I'm on a mission: to buy many WoW tokens I need for the mount

I understand it’s kinda stupid to do this, but as I see myself not being able to get it in time, this seems a somewhat simpler solution hate to say…

So, 2 tokens per biweekly should do it, already got 2 down last week, 2 more next week.

If my math is right, I should get the mount by March

Edit: seems people are not understanding this…

My choice is my own, my choice does not reflect general discussion as a whole

If you have an urge on negativity why I’m doing this… Because I have the choice to do so. My income is private to discuss but it does not harm me, nor my party, in any way to get tokens in this situation

You are more then welcome to help me out with donations if it helps float your boat.


It’s your money, but I absolutely hate to see people reward Blizzard for a terrible marketing decision.


Pathetic. Don’t give into blizzards cash grab. Artificial scarcity when there is no scarcity is stupid.


You seriously are willing to spend ~$600 on a mount? What is it about that mount that you find so desirable? I am legitimately curious.


I’m sorry, but that’s a stupid decision. It’s a digital dinosaur that is only a minor convenience. It is not necessary in a game that is already loaded with conveniences.


If I could send you money to help I would.

But I have no:

Bank Account
Credit Card


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Dear gods… not even a pigeon!!! you truly are suffering…

/hands a tray of chili fries


Please don’t.

Like spend that 600 bucks on a new Graphic card instead. It would give you a much better value and make your games run and look better. Plus Ray Tracing is the hot new thing.

You are free to take this advice if you wish, more power to you.


If you can afford it then do it, OP. Don’t let a video game forum dictate what you do with your own money.


The achievement

It’s mostly the achievement I want from it too

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I’ve always wondered if this happens in sports circles. Do people look down on the other fans that buy jerseys and other memorabilia? Are people telling others that instead of game tickets they could buy new window coverings for their house?


that is true…

But we can still tell you if its a bad idea or not


That’s an opinion, an opinion that really means nothing and holds no water.

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Yes let’s give into shady business practices that prey on the mentally ill, not saying OP is, but there are plenty that are that will be affected by this. People who are so addicted that instead of paying for life necessities shell out their money for this mount. There is a reason governments are trying to crack down on this.

They’re literally creating artificial scarcity to get people to spend $600 on a digital item. An item that has no tangible value, that cannot be resold, or used in any other way.


Well think about it

Be a mechagnome with engineering

Literally a walking profession machine. Smelt something right there you need as you do everything due to the racials.

Mail it off with MOLLE

Brutosaur to sell it right after you crafted it

Grab that Dinosaur by the neck! I’m glad I grabbed it a while back.

I think if your work offers a chance for it, maybe do a bit of overtime. I admit I’m a bit tired and I’d really like to rest at this time of year.

You may be able to get it faster than you think.

Ingame ways to assist: both ore and leather from Naz sells pretty well at the moment so it’s a good time to be a gatherer. All the best!

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I hope you enjoy the mount and find value in its purchase.

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Have you thought of…I don’t know actually using the AH and making gold without using your money?


You are the problem.


Im… Guaranteed 65+ hours a week I have no problems financial