Im not unsubbing and neither are you lol

No you didn’t

Please unsubscribe. Don’t need your selective wokeism here.

Stay in your ivory tower on which issues are worthy of it to you.

This is not a defense of any true allegations in the complaint. I’ll wait and see. Anyone responsible will have a date with HR.

i unsubbed and uninstalled 2 weeks ago

Already did lol, got 8 days left.
ok byeeee

Before doing anything rash.

Yikes. Have you met our social media driven society?

I unsubbed and uninstalled.

Y’all I loved and defended Bill Cosby. I feel so ashamed for doing that now. I believe victims.

I unsubbed

I’m out, uninstalled a few hours ago. Just the thought of playing through so many quests and storylines written by a predator makes me ill, and it ruins the whole game for me.

I’ll watch and see how everything shakes out, but that’s a pretty unavoidable hurdle for me, unfortunately, even though I still enjoy the game itself.

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No you havent

Are you an elementary school student? Yes, I did, and as a woman with PTSD from workplace sexual assaults, your attitude is disgusting.

Why don’t you go somewhere else with your trolling and leave the adults to talking.


I thought I’d be the first guy standing up for this, but in fact I’m the last. If the game is still fun, well, there’s not a lot else we can do but play it if we’re so inclined.

Since your not coming back whats your mains name?

No i cannot and thats my choice, not yours.

The second part of that sentence is fine.
The first part is sociopathic.
You dont care that this crap happens?

" Signs of a Sociopath · Lack of empathy for others"

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I was soft boycotting Blizzard since WoD by only paying for things using gold. Something about the way the game has developed over the years makes me not like Blizzard and I can’t exactly put my finger on it. Probably has something to do with the way the company is run since they’re part of Activision.

The Hong Kong thing and this recent lawsuit just add fuel to my distaste for Blizzard that I already had prior. I played with some friends in Shadowlands but we all got burnt out by February. There are so many solid games out nowadays and although WoW can suck you in and get you addicted, each new xpac holds my interest for a shorter and shorter period of time.

I don’t think that a handful of boycotts is gonna kill Blizzard, I don’t think anyone does, but if no one had a problem with these sexual harassment allegations and no one boycotted, Blizzard would be less inclined to do anything about it.


Same here. I could care less about what is happening. I’ll still play WoW, buy D2 Remastered, D4, and whatever WoW expansion(s) come in the future.
Just go ahead and announce classic WotLK and all will be fine.

I unsubbed way before these allegations came to light and my reasons were and still are because this game absolutely sucks and that’s just my personal opinion and the reason why I can’t justify paying for something especially if I’m not enjoying it.

hmmm kinda hypocritical…do you care that half the stuff you own was produced in a sweat shop where child labor is condoned in 3rd world countries. Someone who slaves 16 hours a day and makes barely enough for 1 meal? Where’s your empathy for those people

quit google and microsoft then. because if you don’t, then you don’t care about women’s safety either.

Everybody should go free to play. That’ll fix them.

I’m not unsubbing. :slightly_smiling_face: I am pissed off and disgusted and it breaks my heart to hear that a girl actually died over this. I read the whole thing.

I think, guilty people involved should resign. :slightly_smiling_face:

When this is over, whoever has left, we will then know who was guilty. :slightly_smiling_face: