I'm on a mission: to buy many WoW tokens I need for the mount

Demon pigeon! Aran drew a demon pigeon!

See? I told you it was scary. The experiments didn’t really go according to plan. Just you wait until it starts cooing.


:confused: They deleted the cookie thread before I could reply.

Edit: Why the heck did this come out in quote form?

OP, if i had an extra $600 laying around I would not use it on blizzard. Please evaluate and make sure your needs are met first before your wants.

For example, an extra $600 would be fantastic right now. I need new tires on my car and would use the remaining amount for groceries needed. If you have all your essentials covered then have fun I guess. But I can think of so many other fun ways to spend $600 then on a digital mount.


if you are willing to spend $600 on an in-game mount…
your problems are much larger than you realize. and they reach far beyond the online world.


Please reread my first post at the very bottom

I read it… my comment remains true

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Removing the mount to force people to buy tokens.

No you did not

If it helps float your boat, donations is ok with me

why would I donate to your sickness?
seek help


Then you did not read my post then

Cool, you do you. On a side note. This post was created to solicit a response. There is absolutely no other reasons for it. GD isnt a blog, so to react seemingly surprised or offended that you recieved exactly what you sought is absurd.


I’ll break this down for you…
you are obviously single. obviously young… as you have no grasp of responsibilities, or financial maturity.
you seem to think you NEED this mount/achievment to the point you are willing to spend $600 on it…

go outside, and meet a girl. you’ll be better for it in the long run


They deleted the cookie thread? I thought I was evil…

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You’re gonna regret it. However I understand. Good luck.

That’s a yikes from me, Dawg.

Assuming is bad my friend.

I’m not shocked or offended by the replies, I realized I didn’t clarify my original post so I included that.

Is this not WoW forums? If I remember correctly on the old forums, general discussion is to discuss things about WoW. Positively or negativity

Why didn’t you tell the same thing to others that posted good things such as finally getting the mount they want? The cookie thread? The one where they posts who’s their favorite post?

You’re more then welcome to apply for a forum moderator to enforce your standards

You’re referring yourself to myself…

My financial does not equal to yours or anyone’s here. I’m also not starting at 0 gold either. IDK why people think that way. I’m not even near to that price

That’s not what’s going on here, but ok.

A part from simply stating your goal, I’m having a hard time seeing how to respond to a thread like this … :thinking:

Good luck I guess?

Not forcing people to do anything. is it fully confirmed it will be removed? What happens if its not?

Whats the justification behind removing the mount? Some wowhead post? How often are they wrong?

Blizzard is NOT forcing anyone to purchase this. this is OPTIONAL. same as logging into the game. THIS IS A GAME. a GAME.

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The blues themselves confirmed it’s being removed. And the argument that Blizzard is not “forcing” anything is trite at best. They are taking what was a consumable gold sink and removing it from the game to artificially create demand.

All you have to do is look at the current round of lootboxes and things in gaming and the recent backlash about how poor impulse control a lot of players have. I agree, it’s not necessary and optional. But there are folks, like the OP, who are willing to drop $600+ of real money to chase that digital high.

It’s predatory crap.