I dont care and still plan to play the game, so do you quit lieing to yourself. Give it a week and i bet everyones forgotten
unsubbed and uninstalled.
Thank you for telling us you don’t care about women’s safety. Enjoy your broken moral compass.
Who cares about sexual harassment i just want to keep playing my dead azz game
You know you can permanently delete your entire battle net act right?
Unsubbed before this but this has reaffirmed my decision.
i unsubbed. and i uninstalled. thats enough. this game is going to die
Enjoy your high horse.
We may not need to if they order blizz to pay enough.
You really think the fines gonna be enough to do anything? Maybe itll lead to a bad q3 but theyll be fine
i actually deleted my account before and started fresh, seriously regretting this decision now. i will definitely unsub for now at least and more than likely delete for good soon enough
We’ll see. You never know, activision may scrap the whole thing and sell the rights to the highest bidder.
I really hope you see that’s not what this is about. Just have sympathy for these women. Try to understand what it’s like to be someone other than yourself.
Why would I unsub, when this game is not buggy it is great.
I do understand. I also don’t need to virtue signal on an internet forum so everyone sees how woke and caring I am.
It’s definitely a pro-blizz troll talking point that no one will ever leave the game and no one has ever left the game. I’m sure that’s what they say to each other at the in-house espresso bar. Those missing 100 million accounts that haven’t been played in years, nah. They don’t count.
Im sympathetic to the victims but its absurd to expect to give up my favorite hobby so theyll shuffle executives around.
It’s not absurd, it’s how a boycott works. If you care so deeply about the game, then you could always come back after they make changes. But playing right now, giving them money right now is just showing, indirectly as it may be, that you support this behavior.
I am not unsubbing because of this.
I’m letting my sub expire because 9.1 has about a month’s worth of content and one can grind Korthia only so much before they get worn out.
I’ve already unsubbed, but I unsubbed earlier without this drama. I’m quite enjoying the remainder of my account’s subscription on these forums, though sadly I bought a lot of tokens with the m+ boosting sale gold I got in Shadowlands so it’ll be a good while before the sub fully runs out.
However as you can see from the picture, I am very much enjoying my new home. Uninstallafells will rule the world!