Your logs are getting worse every week too as your Ilvl increases
I never claimed to be good, you and drink on the other hand both think you’re elitists, yet the logs show both of you are getting carried hard by your guilds, and now all the other guilds are catching up it really does show how awful both of you are
Imagine your parse getting lower as your Ilvl gets higher you guys would be in shambles if your guilds found out how bad you both are. Drink is barely cracking purple now most fights and thinks hes some god tier gamer.
Pretty common for healers. As they gear the raid gears, learns fights, shortens them and they as a whole take less damage causing their parses to drop.
My guild is giving me the first Shadowmourne on my Blood DPS DK. I had to convince them not to give me the first Val’anyr because I don’t know if I want to keep healing for all of WoTLK.
Anyways, I’m done picking on you. Looks like your guild fell apart anyways, gl.
Yeah, that’s cause I cast Holy Shock on Ignis cause in good guilds you don’t need to heal as much. Are you ever going to even get 1 light down before ToGC? One of the easiest hard modes, ya know.
And I am the top or 2nd top performing dps in my raid every week. Drink is like 10th or 11th, and you’re green parsing. I don’t have a guild carrying me like both of yourselves. And now that the other guilds are catching up both of you are performing worse every week