I'm quitting wow

A lot of people did already buddy, retail is garbage now and the only hope of fixing it is classic/tbc servers succeeding and blizzard doing a clean sweep of the current dev team.

Instead they fired one of the best CMs so who knows /shrug : D

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Are you trying to create a drinking game every time those words/phrases are regurgitated? That might be funny to watch, though probably really bad for your health :stuck_out_tongue:

Epics weren’t hard to get in classic either. I had my first epic at level 30 I believe. My second was an epic rifle on my rogue It may have been tedious and time consuming. And since it’s popular to add to everything that might take more then a minute to complete, a form of time gating

No they didn’t, a large amount of employees were laid off. Yes there is a very big difference between being laid off with a group of people and being fired.

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Cool story

I support classic and hate BFA aswell, but that’s just false, lol.

I think you’d be surprised, most people anymore don’t enjoy dungeons/raids or pvp, there’s nothing outside of those in classic, and you’re already talking about them bringing back bc which they had said possible then ion said that it wasn’t so noone knows if or when that would happen. That is also the time when the game was enjoyable unlike vanilla when it was stale.

That’s the rifle, and the level 30 item was a mace.

As for the rest of the epics, getting into a guild capable of running mc and ony was easy. If you wanted to be sure to get epics right away, simply be a tank or healer. (And if you wanted thunderfury become that guilds MT)

This is why I’m excited for Vanilla.
All these people that think they know what it was like… I can’t wait for them to see how it truly was. Everyone that is so used to instant gratification is going to be throwing the biggest fit ever once they get started.


Exactly, I think most people that say the opposite of what it was are those that only just recently saw what it was like through streamers and never experienced the real thing.

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And then there was the problem of the quests going gray before you finished the zone. So you would need to run to almost all the zones in that level range.

I once saw an article where a guy calculated how much play time you spent running in classic and it was 50 to 75%.

Amazing, farming resistance gear, attunements, as well as DKP was easy. GJ amazing story.

Slow Claps at random item posts

I didn’t delete my frost resist/fire resist gear for the longest time either expecting it’d be used later, I never did use it.

Thing is in Classic you grind to get a certain goal. In BFA you grind to brute force your way through multiple layers of RNG. In Classic the grind was far more meaningful.


Initially you had to run through BRD to get to MC.

The attunement for MC wasn’t hard, just hop through some lava and click a rock.
The attunment for BWL was also not hard, run through UBRS and click the orb. (you could also use the portal in UBRS to get in if you choose)

Not all guilds used DKP or loot council.

What kind of weed are you using?

The day of Ninja looters …has come once more :joy: I do look forward to the rage videos on Ninja loots

Guy says he quits in four sentences.

And a pack of hyenas jump in for the kill. Hyenas that don’t even give a crap that he’s quitting.

Boredom? Or just a need to bite somebody?

Wooowww, Amazing you knew that basic info?Such a pro!

I bet you got all the gear required to those raids on your first runs, and won all the epic loot in a 40mam raid. not bad.

I bet you also looted all the >.05% epic BOE items too, and was probably the riches person on your server. Nice Job Man

Um, you do realize there’s a timer on the website … right? Also, they’ve given an exact date as to when it’ll be here?

You’re welcome Mr. Lowlevel forum alt.

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While the FR gear was nice and useful for starting out. As long as you knew what you were doing/knew the mechanics the only one who actually needed a high FR for MC was the main tank. Around 1.10 my guild was carrying lvl 55s and 56s through MC.

There are a lot of misconceptions about classic, partially due to how tight some people have their rose tinted glasses. How difficult it was to get epics to drop is one of them.

You think you’re being clever with your fallacy, but you’re really not.