I'm sorry Blizzard, but 8.2 is boring and disappointing so far

Oh yes, definitely… I think she and her whole underwater world deserved a whole expansion.

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This is sad to read. I haven’t been there yet.

And it’s not just bad direction, it’s a broken patch.

  1. stealth bug for rogues is back AGAIN.
  2. combat bug is back in Mechagon.
  3. you get phased in the middle of fighting a rare.
  4. the equipment system is wonky as some people’s equipment just disappears.
  5. rares on the hour timers aren’t respawning.
  6. Random dismounts for no reason.

I am sure there are others but those are off of the top of my head. WTF is going on in that company?


I tried to play some today and hated every second of it. I promised myself I would at least get Pathfinder Part 2 before I unsubbed, but I don’t know if I’ll make it. I waited so long for this, but the longer I waited the more my desire to play diminished, until now there is nothing left.


I haven’t been able to work up the will to play, since finding myself unable to stop certain annoying sounds in the game, but I can already tell one other thing that disappoints me. There sure seems to be a lot of not killing Sylvanas going on. You know what would fix that? A good ol’ rousing round of killing Sylvanas. That’d be great.


the only thing i’m interested in 8.2 is FLYING


Good. I’d be really annoyed if it was 415.

I could not disagree with you more if I tried. To be very clear, I was no fan of argus in any way, shape, or form. BUT! Argus was gold compared to this…


To be honest I’m enjoying Southshore vs Tarren Mill much more than any of the 8.2 stuff :joy:


you literally play the game at the lowest level. ~380 ilvl by 8.2 means you never play and are thus irrelevant.

YOU said exactly what I am feeling as if it were me speaking! I unlocked Naz and got the whistle on the first day. I zoned back in the last two days only to look at the NPC’s with the dailies and zone right back out. Never in 10 years of playing this game has there been a point in “new” content that I did this on day two.

I am not sure flying will be worth it at this point either. It feels like blizz did an Abbott and Costello on us. “Do you have two tens for a five”


You don’t dictate relevance, fool. You can blow hot air all you like, but you have no power.

To achieve anything in this game all you have to do is sit there and press buttons. Either everything in-game is a hand-out, or nothing is.

Careful, your nonsensical elitism is showing.

Sad but true, I feel no interest in so much of this content I go back and play in old content. Challenge is fine, but it has to be rewarding. If it isn’t, then I need a proper setting and story/stuff to make it worth my time.


One main difference, in my opinion, was that retail wow had a lot of content that was available worldwide. If we’re talking Vanilla, then it’s two continents full of content. It’s not time gated or anything of the sort. It’s totally player level dependent. When you get to a survivable level, the content is waiting for you to get to it. In todays WOW, we are waiting for the content, with little to do but tedious grinding to pass the time. Sure, in vanilla, Molten Core may not have been available at the start, but few players were at the level and had the equipment to survive that content. By the time the majority of players were ready, the content was available.

That is no longer the case. We have content for players that are 120 and able to enter, and they run out of engaging content far too soon. At that point, it becomes a chore to log in and do anything as it’s the same thing over and over again.


It does look like we are in the same boat, and I bet we aren’t alone. I want to want to play, and it makes me sad that I don’t.

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I think the followers should of been someone we rescue while questing in Nazjatar and they join us on our journey in all the BFA zones. Have special bonuses like ‘… of gold when you complete a world quest’ and simply be a companion. Level them and gain special bonuses.
Nazjatar is actually very small and makes no sense as why would it not still be underwater. I think Blizzard could of made the zone underwater but simply act like we are still on land. Just have the sky as water.
There should be a vendor for Islands to buy the mounts and transmogs.

I feel that they should gain xp as we use them throughout the zone that they’re in as well. This only getting xp on them for certain things, that run out in a few minutes per day is a major pain in the back side. Especially when part of the apparent story is locked behind this.

Ya, I’ve had a hard time getting into the new patch even. The starter quest felt just like doing the Starter quest for WoD. Blizzard has run out of idea’s and can’t even keep the story fresh. That’s really my problem so far. Of all models to use, they used the WoD run though Tanaan with Kadgar model? When there is so much more they could have done? Move hear, move there, move here again… Run right next to a giant @ss army that for some reason doesn’t see you. SMH at how old and beating a dead horse it felt.

  1. The zones themselves are not bad (if a bit small), but the game design that makes a simple collection quest take an hour is terrible.

  2. Essences are just another grind designed to eat up time and mask the terrible class design.

  3. Catch up gear for alts is fine, but with terrible class design and massive grinds like AP / essences, not really in a mood to play alts.

  4. Time gated - raid not available.

  5. Time gated - dungeon not available.

  6. Time gated, and never should have been removed from available at cap, and probably the only reason a lot of people are even bothering with the new zones.

  7. Mixed bag, some I enjoyed, some where meh, all are time gated.

  8. Vast majority of crafted items are crap save for new consumable stuff, and this is just a way to invalidate previous profession leveling mid-expansion.

  9. New mounts are ok I guess, I don’t mind adding time sinks for collecting.

And on top of that, class design still sucks, which means all the above would be irrelevant even if it were great.


Yes it was, at least the story was something I have really been wanting to find out how Turalyon and Alleria survived the whole time, how Illidan was going to finally find out why the light wanted him on Argus.

You spend the first who knows how long with them telling you what you already know. Where you are and who the big bad boss that just crashed you ships in the most anti climatic way ever using her beam of light to do nothing really but push water back. It was so bad.

Could you have imagined going all through the first 30 min of Legion for you to the big reveal to be talking to some hologram of Gul’ dan who wants to play with you and that he uses fel magic? We already know all that stuff. Give us something really juicy that we can’t wait to blow though the content to find out what the big thing is at the end.

I hate that all the good stuff is locked behind July 9th. Seriously 8.2 and 8.1 are no different. 8.1 brought a couple more war campaign quests, 5-6 more daily quests on a 12 hour timer and that was pretty much it until the raid opened up a month later. 8.2…same thing, it brought new zones sure, but each zone has a trickle of quests and like 3-5 daily quests.

It’s boring. Yesterday was Friday, I was eager to get home and really start digging into mechagon only to find out there’s really nothing. I did my meager amount of quests killed the two rares that mattered and basically ran around in a circle looking for parts…… riveting gameplay :roll_eyes: