I'm on a mission: to buy many WoW tokens I need for the mount

But who is telling you, that you have to get it or else?

Where were you when artifact tower skins, mop cloak, WoD ring were once b"artificially scarce" when the next expansion was coming out?

And I’m not even close to spending $600

Then people are making a choice to trade real money for a mount in a video game.

Let that sink in.

No one is forced here.

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And look up loot boxes and exploitation. There’s a reason the FTC is starting to crack down on this behavior, and other countries. Monetizing addiction is wrong.


Were any of those gold sinks? Were any of those requiring people to buy tokens to pay for them? Nice strawman argument.

Yeah it’s behavioural economics that takes advantage of people who are susceptible to FOMO and loss aversion, which I’d guess is the better half of society. It’s a greasy tactic. I’ve fallen into it plenty of times in the past.

Seeing as there’s no real apparent basis to remove it other than to create demand, or FOMO, you can’t help but see it as a targeted strategy to make some dollars at the expense of those with a strong urge not to miss out on something unique. Leaves a bad taste considering getting to 5 mil without paying for it is extremely unlikely.


As a company they are in this to make money. if someone chooses to purchase an item then that’s on them.

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Who is making them buy it? Mount is cosmetic, I don’t recall it giving you 500+ in a stat or something

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I mean if you have the money for it I’m not gonna stop you from buying the heckin’ longerino but if I ever happen to see you I’m gonna unleash all of my /fart macros on you

nothing personal it’s just my base instinctual reaction

I agree with this completely. Cosmetic and real money spent on something that they’ll never make money back on.

If you have that kind of disposable income, then it’s your business. It’s your business even if you don’t have that kind of disposable income.

But I stand by my assertion that that is a completely foolish waste of money to spend on a video game that you already pay for. And for a very small return, practically speaking.


Well…as long as you know.


I think I understand perfectly. You open the floor for a controversial topic where people are free to voice an opinion counter to yours, and this is somehow surprising.

If it moans like a whale, it’s probably a whale

The world is a vampire

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I never got this theory that Bliz is doing this to sell tokens, simply because they only confirmed it when a post was made about a datamine that showed owning the dino was going to be a feat of strength. Haven’t seen anything else about it from them except that reply.

If they really wanted to use this to sell tokens then wouldn’t they make sure everyone knows about it and announce it officially? Apparently only a small amount of the playerbase goes on here and fewer will have seen the first thread about the dino so it hardly seems like any kind of marketing strategy to me.

If I had an extra $600 I wasn’t going to miss, I’d buy the Brutosaur mount. Not for the AH, not for the Achievement, but just because I like dinosaur mounts.

It’s their money, their life, their recreation, their entertainment. It’s not their fault Blizzard is essentially taking the mount away.

Worry about your own wallet.

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I wouldn’t count on Blizzard doing this. If they were going to offer a version of the Brutosaur without the vendors on it, it would probably exist already.

Which is part of why the mount’s effective removal is such a garbage move.

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Or we could all do our part and not support games and companies that have any part of stuff like this, right? It might inconvenience us but that’s okay since we’d be making the positive change so needed, right?

Personally I wouldn’t do it, but if you have the disposable income then who am I to judge?

“It’s your money. Use it when you need it.” ~JG Wentworth

Blizzard: “Oh my god, it actually worked!”