I'm So confused Elune lore

And in the end, they went to the maw and were obliterated.

Yes the jailer outplayed Elune because Blizzard needed a Megabrained villain on the levels of thanos, but what they are creating instead is a stupid dull mess. who is literally best described as "le epic manipulator 3000 "

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Likely as strong as a Titan.

She’s of the Life Pantheon, so her purpose is to ensure Life keeps on going. That doesn’t mean that she’ll deny souls to go to the Shadowlands though. She must maintain the Cycle of Life and Death.

We’ll see.

She did not create the Prime Naaru. That’s a guess from Khadgar, and we still have much to learn about why her tear managed to activate Light’s Heart.

The Eternal Ones have been said to be about as powerful as keepers, but that’s not entirely true since The Jailer is actually even more powerful than a Titan in his true form.

She is not. The Grimoire of the Shadowlands says she is a Life-Bound Entity.


It could just be that Elune is highly ranked in the Life Pantheon, like how Y’ogg is an Old god of Shadow and Void, but also has some limited Death magical capabilities as the so called “god of Death” (since he and N’zoth pooled their powers to create the Nightmare, which is shown capable of controlling rotted corpses of past victims).

The Winter Queen is the one who says every Soul has it’s purpose not Elune though Shandris asks if Elune told Tyrande what the Winter Queen was talking about.

According to the Primus the Sigils are regained when the Covenants find themselves.

The Winter Queen’s sigil is restored inside her sister’s tear when she remembers that every Soul in her care has a purpose!

As strong as the plot wants her to be at this point. Nothing about her Eternals stuff was set up prior to Shadowlands, so it’s not really something we can talk about with any certainty, cause in a sense it almost -has- to invalidate everything that already existed for the last 2 decades.

Blizzard only onece ranked their characters, this was during the first wotlk blizzcon in the early of 2008/2009.

Elune get there the ranking of 99/100
Sargeras get there the ranking of 72/100

They must’ve backpedaled heavily on that

well? No other entity created 8 stars in passing in a single moment of time.

And right now, no other pantheon make things elune can do, so either way, she stays above the usually “pantheonpower”

Well what can she do? Not even save the souls from her people when bwonsamdi could, not even defeat Sylvanas, not even Nathanos when he’s not at 10% hp.
She’s probably around the same level as the archon, and on the same cosmic tier too.


I think Elune has her hands in different powers. Even if she’s Life, her tear is an arcane Pillar of Creation and also unlocked Light’s Heart, the core of everyone’s favorite naaru (lol). She also cleansed the Emerald Nightmare from said tear and sent Ysera’s soul to the Shadowlands.

Good comment, though.

I mean, creating stars need not be the same as what it is in real life, for all we know even a constellar could do that, and those stars may not be giant balls of flammable gas.

But Elune does have several other feats that suggest she has a great deal of power whenever she does become involved. Even if that power doesn’t always present itself in the way it should.

Nothing in a story is more powerful than the spirit of Deus ex Machina.

I really hope they actually retcon the winter queen being elune sister and make it eonar makes more sense tbh

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yeah… good luck with that

Yeah i know it sucks but why did they nerf elune. Blizz has a hatred for night elves.

Yea, sadly. Shadowlands has proven that. And people thought that night elves would even get a single positive development in Shadowlands lol.

Nothing suggests that they did. Her being the Winter Queen’s sister does not lock Elune into some form of power bracket, and that’s assuming power brackets would matter in the first place, which they don’t.

it does lock her into a Cosmic Tier bracket however, and everyone she has been narratively tied to (An’she)


Which is of little meaning to me. I see no principle or constraint that convinces me that being categorized into one tier or another has any bearing on the abilities, strength, or significance of any given entity.