I'm quitting wow

So because bad people exist that will treat you like crap, we should just accept that and never call them out for it? Or just throw our hands in the air? And never say anything?

That’s how we get to this place that we’re at.


Nah I just don’t think you should be allowed on the internet if you’re going to be a fruitcup that needs their hand held especially when things don’t exactly go your way.

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I feel like were in a big ship just along for the ride though tbh, waiting to see if we dodge or hit that iceberg ahead of us when 8.2 and classic come out.

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That’s not your call to make. You don’t get to declare whether that kid up there gets to post here or not. And you don’t get to decide whether his post has worth or not. If you disagree with him, fine disagree with him. But he doesn’t deserve to be ground into the dirt for feeling how he feels.


Neither do you telling people not to have a bad opinion of how he chose to go out either.


Do you even examine what you say? I’ve seen a bunch of your posts. Think about what you’re defending and come back.

I think unlocking the allied races was actually my favorite part of BFA.

Most of the rest seemed kind of pointless and unfinished.

I’m sorry if most of what I’ve said went over your head, but until you can understand what I’ve already posted I’m not going to repeat my self.

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Oh look, ANOTHER person coming to the forums saying their quitting. Dude, news flash, everyone quitting, for the exact same reason. You’re not special. Stop posting on the forums like your post, YOUR SPECIFIC post is going to be a game changer, or going to be anything different.

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Okay that’s a valid opinion rather than:

Orcs are fugly who’d want to play an orc, only the people that want to take advantage of their racial which doesn’t matter anymore.

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Are you eating popcorn right this second? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I think I’ve got a pretty good bead on you. And repeating nonsense just means there’s twice as much nonsense.

Further dialogue with you is pointless.

Yes I’m definitely a night elf as I’m sitting here at work.

Thank you for reinforcing my points.

The irony in that though tbh. If you’re on a public forum the only opinion you can have is and always should be a good one, like we don’t have a right to have anything but.

Yeah I knew from the first reply that you weren’t worth the time either but I thought I’d go along with it.

Stop reinforcing their point bruh, I don’t care to remember what that was if there was one in the first place.

Is classic grinding? In some ways yes.

The goal post doesn’t really move, you know level is max level, reps don’t go past exalted, professions are capped at 300, gear is capped at t3, gold is worth something, gear keeps its value(meaning anyone that passes you has to go through all that you did, no catchup or very little), and more.

If you don’t understand op. Think about what he is saying. Ok let’s say he grinned to 50 on the neck by next patch it will be increased and it will have a catch-up mechanic for others to pass him. Where only thing he can do is keep grinding.

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The thing with classic is 80-90% of the player base that only enjoy doing world quests/warfronts etc. if they make it past the leveling process won’t have anything to do other than bg/dungeons/raids so in that regard there won’t be a grind.

As far as the hardcore scene is concerned I remember going months without a meaningful piece of gear from raid so there’s that grind, along with leveling which is more of a chore/grind than anything over these last 15 years.

Don’t get me wrong I loved leveling in vanilla although it was aids, I had 6-8 60s in a matter of a few months. But I didn’t do much as far as raids were concerned for like 4-5 months in. The only raid I didn’t get to experience was naxx although I personally don’t care to either.

I do think the spoiled/entitled players will quit pretty quick because nothings given to them for little to no effort like bfa. Log in get a dozen pieces of gear in like an hour of play time. Try going 3 months or more without that.

What is there to do outside of raiding/dungeons/pvp in retail? If you’re delusional enough to believe that players enjoy doing island expeditions, warfronts, or world quests in their free time then there’s no point in arguing with someone that out of touch.

In vanilla you had player driven content.

You had massive 40 man world pvp raids, you had players fighting over world bosses, leveling was an actual part of the game that was a long but rewarding process, you had actual rewarding gear progression, gold has ACTUAL meaning, you had unique classes, you had professions that mattered, you had to form bonds with people to trust them enough to hand over mats, you had the prestige and glory of having tier 3 or thunderfury, you had reputations on your server, you had to group up with other people to do hard or elite quests, you had to rely on other people in general, etc.

Long story short, it was an actual MMO and the people who love BFA are people who do not like MMOs. You weren’t some genocidal maniac who could take on 40 mobs at once(unless you were a mage), you didn’t get free heroic gear from doing trivial LFR type content while afking and watching netflix, you were rewarded for effort not for paying $15 a month. It allowed you to get ahead of other players if you put in the effort.

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8.2 seems to be a step in the right direction overall honestly. Benthic gear is a gear system that allows you to buy and upgrade gear with currency, so no RNG at all. Azerite traits aren’t locked behind a grind so you don’t need to regrind any traits you already have like we’ve had to since launch. The essence system has a grind but it’s a much more interesting and impactful system and it’s also a grind with very very little RNG, therefore you can set goals and aim for them. More sandbox style content with mechagon, similar to the timeless isle which was very enjoyable.

There’s still a lot of problems with the game imo but 8.2 certainly seems like a step in the right direction. I hope they continue the trend of cutting out RNG and replacing it with goal oriented currency systems similar to what we’ve had in the past. I vastly prefer being able to farm my upgrades rather than pray for them.