I'm quitting wow

Leveling itself is a grind in Classic. Are you on something??

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In beta, where there is like no one else questing. Wait till it goes live and many people are in the same area.

Have a good one, maybe I will see you around in Classic! :slight_smile:

I don’t know where you learned that BFA has more grinding than Classic. But in Classic you had to grind for every raid.

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If you don’t like grinding then you’ll hate classic, and mmos in general.

But anyway, seeing as these pointless and often empty posts are the “thing to do” with people, I don’t really care if you leave.

I used to hate seeing these threads, but now I’m indifferent. They’re always a whine, always have no real substance, always someone throwing a little tantrum and demanding blizz makes the game how they feel it should be made.

Guess what kid, the world doesn’t revolve around you.


It’s one thing to say you’re quitting, but it’s another to blame “grinding” and also add you’re looking forward to Classic (which is a mega grind)

What is it now? Thread number 3,953,987 of “I am quitting wow”? Honestly this is just pathetic and reeks of “I need attention”. Just quit no need to make a thread about this.


Yeah I don’t think the majority of people that are waiting for classic ever experienced vanilla, they try to defend it but they haven’t a clue.

Clearly they ate one too many member berries to realize everything was tediously long and timegated in classic too IE-Needing a ridiculous amount of red snapper and other random items for the gates of AQ. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who cares what he thinks? He’s just some random stranger on the internet that you’ll never know. Who even cares if he’s wrong?

I guess it was absolutely critical that this kid be set straight, right? It just reeks of boredom and people just sitting around waiting to pounce on somebody for anything.

Well, despite popular belief of Blizzard not watching what people post on the forums, they do. Hence where we are now.

Well firstly if you’re quitting just quit, no need to broadcast it. People quit every day without doing so and also if you didn’t want backlash along with a positive side also then doing so on a public forum wasn’t a very logical thing to do in the first place.

Whining about a game most people whine about every day isn’t going to do anything, let alone a stupid reason such as it being a grind then hoping for classic to come out that is even more of a grind.

Honestly it will be hilarious to see the classic forums ignite into chaos about the grind. Think BFA is too much of a grind than classic isn’t they got another thing coming.

So you believe that when a person posts on the forum, they should just expect to be surrounded by a pack of animals ready to bite their heads off? That sounds a bit like victim-blaming.

I guess that attractive woman shouldn’t have worn that specific dress on that specific street. Maybe then she wouldn’t have been assaulted, right? Getting tired of this crap on the forum. It’s playground bullying BS.

It’s just a bunch of people that weren’t there and are expecting it to be blizzards saving grace. It’s not going to be at least for the casual player base, there’s literally nothing for you to do outside of dungeons/raids/bgs. I guess get used to leveling non stop cause you won’t have any world quests/warfronts to do.

You do know you’re on the internet right? This place isn’t exactly always full of flowers and candy, especially on a public forum you’re going to get both good and bad. If that doesn’t compute to you then you’re just as bad as this guy that made the post if he even cares.

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Best part there will not be any lfr or easy gear at all. Want gear you actually have to work for it.

How do you think this game got to be where it’s at? Yea that’s right, player feedback

What feedback? Blizzard doesn’t care about feedback anymore.


They used to… hence the game we have now

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