Im not unsubbing and neither are you lol

Its hard understandably to unsub for a lot of people. Me trying to be as objective as possible Blizzard screwed over a lot of their players and put them in an absolutely terrible spot.

1:) People grew up on this game, they have built up a group of friends and even family through this game.

2:) This game has got them through a lot of times both the good and the bad.

3:) They in general really enjoy the game and have fun with the game itself.

As far as for me personally of those things i either can accept the loss or not losing much at all but i can take a step back and look at things objectively and understand that its not as easy for anyone else to quit.

At the end of the day though i do not think i could feel good or proud myself playing a product i know supports people like them.


Never research literally any business.

I guarantee when the game’s down to 50k subs and Blizzard introduces “premium boosts” (character leveling boosts that come with a full set of entry level epics), there will still be people like you here claiming that everything’s perfectly fine and nobody’s leaving.

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I research them all or is this a blanket statement? i am guessing the later because you know nothing about me and felt it was appropriate to make that reply.

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Been unsubbed and uninstalled four months now. I think I passed the one week test a while back.

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Okay your point is? Who cares? Nice try.

My sub ends Sept 9. No you cannot change my mind. No you cannot have my gold.


If blizz is so irredeemable then permanently delete your bnet you liar.

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Your not my real mom or dad. Get a life. Build a bridge and get over yourself.


As much as Blizzard bends the knee to China and this is what people are raging about. Yeah. they’ll come back for next xpac.

^that’s how you do it, for anyone that was wondering.

Youre just a virtue signaling liar

I haven’t really played much since January so it seems like a good time to unsub. Besides, this involuntary year long house party finally made my workplace go under. Time to scrimp and save while looking for another job.

that’s a big nope from me Bob

some things matter and the only way they change is consequences

Umm… no… no it doesn’t. That is an extremely irrational thing to say. Don’t you think there are good people working at Blizzard right now? Do you want them to continue to have a job so they can support their lives? Think about what you’re saying next time please.

Ok cool so stop posting and get out, let the professionals deal with the problem and let others enjoy the game.

What if I quit months ago and just waiting for my sub to run out? I’ve been playing other stuff, this company has gone to complete dogsh*t. 25 years of being loyal, yes thats real, i started playing Blizzard games when I was 8 and I’m 33, it was hard to let them go but they are no where near the same anymore and used to be THE standard all companies should model after. I hope Dreamhaven rises up.

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Don’t care about the controversy but yeah I am. Came back this month after a 7month hiatus and I can barely play for 15min before losing interest again.

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Think Blizzard should shut down the forums and let your hearts bleed somewhere else over alleged allegations for a while. Give you all time to go play other games let your minds relax a bit.

Of course people care but end of the day this game has been around for 17 years and hundreds of people have worked on it. Even if this is true why then does that justify you to stop playing cause a few people did wrong? Do you buy smartphones? They are basically made in sweatshops. As are many of the comforts/items we enjoy in the western world so do you stop interacting with all of it?

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Watch me, fool.