large jump in ilvl paired with a few incredibly powerful items. Without Shadowmourne fury is poised to be a mid-tier DPS, and with it among the top.

Why do they need to be buffed now when that’s where they are likely to end up and they are already reaching very reasonable heights when optimized?

(For the record, I’m perfectly ok with fixing some of the things that make fury a bit awkward, like trying to avoid deep wounds munching, and I do think they need to pull back on the feral buffs that were an unintended consequences of fixing that for feral. Im just not on board with the every spec needs to be top tier DPS to be useable idea.)

Middle to lower of the pack is 20 percent behind the top. When classes are bringing 1-2 buffs which is provided by better performing classes, you have to sit back and ask why that class is is so far behind others that do it better.