I'm so tired of gross names

I personally don’t care at the end of the day. Prior to me catching a 7 day for ratJAMing in the nexus, I would only report suspected bots.

Now? Nah blizzard gave me a torch and said burn down the parts of the city that are bad but the entire city to me is bad so I’m gonna to report everything I can.

After all we need to make this game a safer place for all. :innocent:

Do you understand what the term “Social Interaction” means?

As a human being you’re supposed to care about and be affected by other people, it’s part of the human experience.

Remember WoW, especially Vanilla WoW is an MMORPG Massively Multiplayer being the key words.

To pretend like people shouldn’t care about other people at all is borderline psychotic to me, but there’s a big chunk of WoW players that keep parroting this “Don’t worry about others, hOw dOeS iT aFfEcT yOu???” stuff.

I think it’s just some kind of anti-social coping to make themselves feel better about not having meaningful social interactions personally.

There’s a fine line in comedy between a joke and an insult, if only you think it’s funny, and everyone else thinks it’s insulting, you can’t act like a victim when they hold you accountable for what you say or do.


yes i totally dont interact with anyone in my life, i guess if video games is the only social interaction you get in life then it would affect you more.

i think its weirder to care about what people do in a videogame like it affects you in real life. i do this very real and normal thing and shrug my shoulders and move on. idc waht they named themselves, i dont care what they have said to me. it has zero affect on me as a person.


It’s not weird at all. Your lack of tact is a you problem and should not be spread to decent folk.


lmao decent folk…ok

Hey, my name is actually pretty descriptive. Night Elves love Elune and I’m a hunter so I shoot. A lot.

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Yes, decent folk. I can understand why the concept is foreign to you.

Who cares lmao


If only there were a way to block that nonsense…

Not really weird at all. What you name your character could be a reflection of of your personality. I appreciate that they’ve put up a warning flag though. They won’t be invited to my groups.

Where my boy buttchug at?

thats fine to im not saying you need to interact with people with different ideals than your own. just to me im more the let them do them and me do me. i simply dont care enough about them to even report them.

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Same, unless it’s an RP server with name specific rules. The ignore feature does the heavy lifting. :+1:t4:

It´s quite funny that you say that, if we consider the name you have choosen.

I am not sure if naming a char after a reproduction organ of a men is that classy. :joy: But then again, most US Americans only speak english, so it probably will go unnoticed most of the time.

:sweat_smile: no offence :kissing_heart:

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He also doesn’t know what maturity is.
You know what’s mature? Not letting other people affect you. Understanding you can’t control everyone else. You know what gives power to words? The perception they have power. You can remove that perception yourself.

This thread isn’t even about hate speech or anything derogatory. It’s just ‘eww, that name is yucky!’ Seriously…that person needs to grow up. But it’s 2024, the year of getting offended at everything and anything. The opposite of progress. There’s a reason people are so at each other’s throats these days. And it’s only going to get worse because people have no understanding of human nature and feed the very thing they’re trying to oppose.


No. This isn’t what maturity is. In real life, mature and confident adults call out inappropriate behaviour of others, including offensive language and speech. Immature people say things like ‘don’t let it get to you snowflake’.


I have to read their name.
I have found that people will offensive/gross names kinda sort themselves out though.

They’re mostly edgy jerks who thinks saying “LOL HITLER AMIRITE” is the epitome of humour.
They usually don’t even know how to play their class or they intentionally do things to hinder the group because it’s “Fun” to pull extra mobs and almost wipe the group.

I just don’t invite people with Offensive/Crass names to my groups.
Solves most of the problem tbh.

They’re advertising the kind of player that they are.


no you dont. i literally dont look at peoples names unless im in a party with them

this is your own head cannon i have a guy in my guild that fits the bill of the name thing. excellent player. has a weird sense of humor.


Lmao you had your name force changed. Apparently lots of people care

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Come, friend, join a worthy cause. :slight_smile:

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People participating in this thread?