Im not unsubbing and neither are you lol

Which is why I said some people and not all. I understand there are others who can’t separate the two. And that okay too.

I’m not the one who can’t read.

Getting hung up on a spelling error kinda proves my point against you this whole time, you’re a troll without an argument. :heart:

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Of course I’m not unsubbing, I’ve still got sub time to burn. I’m getting my money’s worth one way or another even if I all do is upvote forum drama. The forums are more exciting and better written than SL anyhow.

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It seems like there’s enough people here that it apparently gets blizzards attention in some way.

When? When people spam report something? lol

e.e. cummings would like to have a word with you on that.

And some people type without using the shift key while on the internet.

Get over it.

You insult your own.

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Gonna have to give you some respect there, at least you’re telling the truth.

Hoping these types all leave and those of us not preening and posturing 24/7 are finally rid of the dregs that ruined cities all last summer and complain non stop about a game they are too obsessed to quit.


They aren’t going anywhere.

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The funny thing is that I agree with your post and you seemed to take offense because I said:

You can care more than anyone in the world but at the end of the day, we have no say and if you sub to this game you’re feeding the behavior they’re being sued for.

Fair enough. Can I use their ability to feign indignation at them still playing this game when this blows over.

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I’m not unsubbing, there are people who work for blizz who rely on their job to take care of their families. If they were not part of the culture or participants in the “frat boy” stuff going on, they don’t deserve to lose their jobs and careers over it. I do expect that the leadership and people who did participate to get absolutely demolished, but we’ll see.


Do you even know what you’re defending or are you just hung up on trying to prove a pointless point?

Nothing you ever post is worthwhile.


Nah bud, there’s a difference in a fake woke cancel culture and pushing a woman to kill herself because the management at work doesn’t know how to adult.

I hope whatever guy passed that pic around gets the worst form of cancer.

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I have some boots for you to lick. :hiking_boot: Big corporate says the :white_heart: you too. :pleading_face:

If anyone is quitting and needs their gold, mats, and tradeable battle pets properly disposed of I am willing and able to handle that :slight_smile:


Nothing on this forum is worth anything. It’s literally a place to complain.

Sure thing pal.

You can has this :poop: