I gave FF14 a fair go. I have several jobs in the 60-70 range, and leveled my Dancer to 90 and completed the (current) Endwalker MSQ. And then I asked, “Now what?” and I was told “collect tomestones for X gear” and “do raids” and “do daily roulette”, etc. Well, FF14’s game systems may not work exactly like WoW’s do, but all that sounds a lot like what I would do in WoW.
The one thing that I found that FF14 does a million times better than WoW is make me CARE about the story, and especially the characters within it. Those characters in turn care about ME as the “Warrior of Light”. They don’t treat me as a chump. I’m famous, revered, and beloved by the Scions and many of the denizens of Hydaelyn.
Two simple examples of this in FF14:
a) the cutscene at end of Shadowbringers where the Scions are relaxing, sipping tea, and admiring their new clothes/weapons; Alisae is bored and G’raha joins the group. That cutscene perfectly encapsulates the personalities of each of the Scions and their camaraderie.
b) the “we’ve got dinner” scene in Endwalker where, again, the Scions just show up out of the blue to enjoy a meal with your character, like friends would do IRL.
I understand that many WoW players hate the whole “you are the one” stuff, but since we’ve been painted that way for years now, why not lean in to it? Why am I made to feel like I’m the “champion”, but I’m still doing gopher chores every patch/expansion?
Moreover, the story and character development is criminally bad in WoW, and worsening over time. Did I care that Jaina was prisoner in Torghast? Not really. Oooh, Talia is finally going to see her dad again! Uh, that’s it? Zovaal the Jailer has been manipulating all the events behind the scenes for millennia, the baddest of all baddies who we still barely know nothing about with the upcoming patch ostensibly being the last one of the expansion.
The writing team have not created a compelling story, cast of characters, or spent much time at all developing the existing characters. The other issue with the story is the PTR. Even if you actively try to avoid Wowhead, etc., it’s likely that you WILL get spoiled to some degree before you see the content, either by accident or thanks to someone in chat spamming “Snape kills Dumbledore!”
All that said, I prefer WoW in most ways. The gameplay, the art style, the world and history of Azeroth. FF14 does some things far better than WoW does, but those are changes and improvements that could easily be implemented if Blizzard would swallow their pride.
Unfortunately I have nearly zero confidence Blizzard will do anything but putter along the status quo, tossing out new crumbs attempting to satisfy us just enough to keep our subs rolling.