I'm not conspirationist but the whole FF14 thing

Ok… so I played a lot of FF14, (before the Asmongold craze). The game story is nice, specially the Asians part. But FF14 “Endgame” is a complete joke.

It only happens that we were in the final period of the expansion (best period, where all content is unlocked) and Shadowlands content cadence really sucked. Then corona, lol 60 free trials, content creators, etc. Then the whole lawsuit drama and all… man 2021 was really a disaster for Blizzard.


Doing a closer look. With Endwalker being releases. I played for a week to only realise there is NO CONTENT left. At least no ENDGAME.

So let me just do a comparison. Shadowlands launched with.

-Castle Nathria (10 bosses, 3 difficulties)
-PvP (best pvp it’s been in a while)
-Covenants renown (rewards and progression)
-About 8 Mythic +dungeons

6.0 Endwalker
-2 Dungeons (expert dungeons) all are the same 3 trash groups > boss linear crap
-2 Trials Extreme (these are cool)
-4 new bosses on Pandæmonium (yes only 1 wing, whole expansion its going to be 12 bosses)

Yet somehow you see everyone here complaining and on SE forums if you point something they yell at you and call you a blizzard fanboy. Yet do you guys see the hoax ?

Is it a hoax ? Well, a bit yes but some of it is guaranteed. Let me expand.

What Blizzard did/does fine.

-Raiding (best raiding, no comparison) although tanking needs a little love
-PvP on 9.0 was excellent, even if the items were a bit too powerful even for pve. It gave a big pool for players.
-M+ I loved M+ on BFA. No need to nerf the highest ilevels. I stopped doing M+ as I could not get 233 gear, went pvp this time. My hunter sitting. Hope it can get back on 9.2.

-Combat fluidity. Not even close to the other games. I even play Gunbreaker on FF14 and some of you know how clunky it is a continuation combo when you want to move and it points you to the boss…

Where Blizzard really dropped the ball

-9.0 to 9.1 took just way too long. Period, you guys just shot yourself in the foot there. Any momentum shadowlands had you guys killed it. MAXIMUM time for patches need to be 5 months, but like at February 9.0.5 should have dropped with 9.1 on PTR at March. Dropping at late April on live. 9.2 should dropped at September and 9.3 around now.

-Nerfing pvp gear for pve. All pvers were feeding pvp, now its dead. I understand your philosophy here but we need more people pvping, raiding will always have its place.

-Timegating Covenants progression.

-Covenants. While a cool idea. The fact is that being in 1 covenant means enjoying 25% of the game. That sucks.

-NEVER AGAIN ISOLATED ZONES. All zones were on their own realms, it make the expansion feel smaller instead of a single cohesive planet. (Or two groups of big islands like BFA)

-Torghast. I revisited it, it feels much better now. But now it’s a bit too late. You should not be afraid of making something fun and REWARDING… torghast could be a good way to gear up. Just doing torghast. Why the hell not (even the best gear).

Where Blizzard is doing extremely bad

-Systems upon systems and borrowed power. Please STOP. It only worked on Legion. NO MORE PERIOD. This is lazy class balancing and it sucks if I know I’ll lose those powers in 2 years.

What FF14 does good that Wow can implement. (I’m not going over what it does bad as we don’t care)

-It is not afraid of invest a lot of effort on side content. Things like the golden saucer are extremely nice. The Dark moon faerie should be always and you could even drop a special patch just for it. Don’t be afraid of releasing cool patches in between the raids with side content.

-Housing. I know much is debated around this. But the thing is that housing opens up a whole plethora of RP opportunities that aren’t possible without.

-Cool flashy moves for melee. Come on I’ve always hated my Warrior abilities how they look and all.

-I’m torn between this, but FF14 older content is relevant. Make a way to replay all dungeons and raids and all besides time walking with up to date rewards. Why not only 10ilevel less than top Mythic gear ? Make it fun.

Finally a couple stuff.

-we need realm merges with some kind of population balancing. Yes it sucks for investors, but creating super servers is the way to go.

Last but not least. Where is the conspiracy ?

Everyone made FF14 be much than it really is. Game’s Endgame content is a plain joke. But blizzard should not be content thinking everyone is going to return to wow. Some causals found its place there. Otherwise like me are kinda skipping shadowlands entirely and waiting on other games like Lost Ark. Some will return but EVERYTHING depends on blizzard.

But please Blizzard. Get your stuff togheter.


If you’re playing FFXIV with a wow raiding/M+ mindset, you’re gonna have a bad time.

I for one am VERY glad FFXIV isn’t wow.


9.0 did NOT release with Castle Nathria. That was a few weeks later.


I would say that sometimes it’s not about the amount of content, but more about players needing a change of scenery. It’s easy to argue that WoW has more content, more things to do, but for some players they just want to play something different. FF is similar to WoW in many ways, but it offers a different approach that makes it feel new and fresh to many players.

New classes, new rotations, new abilities, new worlds to explore. It’s new and exciting, so to them it’s a better experience from what they’re used to. It doesn’t necessarily mean FF is a better game, it’s just one that plays as a nice alternative to an MMO that they’ve played for over a decade.

My personal belief is that some players just needed a break from this game. It’s not certain that they’ll come back, but I do suspect many will eventually tire of FF and return for the next expansion. The doomsayers can disagree, but everyone is entitled to their opinion so it really doesn’t matter.


At least Yoshi P doesn’t lie to their player base


I tried ff14, didn’t like the responsiveness of the buttons. Too sluggish for me, but I still tried to log in every 2 weeks or so and quest here and there. But then after 11 months of casually playing it, a certain wow streamer and his goon squid came to the server I was in and so I had good and easy reason to not play ff14 anymore.


I’ve tried 3 times to level up in FF14 and I just can’t do it.
I get so bored of running around the main cities, they are too big for their own good.
Not a fan of the “looks like an open world game but really isn’t because of all the invisible walls”.
The zone design is basically Age of Conan 2.0.
Not saying WoW is perfect and FF14 is terrible, it’s just that even though I’ve given FF14 three solid tries, it just doesn’t hook me.


Ff14 respects people’s time.

Wow is built to force us to play in a myriad of ways and it’s so insulting.

That’s the biggest thing for me. There are obviously pros and cons to each game but playing because I want to and not because I feel forced to feels so refreshing.


The content is not rewarding when it comes to WoW. You know you can do stuff in FF14 and it will have a payoff (story, getting a reward at the end, community). How many topics do we had in the past about not getting something they need or missing loot at the end?

WoW feels like a hamster wheel. You are constantly on a timer to do something. Most you do is not account-wide. There are too many gatekeeping mechanics involved enjoying the content. What FF14 does is to sell you enjoyment.


I mean that’s fair but you are basically saying you’ve never even gotten out of ARR content. You haven’t unlocked flying. You haven’t fleshed out a job to where it’s rotation is complete. ARR is essentially vanilla wow leveling 1-60.

I get it. ARR is a slog. It’s too bad that they haven’t found a way to smooth out that barrier for entry because the cherry that is heavensward is waiting on the other side.


…Can someone, translate the OP?


Than 9.1 came along with the worst pvp this game has ever seen.


FF14 good, wow bad, reeeeeeeeeeee.


ffx listens and respects playerbase…even old content is relevant, but raids are a joke. wow has great raids and a larger world, but forces a formulated gameplay.


communication and ignoring feedback. SL is a prime example of it. 9.0.5 - 9.1.5 were all feedback they ignored.


Indeed. The alpha/beta feedback on covenants, for example, was nearly universal, but they ignored it.

At the same time, some people really aren’t suited to playing WoW (I wonder why some of them ever picked it up in the first place…) and if they’re happier somewhere else, fine. In particular the “I don’t want to do dungeons or raid or PvP or do quests or explore the world” crowd. I hope they don’t come back, actually. They’d just start complaining again.

The endgame should be just that, the END of the game. Not the entire game.

WoW is rushing people to the competitive stuff that I never wanted in the first place and the leveling is too fast! Look at this character, already level 31 out of 60 and only a few months old.


Some of us have been here for 14 or 15 years and do not like the direction wow has been going the past few years.

This used to be done with flying. Nobody wants to be chained to the ground for a year at the start of every expansion. That’s ridiculous.


Minor nitpick but there are actually 3 endgame dungeons in FFXIV expert roulette- The Dead Ends, the last story dungeon is in it, it just doesn’t show up very often, I’ve gotten it twice.


I tried FF14. Wanted to like it, I really did, but I can’t get into the art or playstyle. WoW is still miles ahead in those departments, imo.