I'm quitting wow

I spent idk how long beating my face against a wall in Silithus doing just that.


Too much grinding
Hopefully Classic comes out soon. Cause I’m done with BFA.

Oh boy… do I have news for you.

Aside from the oxymoron you just wrote (real word, not an insult btw), You do know you have to have an active subscription in order to play Classic? Quitting negates that ability.


Grinds are fine if you feel that its rewarding. While Classic has grinds they have a payoff. Gear/patterns/raid items(Hydraxian waterlords to summon rag!) as well as just story progression. It just has a different feel. While there are some annoying ones mostly Silithus. Argent Dawn is my favorite faction to grind mostly because I loved the plaguelands. Leveling also has its grind moments but if you dont mind traveling you can keep questing all the way to 60.(sometimes just faster to murder the zone for awhile though). Overall I am looking forward to playing Classic.

BFA is a treadmill grind where every patch you jump back on to do the exact same thing for the exact same gear to unlock the same exact traits just higher ilvl. It doesn’t feel good. 8.2 is adding a much better grind system with mechagon which should keep me entertained for a bit. As well as the Essense system. Just having something to work toward helps keep the terrible gameplay at bay! Similar to Legion Artifact skins. Goals are good which BFA is 100% lacking atm.


The game actually has a ridiculous amount of content , like 8 expansions worth


Sorry you’re leaving BfA over the grind but hope you find it better in Classic.

Classic is like a browser game, time gated on everything

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Classic is grindy and time consuming, but progress surprisingly feels more fulfilling.

Speaking from experience having played WoW since 2005, and also more recently on Nostalrius a couple years ago.

I think like the OP I find the grinds in BFA “meaningless” and unfulfilling. Grinding rep for allied races literally feels like they’re just trying to keep us running on the chores treadmill for the sake of /played time to meet their MAU quota.


hates grinding

waiting for classic



I’m gonna LOVE watching the fallout from all the scrubs who try classic when it gets released only to rage and realise just how good they have it now :rofl::rofl::rofl: :popcorn:


There will be some bandwagon people who fall off the wagon for sure.

That being said I think a lot of people are looking forward to a more fulfilling “grind”.

Retail showers us with epic loot. Loot feels pointless and boring.

Classic makes you work your butt off for Rare (Blue) loot. Getting a rare feels like getting a fatty titanforged epic on Retail. Getting an Epic is a HUGE deal too, unless you’re fortunate enough to be raiding. And with 3-4 items per boss for 40 players, it takes longer to get gear through raiding.

I guess what I mean to say is, you can’t equate the Grinds of Retail with the Grinds of Classic. They’re two entirely different kinds of beasts:

  • Retail grinding feels like grinding for the sake of the Blizzard MAU hamster wheel to unlock flying for the 3rd xpac in a row, or unlock races (this was never gated before).
  • Classic grinding feels like you actually made meaningful progress in making your character more powerful.


Like really!? You want to play Classic, not feel the burn of grinding everything. Good luck with that.

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Classic is more grindy, but it doesn’t feel as much like a chore. The grind in BFA feels artificial. Time gating. forced reputation to unlock key game features. gameplay locked behind grinding.

Vanilla has all these things, but it’s not par for the course. It’s just one of many things. Everything in BFA has this forced artificial difficulty to it. Maybe it’s the RNG. Maybe it’s the lack of attainable goals. It feels like you’re on a hamster wheel, where as vanilla you’re actually making (slow) progress.

They definitely could’ve handled bfa better. Blaming it on one thing like the word “grind.” is just too simple of an explanation of the problems for either version of the game.


Just gonna chalk this up to another troll thread but before I do gimme your gold first.

Naaahh nahh nah I saw you post about having millions you aint getting a copper.

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Can never have enough

Dear Diary,

Today Uselust, a level 22 shaman quit, i worry for the future in these dark times.


And you’re going to Classic son? You have no idea how good you have it.

Classic has less grinding than BfA? LOL!!!..gasp…LOL!!! I played since Vanilla and you sir are completely wrong and ignorant to it.

I’m guessing you never played Classic then. You’re in for a real eye opener.

You worded it better than I could. Thank you