I'm not conspirationist but the whole FF14 thing

If it’s only a tiny fraction it must be the tiny fraction with all the decision making power because player feedback has been ignored for YEARS now.


Eh, it’s the most visible systems and content right? No one is complaining about the developers who make creatures cast their abilities, nor do most specs warrant criticism as fair as tuning goes. Tank balance is decent enough, and healer balance is good (it’s usually a matter of encounter design).

To that point, there’s a lot of developers and many of them are receptive to feedback. Just remember, it’s their job to make a good product, but that doesn’t mean all player feedback and suggestions are good.

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Yea its just the most prevalent systems like the entire expansion’s character power system…that’s all. No big deal.

Get this a lot, too. You can play both games for different reasons.

If I want to enjoy a variety of casual content and a good RPG experience/story, I play FFXIV. If I want to do a few chores and/or play for the sake of combat, it’s usually WoW.

I like WoW’s combat the most as well as its look outside of the Maw areas, but I don’t really have much to do for long since I don’t enjoy M+ and am not currently raiding. I don’t like FFXIV’s combat as much, but there’s a lot more for me to do during a play session.

Also WoW has pretty fun pet-related stuff.


The endless paradox about FF14 is that almost every feature of the game would lead to unbridled rage among players if it were really implemented that way in WoW, but as part of FF14 it’s treated like the bee’s knees, in both FF14 and WoW forums.
It’s the strangest phenomenon in the history of gaming.

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Some things would certainly upset the elitist gatekeepers in this game. After all, they’re the reason no feeling of character progression or reward can exist in this game without an arbitrarily appropriate challenge for them.


It was actually amazing for the first two months, december and january

And then the “perfect on paper” system showed its glaring flaws and it’s just been downwards since

But those first weeks on season launch when everyone was getting their first vaults and when we hit the last renown bracket that gave us the last tiers of honor upgrades and made us go from 212 ilvl to 220+ on that tuesday? Amazing

Everything after that? Trash


There is more to an MMORPG’s endgame than sweaty hardcore content and you dismissing content accessible to everyone as a “joke” even though it is end-game for most people doesn’t really help the point you’re trying to make. In Guild Wars 2 most players’ end-game is to go from world boss to world boss and mash 1 until it dies.

As someone who doesn’t have the time or energy to put in hardcore raids anymore, I find FFXIV’s more chill end-game a lot more engaging than World of Warcraft’s right now.

But you’re right: the hardcore content in FFXIV pales in both quantity and quality compared to World of Warcraft. The cutscene-skipping raid bros of FFXIV are without a doubt the biggest complainers and rage quitters of the playerbase because the game doesn’t have 12-boss raid tiers and mythic+ dungeon modes.

Is that a bad thing though? World of Warcraft might have alienated a large part of its playerbase by focusing so much on hardcore content while it’s playerbase is aging and doesn’t pick up many new players anymore. An MMORPG is not multi-player Dark Souls, it’s a community-based RPG, a social game. And I’d argue there isn’t much of that left in retail World of Warcraft with how the game’s direction has been in the last 10 years.


You don’t have to play it as an mmo, you can play it as a singleplayer rpg :slight_smile:


Greetings friends! Please refrain from discussing topics other than books.

I hope everyone is enjoying this chilly Monday evening. I have left peppermint chips and coffee by the front desk. Please help yourselves.

EDIT: What is your favorite book? Hopefully we have it in our archives. Thank you for reading.

Books > All.

I would prefer to be enjoying this chilly Monday evening at home. Unfortunately we have City Council tonight and since I am a senior member of staff I have to attend. Bleh.

Lord of the Rings is my favorite book. I’m sure you have a copy readily available. Or if not, go get one.

I played it for 2 weeks, and I didn’t find the game play or story all that engaging. I had more fun playing the old “Neverwinter Nights Hordes of the Underdark - Enhanced Edition” I got on Steam the very next week. I never thought something that old could be that fun.

Why yes, we have a copy right here. It’s only volume one, and in paperback. Would you like to check it out?

Thanks, but I’m good. I’d rather have someone else read it who hasn’t already.

Apples and oranges. FF14 is a story based game. WoW is more action based. It’s hard to compare them.

If you like more action and challenging content, WoW is clearly better. If you want an extremely elaborate story FF14 is better.

All that is really needed to make WoW better is to remove some of the systems. It’s way too difficult to play alts in this xpac. Alts are pretty important if you wanna keep playing this game.

While I agree some (maybe many) of these systems need to be removed, that’s not all that’s needed to make wow better. The devs need to actually design the game with fun and not metrics in mind. The devs need to respect the player’s time. Wow spits on your time right now.


Please refrain from talking about other games. Your patronage is appreciated :slight_smile:

I'm keeping WoW my only MMO. There's just too much nuanced differences in regards to other MMOs I tried. WoW is like that familiar car you've driven since highschool. Manual shift. Big engine. Worn in seats. The aroma of a dozen summers to the beach. A thousand nights jamming to loud music.

I load up ESO and it's a self driving Tesla. Yeah, it goes really fast from a stop. It's got that cool computer interface, but it's not driving the way I want to drive. Plus, I've invested all that time here with blood, sweat, tears and memories. I'll stay till it shuts down.

final fantasy will always be a great single player game. But I haven't owned a playstation since FF10 came out. And honestly, TES is better as single player
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“conspirationist” … what?

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WOW > everything else period

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