I'm not conspirationist but the whole FF14 thing

Kind of, but there’s some more to it like flare and maintaining thunder and using the thunder procs, preferably during ice phase, then using a Fire 3 proc to pop back into astral fire after regen.

Taken in the context of world content what you said makes more sense.

The beauty of it is when they add more spells each expac, the rotation gets more complicated so by the end you have to know 5 different rotations.

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you missed pvp resilience gear. lol

World Content questing felt pretty dreadful. I had fun in dungeons. I wish the pulls were more massive though. I like MDI-style pulls where I can feel parts of my toolkit excel, but I’m not sure those exist in FF14.

Overall, FF14’s BLM was probably the worst to level as my first job. I’d describe it as “almost there”; like… “I can feel it’s getting better, but I don’t even want to log in because the combat doesn’t feel satisfying.” I really wanted to try Astrologian, but I was too demotivated by then.

I can get this with WoW to an extent, mostly through talents. That’s one thing I wished FF14 had – more combat options. Feels like all jobs are the same between players. It’s certainly easy to scale players when there are no options like talents though.

I don’t think ff14 is bad but I don’t think it’s incredible. I prefer the console games to it however with that being said… Humans are very hivemindish. If the popular people say that one thing sucks and the other is awesome people will indeed flock and follow the crowd. I hate the bandwagon and I never hop on it. I also don’t understand why it has to be one thing or the other, why not both? I’ve said it once I’ll say it again, I play multiple mmos. Depends on my mood.

It happened with Battleborne and Overwatch. Everyone said Overwatch was amazing and flocked to it bashing the other without even having tried it… Well, before the game shut down people were coming to the forums asking if there was a way to save the game because it was indeed very fun and they wish they had tried it sooner. I actually loved Battleborne, it was really silly and fun. My point is, don’t follow the crowd. Do what YOU want, don’t listen to social pressure.

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I honestly don’t think most people care. It’s just trolling. The people who say this sort of thing are most likely the type who place their identity in a video game. It’s okay to have opinions, it’s a bit weird to openly bash other games. Just have fun. :slight_smile:

that sucks for a lot of players too - difference between living in a town and a large city - not everyone like the large city life.

I think most people want to be respected for the time they invest in such a game. Why can’t we have reputations from dungeons back? Or reputation tokens? Or the old Legion world quest feature? Why did they reduced/removed so many standard reward loops with each expansion?

Remove too much and people get resentful. Remove even more and they switch to Final Fantasy which hit all the checkmark boxes and proves that they are the better team by listening and answering requests.


What was wrong with it?

Because FF gets better while wow gets worse.


No. The whole reason many people are enjoying FF is because it doesn’t have terrible systems like wow.

Show me proof that NFTs are coming to FF.

Because they’ve earned it. FF devs aren’t arrogant and openly antagonistic toward their playerbase.


Many long time wow players are fed up with Blizzard straight ignoring beta feedback for YEARS. Blizzard has kept pushing its terrible borrowed power systems and mobile game tactics into the game even though they get massive pushback from players.

Ion even got booed off the stage when he announced PF returning in SL and had the absolute arrogance to say “if nobody is happy we’re probably doing something right”. Like are you kidding?

That’s why many are rallying with FF and it’s devs.


Not as much conspiracy but it’s just the fact people prefer different things about each game. The success of classic and ff prove that retail has to change its design or get left in irrelevance.

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Subjective. I’ve played the whole way through the game and enjoyed it. It’s completely dependent on if a person likes a story focused game and enjoys the journey more than the destination.

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Looks like you were trying to either be funny or passive aggressive, missed the mark with both sadly. My point still stands and you with egg on the face :clown_face:

I think they were making a joke in an attempt to lighten the mood which makes this response rather…oof.

What I’ve learned in my old age is that what determines which game is considered “better” or more enjoyable is not the game itself but the individual player. Player’s each have their own personal play styles and reasons for what they like and dislike when playing in a virtual world.

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Ascians. That little “C” makes a world of difference. :rofl:

‘Conspirationist’ isn’t a word just so you know…

The only reason the hardest content in WoW can’t be done with a PS controller is because it isn’t available on console. :rofl:

You’re off your noodle if you think people couldn’t possibly clear mythic raids on console if WoW ever brought it over. They absolutely would.

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FF14 is not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

(And playing with likable people.)