I'm scared to log back in, is the issue fixed yet?

Why would you be scared over a silly video game?

One time. Long long ago in ye olde times of Vanilla, I glitched out and somehow ported from Undercity to Stonetalon Mountains. There were flying turtles and the UC elevators were stuck in the cliffs still going up and down. I could move but I was just gliding everywhere. My buddy said on his screen I was still in UC flying around the roof of the central bank area. It was wild. I use to have screenshots of the turtles and elevators, but that was almost two decades ago now. Looking back I realize, holy crap, I have played this game too long.


Pretty widespread issues of ppl DC’ing in Delves, Raids, etc and several quest turn in NPCs dont respond to turn in attempts or give the wrong options/dialog, and certain Quests are failing to spawn the required objects to loot. I have two Quests i cant turn in , one from last night from Khadgar " it fell from the sky", it says to turn it in to him in hall of the guardians but when you go to him to turn in all he does is to give you his the war within spiel, no option for the actual quest turn in .The other is “search Azshara” or something and the required items "crystallized ancient mana " are not spawning in the cave so you cant finish the Quest because there is no required objects to loot being spawned. So yeah a lot of Quests and instances are all bugged and wonky.

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Is EQ still releasing new content and systems? Jeez


Tried to run Nathria for mog, froze on Shriekwing.
Tried to do a delve, froze after killing Spinshroom (and despite getting credit for the quest, no vault credit for the delve)

It borked.

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At it’s core it is, but at the same time I kind of feel like with the information we have seen about blizzard in recent years. It spins a bit of a tale of the why things are the way they are, which again, not okay at all. Yet I do hold a bit of sympathy for some of the devs given the management seems like a nightmare to deal with.

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other games exist. even other mmos, blizzard does have competition. you have to be ignorant to think they dont.

I’m convinced the shenans have to do with the bs blizz pulled on the D3 servers this past week so they could make D3 diehards try/play D4 (At the same time as the D3 server/season problems blizz created they also offered D4 as a free trial and 50% off if you stick with it…

D3 issues were all server-based. Server space is extremely expensive, and blizz has been micro-managing that space for the last 6 years to such a degree that it’s very fragile.

I guess basically what I’m saying is blizz hasn’t cared about QOL for their games in a while. They’ve been going backwards in technical prowess and stability for about 6+ years.


Oh, i think the actual Devs are doing all they can, the issue is definitely the Mngmnt and “bean counters” ,who clearly arent giving or providing the Devs with the required support and resources they need.

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Because theres enough of us that keep renewing our subs…I should stop but cant lol


I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

Oops, all girls.

They posted in the customer support forum, acknowledged the issue, asked for more information, and passed it up the chain for resolution.

GD isn’t a support forum.


Take your pick.

But there basically isn’t any other game with the sort of endgame you get from Blizz.

GW2 and ESO barely have new raids. And few new dungeons. Also if you are looking for tab target combat, they aint it anyways.

FF14s combat feels wooden and antiquated compared to wow due to server architecture issues, and the longer GCD (which is necessary because of the servers). You also get a fraction of the endgame pve group content. And what you do get, isnt as good.

Every other mmo has never had legs to last. Even star wars tor has gone to the MMO retirement home (broadsword). And that game was basically just a delivery method for loot crates for yearsssssssssssssss.

ide argue this xpac is worse than wod when it comes to bugs. all they had to do for wod was fix garrisons so it didnt break the game which didnt take that long. were on what month 4 of this game being a buggy mess? blizzard gave us game time for less in the past


Wut? WoW only has one raid and Mythic+ lol.

I’d love to hear the post mortem of things like this as to what caused them and how they fixed them.

Its always fascinating to me when “long established, working code” “suddenly” breaks. It just shows the vast complexity that is this system, but it would still be fun to listen in to the aftermath too find out what, perhaps, got fat fingered during a recent change.


i always wished they would do that. especially if its someone fat fingered it.

The solution to the login issue is generally logging into a dif char to force your current one offline. As for the dc and instance issues, gl.

Didn’t Elvis do a song about that subject? “Suspicious Minds” I think it was.

“Caught in a trap. I can’t walk out. Because I love WoW too much baby”!

I miss being able to link songs.

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Just in case anyone was wondering what the issues were yesterday, here’s a list to the compendium list in the Bug Report forums:

Quoting from that thread:

"Things that are bugged so far-

  • Raiding
  • M+
  • Delves
  • Dungeons
  • Killing Bosses
  • Looting
  • Awakening the Machine (bugs in wave 2, no looting)
  • Siren Isle
  • World Quests
  • Professions Quests
  • Using the Catalyst
  • Transferring Currency
  • Receiving Honour
  • Receiving Conquest

I “think” you can still fly.

Anything else anyone has noticed?


  • “That character exists” and being unable to log back in
  • unable to purchase from Timewalking Vendors
  • Unable to turn in Nerubar Finery (this could be a cap thing)
  • Transferring warbound currency it actually disappears
  • Entering Plunderstorm rearranges your character list ( seems this is a previous bug)
  • Receiving M+ ratings
  • Hunter’s pet invisible.
  • Shadowlands mission tables not working
  • flight master and portal missing in Shadowlands
  • not receiving crests
  • not receiving Valorstones
  • ilvl upgrade vendor no longer works
  • Character stuck System is not working
  • did not receive chest reward for turning in the World Soul quest
  • people can’t join caz “the instance is full”

It’s 30 minutes later and the game seems ok now for some people, but not for others.
An hour later and its bugging out again."

/moo :cow: