This is the thread I made in general, trying to get a summary together:
Things that are bugged so far-
Killing Bosses
Awakening the Machine (bugs in wave 2, no looting)
Siren Isle
World Quests
Professions Quests
Using the Catalyst
Transferring Currency
Receiving Honour
Receiving Conquest
I “think” you can still fly.
Anything else anyone has noticed?
“That character exists” and being unable to log back in
unable to purchase from Timewalking Vendors
Unable to turn in Nerubar Finery (this could be a cap thing)
Transferring warbound currency it actually disappears
Entering Plunderstorm rearranges your character list ( seems this is a previous bug)
Receiving M+ ratings
Hunter’s pet invisible.
Shadowlands mission tables not working
flight master and portal missing in Shadowlands
not receiving crests
not receiving Valorstones
ilvl upgrade vendor no longer works
Character stuck System is not working
did not receive chest reward for turning in the World Soul quest
people can’t join caz “the instance is full”
It’s 30 minutes later and the game seems ok now for some people, but not for others.
An hour later and its bugging out again.
24 hours later - most people seem to be ok, some people intermittent issues. Many people have lost currency in transfer, some logged tickets with screenshots from logs as evidence and have had it restored, others haven’t.
It’s actually random. I got bugged on one toon, and switched to another, where I was able to finish a full timewalking run. But only 3 of us were able to finish (no healer, just me as tank plus 2 DPS), the other 2 were locked at the first boss (and we even kicked them and the new people who joined couldn’t zone in).
Not really relevant to the past hour (or maybe it is), but several characters, including my main, have been unable to loot the last dungeon boss from MoP/WoD TW for the quest item for 500 tokens.
I’m going to assume it’s broken for Legion TW too, but can’t be certain because I got that whole “This character already exists” bug and couldn’t loot it.
has happened 3 seperate times now, go to loot the first boss and it sticks me forever in the loot animation
still able to use chat, unable to cast spells or interact with mobs in general
alt+F4’d the first time, got the “character with this name already exists” and waited almost 15 minutes before was able to log in
2nd time left party and was fine, but had deserter debuff
waited 30 minutes, tried to loot first boss and got stuck, tried leaving party, got stuck, tried character unstuck and eventually was disconnected after ~15 minutes, was able to log in to the start of the dungeon without a party, left dungeon and it’s where i was questing lol
Also few reports of people transferring warband currencies, experiencing the permanent server hang and losing the currency. Though seems like losing currency during a transfer has been a common issue ever since they released the buggy feature.
I’ve read several dozen of these reports in the last 2.5 hours (and experienced it in a TW dungeon myself), seems like anything going to your inventory triggers it? Looting, buying, crafting, catalyzing, warband transfers, quest rewards. Couple reports of entering and/or leaving vehicles in quests too.
I am getting the "that character already exists on my lock after looting a TW dung boss. I read the warning in party chat but did not heed the warning and basically bugged out.
I would like to add BFA Islands to the list of bugged things. the last 2 islands I need for the meta are up this week and I cant attack when I load in. Super frustrating.
When farming herbs on the Isle of Dorn (on an alt), I got the list of titles in the chat, but instead of gaining them, I had lost of my titles. Immediately after, I became frozen like on my main in a timewalking dungeon.
Is the server this is on have a west coast time zone realm time? Am checking a theory. My characters on western time zone realms are bugged, but not the central and eastern ones.
Got the “character name already exsists” or whetever the wording is and after a few minutes of playing on another character it let me log back in as normal so not long term it seems and I didn’t need to use unstuck.