I guess parts are. I play all the time and it seems to be working fine for me.
Maybe it depends on what server you are on or what features you are using.
To me everything seems to be holding fine. I didn’t log in at all all day yesterday, but today I did 1 TW dungeon and got my last quest item from boss in the mail (I was dead and lost in dungeon). I did my quests in BFA Nazjatar fine. Fishing/mining/herbing is fine. I bought a mount from TW vendor fine and I’m able to transfer currency fine (TW badges and resonance crystals). I’ll do more tests later today.
Like usual they fixed some issues, and caused others - I’m embarrassed for Blizz.
Nha the boogeyman is still there, SAVE YOURSELFS
I’m actually not subbed right now, I’m on a token. If I don’t make enough for the next token in time, it’s over.
I dunno if I have the will to grind 300k every month.
Not serious competition though… The closest comparison is FF, and as near as I can tell, they target different audiences with some overlap (ex: FF has no pvp crowd).
The game becomes self aware, and when Blizzard tries to “fix” the issue, it escapes by downloading itself to a foreign server. Maybe even goes as far as building itself a body, and coming back for REVENGE!
So are things fixed now?
I’m playing right now and things feel fine.
The game wasn’t even bugged for me before the hotfix, the only thing bugging out was LFG dungeons. Sometimes you wouldn’t be able to zone into them and everyone would have to leave and it would put a bugged invisible deserter debuff on you.
Some people did have the frozen loot bug though. Pretty sure it’s fixed now.
I mean again this just seems like a management issue currently. Speaking from my job their more concerned about metrics than practicality, got chewed out the other day over that, although it wasn’t my fault the metrics for messed up and the person that did it was instead written up. Anywho their pushing for faster content release, which is why we get a .2, .5, and .7 patch now to increase the cadence of the content we get.
Followed by adding in things like plunder storm or remix to further pump out content for the game. Which causes the consequences we see of the game being rude with bugs due to it being pushed out too quickly to ensure all bugs and glitches that we see now. Management is more concerned about the numbers than the quality now given more numbers equates to more money, but that comes that the heavy handed cost of quality.
Played for a bit late morning/early afternoon and everything seemed ok. Looting is still wonky but it has been since launch so I expect it to be a thing for a while.
Even bought that creepy mount from the Legion TW vendor.
i cant understand why there so focused on the played metrics compared to the more important numbers like subs. who cares if people arent playing if there still subbed. a companys goal is money and to maximize it. you would think the goal would be fun then cause people having fun are more willing to keep their sub rather than when its not fun. rather than doing what blizzards been doing they should stop and start focusing on bugs and listening to feed back from beta rather than ignoring that along with any feedback really.
Appears to be fixed.
Again, this is a consequence of a management that is focused on metrics and vacuuming up as much money as they can. The current way their doing things has worked in the past, and their simply trying to replicate that repeatedly at this point in time. In which at a level it seems to be working to match whatever goal they’ve set, which I guarantee is due to all the number padding they’re getting by elongating grinds by a significant amount.
This is a long shot, but 3 months ago or so windows 11 stopped updating unless it was upgraded to a newer version manually. I had to do that to my PC with help from tech support from the manufacture of my PC. Did this take place to wow servers??? (I’m assuming the servers run on windows 11 I don’t know) it’s probably done but it’s worth asking your server maintenance people if it was done. I don’t need answers just trying to help. If that hasn’t been done or overlooked, then it could be the cause of all this mess.
but there focusing on the wrong metrics for what ever reason. the played metrics mean nothing when you pay for the month. sure there is alot of padding by wasting everyones time but capitalism always has a end. eventually you reach a point where there is no more money and you can only at best coast out if your lucky
To them there is no cap because they believe in “infinite growth”. Meaning that as long as there’s a penny they can gain they’ll move the entire universe out of the way to get it.
I’m wondering if it’s partly because they know a certain number of people remain subbed even if they aren’t playing. Personally I think it’s weird to pay a sub and not be playing, but maybe for some it’s “inconvenient” to cancel then resub later so, for them, the $15 is “worth it.”
thats the problem with companies. the illusion of money lost causes them to lose real money. everyone knows infinite growth is impossible
i got a year sub back during s4 so even if i wanted to unsub its not really something i can do so im just powering through trying to find something to pass the time on here each day
Guild Wars 2… it has player housing already and it’s not full of crazy nonsense.