I'm sorry, but it's time to buff Fury Warriors

How are you getting better when you have 0 hard modes???

Make it make sense.

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I thought you and magnum pi found my character after I had transferred? Do you not know how to use warcraft logs? We went from a dead server struggling with the roster boss with no HMs to 6 HMs down in 25. So we are getting better and I’m consistently 1/2 highest parsing dps in my raid. You are consistently near the bottom of your raid group parses, which just shows you are being hard carried. Your parses are also getting worse every week. You aren’t a good player, you’re in a good guild. Your smugness is entirely resting on the fact that your raid group decides to keep bringing you along :joy::joy::joy:

IKR right, the dudes on a one man (and a handful of sock puppets) mission to ensure Warriors get nothing but a kick in the teeth because “herp derp vanilla”. It’s pretty amusing really.

I don’t think anyone with any credibility takes Drinknblink to be anything more than comic relief. I wouldn’t plow so much of your time into arguing with him if I were you.


Yes you all have credibility cuz your unified in your crying.



Keep on keeping on Drinknblink - don’t ever change. :slight_smile:

Intended or not you have provided me much amusement.

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Yeah, I just like prodding him about his parses because of how good he claims to be. Consistently one of the weakest members of his raid. He’s like the guy that stands behind a gang and throws punches then tells everyone how much of a gangster he is (his raid group that is carrying him is the gang in this instance).

almost no utility

warrior right now is the optimal class to bring 0 of


then why did they buff ferals?

ferals were around where warriors were at and scale similar to warriors, but they just got sent to tied with #1 (omit hodir/vezax obviously) and will be hard #1 in the future, but they can still battle rez and innervate and also have the bleed and 5% buffs lmao.


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They buffed feral as a fix to it’s crazy rotation.

They even said this.

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the “crazy rotation” was entirely optional and you didnt have to do it

the result of this “minor change” was a 20%+ dmg boost on overall on warcraft logs, propelling them to basically being in a virtual tie with assassination rogues and scaling hard into the #1 spot, while also maintaining all their utility

you argue in bad faith

warriors rend and oveprower weave for 2% damage, when is warrior’s 20% buff to fix that?


Why not fix Fury’s too then. Like having to use a macro solely for the purpose of desyncing weapon swings in order to do dps equivalent to what Feral were doing prebuff?

Oh I forgot - it’s because we hurt peoples feelings in Vanilla and will somehow inexplicably manage to skyrocket to number one in one tier of content … no soup for you Fury.

I get why people are skittish about giving Fury a power buff just moments outside of content releasing with mostly cleave fights. However, this idea that you can’t even fix Fury’s well documented bugs and clunkiness out of some misplaced sense of vanilla revenge is unhinged and silly.


Yet 19 of the top 20 guilds bring them.

Optimal to bring 0 you say? DERP

they bring 10 of 10 classes. Beef bar the world first Ulduar in its 3 raids currently has 0 dps warriors in 1, and one in the other 2 raids. Mostly likely because they know the dude haha, and why not get 1000 extra HP from commanding right? (over imp). The loot would be D/Ed anyway and it helps alleviate the loot burden for other classes.

But yes, if you had to choose 1 of the 10 classes to bring 0 of, warrior is the best class to bring 0 off. DERP. Point went over your head. I said “the optimal choice if you had to pick a class to bring 0 of would be warrior” which isnt the same thing your saying.

Having a class be this bad with no redeeming qualities is poor design. At least make it the feral or something that can battle rez and innervate lol. Instead feral is #1. Clown world.


Dont worry in like 3 more phases yall gonna C tier.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Feral is #7.

In those same 20 guilds 19 brought a feral. Zero brought 2 ferals. For a #1 (*7) they arent stacked very much

Just being honest, there’s probably a reason you’re posting on an alt. If your entire guild is getting outdps’d by a fury warrior on every fight then your entire guild is garbage and definitely not doing hard modes.

And to be clear, that’s totally fine. But it’s a big self report.

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You’re trolling right? I wouldn’t come to the forums and make this post if I was inexperienced. I rend weave and desync my swings when warranted. I do all the stuff needed to squeeze as much out of the class as possible (with the exception of overpower weaving, as it’s not worth the headache for the marginal dps gain)

Feel free to pull up my logs on WCL (Gimpzor), both 25 and 10 man. I’m not some random dude who sucks at the class whining for a dps buff.

I promise you my comments and messages come from at least somewhat of a stance where I know what I’m talking about.

Fury is in a bad place, and the scaling isn’t there. As people have mentioned, we’re scaling sideways. The only thing that gives us hope is Shadowmoure. But as mentioned, cool, we have to wait until the end of the expansion and get a legendary to be somewhat relevant DPS wise. This still doesn’t address our cruddy desirability in a raid environment.

As I’ve mentioned many times before on this post, warrior is just undesired at this point. Everything we do, someone can do the same thing and either bring more DPS while doing it, or provide much more utility while doing so. ORRR on the other hand there are plenty of classes/specs that bring what we do while both doing more dps and providing more utility at the same time.

I think I speak for most warriors when I say that we don’t want a crazy DPS buff. Just give us QoL adjustments, fix munching and batching, and fiddle with the TG penalty (start by removing it all together and adjust during ToGC ptr.


so you just want to be #1 dps… maybe go back to vanilla, if you just want to be op.

dang the forums are brutal with the roasting tonight

Fury is doing the same dps as ret (slightly more than ret). Paladin is still the worst dps class.

I agree Prot warriors need a buff. (Or prot paladins need a nerf) prot warriors are 2nd best tanks still.

Arms is a pvp spec and does wonders there