I'm not conspirationist but the whole FF14 thing

Not all, but a darn good start, agreed.

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The OP involves the dreaded other game, so it’s kinda hard not too.

WoW’s endgame = 10 boss fights and some trash.

FF14’s endgame = every trial and raid because they understand how to scale content. (quick count is 81 trials, and 39 raids/alliances, though I am counting different versions of each raid separately because I’m too lazy to sort through them, so it’s more like 40ish trials, and 20ish raids/alliances)

The FF14 free trial has more endgame content than the entire Shadowlands expansion will, when/if it reaches the content level of Warlords of Draenor which is by itself an extremely low bar.


They’re different games and you can enjoy them for different reasons.


I’d like to give FF a look, but the free trials are locked.

Anybody know when this will be lifted?

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I’ve heard there’s suppose to be some news about it this month.

FF14 makes you feel valued. Just look at what the incompetent WoW developers did again: The recent news about the research-changes nobody asked for on the PTR.

Is this how you treat customers? By wasting their time? On top of that, WoW has not enough fun activities to keep the players playing because everything is either FOMO or unavailable.


FFXIV is the perfect example of a story based MMOJRPG.

And that is why I like it. Blizzard! Start taking notes.


Sorry, I said all I had to say on the subject. You think WoW sucks and FF14 is great. I, the opposite. End of story.

Also, there is an off-topic forum to talk about non-WoW games.

On a personal level I think the game lost its way from being the #1 MMO in the world because of bad management. This happens if you let some Elite Jerks guildmembers take over the game, they don’t have the passion for the fun but the numbers.


True. But I still love WoW. I don’t want to allow Ion & C to ruin it for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Big thing that makes FF14 nicer than WoW, as someone who’s guild all jumped ship during the ‘Sylvanas Fight’ patch.

You are never feel punished for playing the game the way you want.

Raiding is what I enjoyed most about WoW and it is one thing that they did well (until Sylvanas) but I did not like the fact that it becomes a matter of: Here are the hoops, jump through them all. You want gear progression? If you just do raiding, you might not get it for weeks upon weeks.

FF14 has the matter of, “You raid? Good job, you might get a drop and get the item right away. In the meantime, you are literally guaranteed to get gear (and the pieces you want) within a certain time frame simply by doing the content.” Even mounts have the bad luck protection that if you kill a boss 99 times, if you don’t get lucky and get the mount by dice, you can just straight up buy it and besides current-patch Raid/Savage Raid content, it isn’t a weekly lockout.


This is the quality control WoW lacks and is required to have as a modern MMO. I don’t think the council even has addressed this either because of how conditioned the raider are to the current system.


That was before the industry standard became designing games around mechanics that encourage microtransactions. The most recent version of Neverwinter was panned a few weeks ago on “Worst MMO’s Ever”.


Dude don’t stop now you literally just finished true worst part of ff14. Yes the level where you and getting there is painful but really 56-60 isn’t that bad and the story really really really picks up around these levels

End of Post AAR and heavenward story is phenomenal and your so close. You’ve ploughed through the most boring and cringe part of the game but it really really picks up from here and the story just takes the game to a whole epic level


I was promised a conspiracy in this thread and you failed to deliver. People liking/disliking a game isn’t a conspiracy.

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I really don’t understand what you are looking for. The biggest conspiracy about Blizzard came true with the sex scandals and how people stole breastfeeding milk. It is also true that many people left for FF14 - otherwise we would not have the official statements that the servers are closed due too many people playing the game.


Excellently put! WoW has exactly that “vibe” for me. It’s like that old car, far from perfect, but which you know perfectly, to the point that you could write the musical score for the “song” of the engine.

Maybe that’s the reason my fav mount is the small steampunk airplane. It represents WoW itself to my eyes (and ears).

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The devs work on whatever management tells them to work on.

Don’t blame the devs.

Blame Bobby.

I honestly blame both. Management gives them directives like extend time to make more money (not saying this is exact, just an example) but the devs instead of making fun things to do to extend play time and subs they incorporate mobile game design into an already paid subscription game.