I'm on a mission: to buy many WoW tokens I need for the mount

Man, I get that 20 dollars here and there in the long run doesn’t have much of an impact but think about what you could get for almost 600 dollars. Of all those things, is the mount really that high up on the list? You could get the PS5 when it comes out and probably a few games. Or a really nice new graphics card. Or a bunch of steak.

But ultimately it’s up to you. You know your situation better than any of us.


You could farm it before they retire it, with very little effort.

If you have 3 alts above 110 (120 would be easier) you could make 30k a week, in about 4 hours, spread out at your leisure. Doing raids, and vendoring. Its very inefficient, but you could watch tv while you do it, listen to an audiobook?

Also i would get this done just to horde gold before SL, I have a feeling all vendored items are going to get nerfed HARD core to promote more token sales.

EDIT NVM: It would take you 166 weeks to get enough gold at 30k a week. You would need 30k a day to get it in 166 days.
I Guess the real question is whats your time worth, might just be a better idea to buy the token.

Be careful. I have a feeling it will be changed to a feat of strength and not even show up as points if that is what you wanted. Could be wrong though.

You’re really full of sunshine are you…

I didn’t get those due to they are still available, they are still on my bucket list

But since you were so insisted on judging, why don’t you take a look at my Collector’s edition items, I made sure I got WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion and BfA collector’s edition

Not to mention all the StarCraft 2 collector’s edition pets

Not to mention Diablo III collector’s edition

Not to mention Overwatch collector’s edition

They were all limited time things Just like the Brutosaur, just like my MoP cloak, just like my WoD ring, did you also check to see I got those achievements because I made sure I did it before they were gone forever?

I’m focusing on Brutosaur first

Does that satisfy your ego yet

That’s why you camp a level 1 alt at an auction house. Great way to save ~$600.


If I had to guess it probably was not that hard. I am guessing the answer is an army of alts and mission boards in Legion. Because I know somebody that was close to gold cap while doing cutting edge raiding by doing exactly this.

Am I close?

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Why are you asking us? It is your money, Just buy it or don’t. Don’t listen to random strangers on a message board.

My bank alt is 40ish, thank you very much. Those random holiday event groups add up over the years…

@OP: I guess if you have extremely disposable income and don’t care about further degrading the quality of the game by supporting money-grubbing design decisions like this, buy away.

If they’re setting up basically a payment plan for only 600 dollars it doesn’t sound like they have extremely disposable income.


You’re only limited to so many tokens you can get per week

10, not 1 a week like your payment plan is set.

Yes, but I also have things saved up.

I’m almost at enough money saved up for the Vanilla wow collector’s edition. There’s lots of things I’m saving up, Brutosaur is one but outside of WoW, there’s other things I want to collect before they’re too rare in the market

I own this mount and there is no way in hell I would pay that much for it. To tell the truth I don’t think I would spend the 5m again to get it. its not all that great. It gets stuck all the time and the AH is just ok. I still use AH alts more.

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$20-30 limited time mounts that come with other games vs. $600 mount that come with nothing else. Good analogy. Very defensive.

Yak has been out for almost a decade, but it’s still on your bucket list? But yeah, Brutosaur is going away soon and you’ll spend $600 to get it. But that’s none of my business. /kermitsippingtea

You do you broooooo.


While it is your money and you can do with it as you please, consider this:

  1. Do you really need a mobile AH? Typically only hardcore gold farmers need it. And if you were a hardcore gold farmer you wouldn’t be looking at buying $600 worth of tokens. I only recently bought the Grand Expedition Yak and i was mad at myself for doing it. And that was only 100k or so.

  2. If what you are really looking for is a Brutosaur mount, chances are that Blizz will put a new non-AH version in the store for $20 or so, likely by the next expac. If you don’t absolutely NEED the AH feature you would be much better off waiting for this.

  3. While it is a cool mount to be sure, i really think that you should think twice before spending $600 on it. Thats over two years of gametime. And it is for a virtual mount in a game. Thats how i see it anyway. When i see someone with one i immediately wonder if someone ponied up that much money or if they were able to generate that kind of gold through farming.

  4. An alternate idea: if you have $600 to put in to WoW, why not upgrade your gaming setup? Maybe upgrade your monitor or get a high end gaming keyboard and mouse? This would probably bring much more benefit to your overall WoW experience than a turquoise brutosaur. Hit some post-Christmas sales and score some sweet deals.


Actually since I never listed how much gold I started initially, I really need to take out $240+ or less depending on what gold value the token Is in the future, I added another 8-10 tokens just in case worst scenario

I collect things and focus on the ones that are limited time like Brutosaur, if he wasn’t I would have focused something else

If you were that concern about me spending money, I’d be happy to take donations

It wasn’t a terrible marketing decision at all!! It was a terrible customer relations decision, but a great marketing one.

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Ahh. Well it is your money. Enjoy what makes you happy.

Then why in the world are any of us still supporting this company with our time and money? If they are that scummy and prey on the mentally ill, as you said, wouldn’t it be best if we stop condoning this and supporting them in any manner?

You can’t really believe that they prey on the mentally ill or you wouldn’t still be here, would you?

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