I was about to roll a dwarf priest and name him farthammer. Is that gross?
little weird but not really noteworthy imo.
if you were a Paladin I’d say it was a great name, but a priest? hammer? idk man…
The lack of an RP server this go-round is causing a lot of problems imo.
I’ve been playing Dreamscythe and feel like a fish out of water. I want an RP realm so bad.
If you think gross names are bad you should see the amount of racist and sexist remarks people in my guild spew on the daily.
I don’t understand why the game seems to be full of immature, racist misogynists. I played back in the day and never saw the kind of stuff I see in gchat these days. Maybe it’s just the way the world is moving, IMO society is slowly degrading.
I do like seeing new gamers and old gamers come together. One side is always complaining.
And yet, you’re still in that guild. So you tacitly endorse everything you claim to be upset about.
login to WoW
type /quit
logout of WoW
open internet browser and surf your way to reddit.com
Totally agree. Why do people even care about other people’s names in game or in real life? I believe sensitivity is controlled by genetics, so I don’t blame those super sensitive people, but I don’t associate with them. Too tiresome, you need basically watch every word you speak, or they will get offended.
Thanks for the advice Captain Obvious and being the case in point about why I feel like society is degrading. Let’s all paint redditors with the brush you are so willing to throw around, the world needs more hate and animosity.
Yes that’s what all the science says.
Here are the actual scientific facts: Humans are social animals. We survive by living in groups and taking care of each other. We’re more productive, healthier and happier, and solve problems easier when we get along. Humans inherently want to be a valued member. It’s why we feel good when someone tells us we did an excellent job, or that they admire us for something, or even if they compliment our clothes. And it’s why we feel bad when someone tells us we’re crap at something, or that we’re stupid and so on.
People who intentionally go out of their way to trigger others are not normal. For some reason they think it makes them edgy to not care about others, when in fact, it goes against everything we genetically are.
For most adults, being respectful and thoughtful around others isn’t something we need to even think about.
It’s worth noting that humour is context-dependant. The punchline to a dirty innuendo you chuckle at with your close friends is not necessarily something you’d put on a t-shirt and wear in public.
Which is basically what some people do with names in WoW, and then get all defensive when people raise their eyebrows about the appropriateness of the situation.
My hunter is named puupshooter pronounced poopshooter.
Bravo, well said.
The cesspool of WoW and certain corners of the internet convince these people that it’s abnormal to be a decent human being.
They’ll say “In the real world…” Not understanding that in real world if they said any of the vile nonsense they spew online they’d be fired from their jobs and ostracized immediately.
But in their twisted minds, being held accountable in any way means everyone is against them, and it’s not fair, and it’s everyone else’s fault.
I have not yet figured out how to reach these people…
When people do this to gamers who are bad its wrong tho right?
Or is that why you hide?
Find people who agree with you and create a mass report coalition like the bots do. Blizzard are completely powerless to this type if thing as the botting/rmt industry has shown, so it’s a fullproof plan.
It is normal. It’s called making fun of thin skinned people - it’s hilarious but it also teaches you life lessons by not allowing you to isolate and indoctrinate yourself in your introverted, socially awkward bubble. It’s preparing you for the real world.
The mental gymnastics people use to condone bullying are always a treat to read.
Who hurt you? Because that’s generally where it started.
The real world does not have to be hateful, it’s a choice.
Do better.
It’s not bullying, you just think it is
And there’s the gaslighting.
Again, hate is a choice.
It’s not hate, you are just making that word up in this context to fit your argument
Love the instant reply as if you were sitting there foaming at the mouth watching it say typing… because you can’t wait to fire back and collect your dopamine, o keyboard warrior. Now I might have to type a little and AFK, type a little more, AFK…oh, oops. Been waiting long? Tappy tap tap.
Making fun of people is certainly not a form of love, unless they’re established friends and it’s a roast. And “preparing someone for the real world” as if it’s doing them a favor is the last thing on their mind. No, you put others down simply to stifle your own insecurity complex. It is not normal unless you are damaged. The irony is these people who cannot play nice are realistically those who should be kept isolated until they get help. That would be a far more constructive thing to do than trying to convince everyone else that the real world is meant to be cruel. And Azeroth isn’t either.
/end Ted Talk