I'm sorry, but it's time to buff Fury Warriors

Because the only reason we’re being told to accept being so low in every one of our PvE specs is because we’ll scale eventually.

If the scaling isn’t forecasted by any analysis we have available, why should warriors even bother waiting for a powerspike that never really comes?

We’re being asked to wait to be average. In our top dps spec.

Only after getting Shadowmourne 6-12 weeks into ICC (and probably later or never for most warriors) do we get in the top 5.

At that point nobody will be playing the game anymore.

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That’s your choice to make. And you not wanting to wait like others have before you is not an excuse for you to cut the line. Blizzard said what they think. Wait or don’t, doesn’t really matter. If you don’t someone else will be there to fill your slot.

Well that’s feelycraft at its finest but even if your feelycraft you make too 5 congrats! That’s a A-S tier dps! Then you are exactly what blizzard said and they were right all along

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Actually it’s not my choice. Apparently it’s Blizzard’s choice given rebalancing is already occurring.

The onus of it being my choice evaporated at that moment. And I would have been satisfied with it too if no changes had been made. But here we are, now you don’t get to say I’m just whistling in the wind because it’s clear that speaking up about balance changes is how you actually get balance changes.

So I get 2-4 weeks of A tier dps, in an expansion going for the better part of a year. Got it, that sounds fair to me. Paladins get two S tier PvE specs for the entirety of Wrath, but they definitely deserved a buff.

Choose if you want to wait or not is absolutely your choice. If you don’t find value in waiting you can opt out at anytime

Seems you already may have. I’m happy you guys scale like we all thought!

Your general trollishness not withstanding, this is a valid point. “You knew what you were getting into” only holds if Blizzard don’t interfere with the meta.

Especially with the Feral buff I think we can see that horse has bolted. And so now the only question that needs to be answered is whether or not Fury has as strong a case. I think it does at least for QoL changes.

stop spreading misinformation

go to warcraft logs

then stats

then filter by the last week

then filter by boss to remove hodir and vexax

then see Feral and #1 or #2 in most cases, and sometimes 3/4th but within pixels of #2.


Buffing other specs has literally no effect on you, you knew what warriors were before ret and feral got buffed rofl, that didn’t change warriors at all.

I’m interested in balance - balance is not isolated characters. Classes don’t get buffed in isolation they’re buffed in relation to other classes.

For Ret it didn’t change the meta - for Feral it is changing the meta.

if you remove the bosses they are bad on and include the ones they are good on, they get better? searching for the answer you want to see or what?

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Idk we still only bring 1 like we did pre buff

can you hear yourself? Yes, you remove the 2 bosses have have massive +100% type dmg mechanics to casters. My ele does over 22,000 dmg on Hodir. Not exactly a fight you should consider for the overall picture. How do people like you even exist?

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feral overlaps warrior buffs and has b rez and innervate

them being insane now makes it even less desirable to bring a warrior at all

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Yet fury is the 8th most brought spec still.

Lol no thats not how this works. You dont get to remove entire boss fights to fit your arguments. Thats the ebb and flow of raids, some fights benefit some and not others, and you trying to skew stats by ignoring this fact is comical. Im sitting at warcraftlogs, theyre sitting at #7 over the last two weeks.

lol remove fights…

Hey everyone if we remove all fights but Auriaya fury is firmly middle of the pack. Lol

you use wcl without the removed fights to argue for warrior buffs, then when you decide that feral is too powerful, you remove the fights they get beaten on to inflate their numbers, you bend the stats to what you want to see

if you do this for warriors, they end up averaging 10th place out of 23 specs in the 99% range, upper mid pack, with some creative thinking “remove all the fights the warrior is bad at” and “leave all the fights they are good at” kolo, mimi and xt cleave, and voila warrior is a fixed class, thanks guy!

You know what? i was getting beaten by this warlock on a trash pack and i was just like ayy lmao let me remove this trash pack real quick (seed of corruption is fake damage) and then i beat him on kologarn, obviously, warrior is just the better class

In way lower proportion than Prot Paladins and Holy Paladins taken by themselves. Then Ret paladins in similar proportions.

It’s inexcusable by Blizzard to buff such an overpowered class.

It’s forecasted by EVERY analysis we have available, you just choose to ignore it because it doesn’t put you as number 1.

It’s reasonable to remove Hodir/Vezax because there won’t be any fights like that for the rest of the expansion that ultra buff the casters at the expense of the melee, so if trying to look at how fury is performing, or will perform, those fights are not great to have in the data.

Remind me- Rets and ferals were going to scale to roughly the same degree. Why did they get buffed again?

Ret was going to remain a bottom tier spec the entire expansion. Even with Shadowmourne we were never going to break into the top third before that buff. It was going to take a legendary to get the spec to mid-tier levels, the place fury is projected to be WITHOUT Shadowmourne.

I’ve never said feral needed or deserved that buff. It was flatly a mistake, and Blizzard even admitted as such as they tried to roll it back, but their plan to do so was even more messed up.

Ret isn’t going to be close to fury in icecrown. We already aren’t close at top end single target damage potential. That gap is just going to widen.

The way ret performs in comparison to fury is irrelevant. Ret and fury’s buffs are incomparable. Ret provides a plethora of buffs that no other class can provide. Having a ret is always a good thing

I’m generally sorta on the same wavelength as you about most of these things, but whenever you say what’s above. I don’t think you’re all there. In what universe does buffing holy or prot have anything to do with ret, ret is the only dps spec, buffing or nerfing that spec doesn’t allow them to play another dps spec, for there isn’t one.

Hodir and vezax don’t count, it skews the agenda that melee is bad and casters are good. How is a boss fight going to literally triple caster dps, and a guy doesn’t want use it to compare dps, and your babbling bafoon a$$, just doesn’t get it.