I never could get into the game. My last attempt was the most time I gave to the game reached 55 black mage and was roadblocked with the story quests. I Just couldn’t anymore
Yeah. The Marshal title from Vanilla is pure decoration…
Hello, I see you posted a thread about Final Fantasy 14. Opinions are fine, everyone can like different things. What I do find completely hilarious though is how World of Warcraft has been capable of causing so many players to have brain damage in regard to actually believing that a tiny fraction of the game at max level is the ENTIRE game. The rest of WoW sits and rots while, apparently, it’s only the tiny, limited amount of content of the current patch that actually matters. People have been playing the entire expansion with the same dungeons while in FF14, every single dungeon in the game still has relevancy. The only raid in WoW that matters is the current patch raid while in FF14, every raid in the game still has relevancy. I just find it amusing anyone can sit with a straight face and claim WoW has a better endgame, when the entire endgame is whatever content the current patch has brought lol.
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
I agree and I encourage this type of conversations here.
I did not point all of the good stuff that FF does right. Infact, FF14 has a more cohesive/engaging story.
Wow needs to get rid of some stuff that make it a chore/forge the constant play.
Anyways I gave my 2 cents. Feel free to give yours.
Lol, conspirationist. I think you meant conspiracy theorist. It was a good chuckle, though.
How do they have relevancy besides transmog?
Everyone keeps saying that every content in 14 is relevant. How is Alexander/omega/Eden relevant now besides for transmogs?
Everyone is doing Pandæmonium.
Notwithstanding the fact that doing old raids you lose half your skill bars and pre level 70 content is super garbage.
In time walking at least you get to use all skills
What the hell are you talking about lol
Hello, I see you replied to my post. The token system still provides relevancy through character advancement in various ways. No such system exists in WoW so there is literally zero reason to run an old dungeon.
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
Pvp in 9.0 was unbalanced 100-dead in a global trash
Lets break this down.
Relevant how? Because once you do them for the first time thats it, the story is done and has moved on. They’re a one and done.
It is no different in FF14. No one is going to be running Zodiark EX for accessories when the next patch comes out and crafter can make better or on par gear. Or do you mean mount farming in old raids? Because that’s not exclusive to FF14.
Hello, I see you replied to my post. Unfortunately you replied at the wrong time and missed the answer to this.
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
Ah a troll, I see. Have a great day.
Hello, I see you replied to my post. Actually I’m a dwarf, I figured to the beard was a dead giveaway! Unfortunately, if you aren’t willing to read, that is a personal issue. Would you like me to show you how? I’m a great teacher!
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
How do the gearing system work in FF14 if every raid is relevant ? it mean you can do one of first raids in the game with no mechanics and have the best gear in the game ?
I’ve been critical about the endgame content cycle in 14 for years now. It’s why it never became my primary MMO.
You grind a currency and buy gear with it. You get the currency by doing your random content queues. If something has loot drops, it’s probably for catch up.
8man raids drop items you can trade in for loot at vendors.
Vanilla PVP was horrible lol
Let me rephase:
I see you did not PVP from Wrath to WoD, you know…when it had the most participation.
Or, just hear me out on this crazy take, but maybe… people are just enjoying Final Fantasy. I don’t think there is some huge conspiracy.
Point being ?
I’m not trying to pull an ad verecundiam here or anything.
I was busy with other games
I know, I am not saying you are, I just had to point out SL PVP in ANY patch is really not great. PVP has been pretty bad for a good couple expacs at this point.
There is time walking. And the token System is kind of a joke. Too easy to max put.
And as I said. It’s horrible doing old content.
You know what sucks the most about 14 ? (I didnt want to make this about 14 aniways). But the fact that I somehow like how my Gunbfeaker feels at 90, yet over half the time I am playing as a 50/60/70 character. Mostly begin to at least get am over 70. As game without continuation (70) as a gunbreaker is absolutely garbage.
Imagine playing timewaking with half your skillbar …