I'm not conspirationist but the whole FF14 thing

It’s called “A Realm Reborn” because it was remade. He was responsible for it.

This is not the point. The point is that this was part of the original game until he took over and future storylines got better. They haven’t abandoned the old part, it is still playable.

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Well said on everything except Housing.

I could give a crap less where my char after sleeps when I turn off the game.

My Housing is all of Orgrimmar.

Otherwise right on brosepheus! Especially the part about shaking up side content and better visuals. They could make this game look so much better just by adding a little more variety to combat movies. Nothing revelutionary. Just switch the moves up and bring back the cool spells like old Shadowbolt with a purple skull and Aoe Drain Life(Harvest).

My problem was that I thought that the syntax was #167 instead of simply 167. Hurry or I’ll have to link it again!

No, you misunderstand.

“He became the producer and director in December 2010 and proved instrumental in the game’s relaunch as A Realm Reborn in August 2013.”

They didn’t abandon it.

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Aren’t we talking about two different things? I’m focusing on the story aspect which was already there before he reworked the game and was instrumental for the “better” storylines later on where it “gets good”.


The quoted text you posted from me is trying to say, “This content is bad. Players are told to spend 20-40hrs+ “tolerating” the bad parts of the game.” This is often a player’s first impression of the game.

To that point, why is the first impression of the game, even after it was relaunched under new leadership, afforded a pass by the community? If you told someone to play play Shadowlands, but slog through 20-40hrs of content, what would the community reaction be?

To my greater point, why should I accept mediocrity? It’s about being consistent with feedback and to overcome bias.

I couldnt tolerate the game and when i hit lvl50, I just wasnt having fun. I know the combat doesnt really improve, and my experience was genuinely awful, so I gave up on it. I’ve quit playing WoW many times too, if i’m not having fun, I just do play it. It’s just weird to me that FF14 is afforded so much for the same issues as WoW.

Because you do accept mediocrity in World of Warcraft - and worse - as well. I haven’t seen the developers going back and work on the lost WoD raid, so we shouldn’t expect the FF14-developers to do the same.


I made an edit on my post, I’ll just post again to keep it simple.

I don’t accept it. I’ve unsubbed in WOD, Legion, BFA, and SL.

  • WOD :: Unsubbed because it felt like a mobile game simulator.
  • Legion :: Unsubbed because Legendary acquisition was terrible.
  • BFA :: Unsubbed because I genuinely hated the Azerite grind.
  • SL :: Unsubbed because systems made it hard to enjoy the content. So I waited for catch-up mechanics to kick in.

WoW made the New Player Experience in BFA. It works well to cover up some issues and serves as a decent tutorial island for people who never played video games before. Why wouldn’t FF14 invest in making their first impression of the game better, especially with so many new players in the past year? (This is why “just tolerate it” is so weird to me.)

I tentatively liked the FF14 ARR base “expansion” (never tried the pre-ARR version).
Played thru most of Heavensward, though I was starting to hate the game, and when I had enough I bought a boost to Stormblood.
Stormblood… no, I’m not talking of it. Some things are better left unsaid. :stuck_out_tongue:

I see. This is a different approach but on a personal level, the price for the game is peanut money for me. 70€ isn’t much for 6-months access. I keep rolling with it because if I’m in the moot to play it, I just start the game.

But I guess we’re pretty much off topic now.

I wouldn’t call the expedition island a good impression. Not only removed they several farmable transmog gears associated with the experience, it feels artificially awkward to see Horde-characters acting honorable while in the next “first time experience” they are killing innocent children and women in a tree.

But to stay on target: It’s not a good impression for me because the overall flaws and problems are too severe to justify one small and modern experience. The complete game needs its top management replaced and who can actually give the game something back what it is missing: Fun.


I leveled as BLM because I enjoy ranged combat. After 50 levels of 1-1-1-1-2-2-1-1-1-1 I was ready to move on. :frowning:

Thanks! I agree that a game offering you multiple options on endgame activities is great. Seriously though, the free trial includes multiple raids and trials which can be done on extremely high difficulty levels. The full Endgame of ARR and Heavensward is there and because of a good scaling system are basically just as challenging and rewarding now as they were then.

WoW scaling instead LMAO
Seriously it’s actually fantastic. As a Black Mage I get to have multiple rotations for content spanning a decade.

This tiny nitpick of yours about not being able to use your level 70 ability in level 50 content… well you couldn’t use it when it came out, so why would you be able to use it now? You do that and you get broken backwards design nightmares like WoW uses: HoA + Azerite gear + Legendary items + Covenant + Soulbinds + Shart of Domination = a very unchallenging Timewalking experience with no rewards.

They aren’t.
SquareEnix made a statement that they are open to the possibility of using it on products in the future. I think if they tried this a lot of their playerbase, including myself, would have some major issues as one of the main reasons I hopped over was to get away from WoW’s RMTs and tokens.

I would very much like to support World of Warcraft with more positive feedback, but they continually disappoint and right now FF is just doing a lot of things much better. That might change in 10.0. It might not. But I certainly think SL is a lost cause at this point, while Endwalker and the FF community are just delivering a great experience for a lot of people.


Forget grass! I WANT PIXELS!!!


Dang, I forgot my point.

And please never believe the hype about Heavensward etc. It gets worse.

That… wow.
Respectfully your not a very good Black Mage if that’s what your doing at level 50.


In fact, this whole
Wow = worst thing ever
FF14 = best thing ever
is so exaggerated, not to mention totally false, that by now it would be legit food for antropologic study.

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This is all fair. And to note on unsubbing, it’s not that I cannot afford it, it’s just that I don’t want to pay for something that isn’t really worth my time. It’s more a time-investment than anything, but I digress.

Challenges are fine and all. I used to do Top10 US raiding in WoW. Those days are past me. I want smooth combat and fancy bosses.

Eh, no. There’s a lot to be desired.

For me, I see a Fate and think “oh! content! lemme check this out”, but then I get scaled down so far that I lose my ability I just picked up. That agility made the gameplay more enjoyable, and now it’s gone because I wanted to engage in something.

So me, that felt really bad. And after a few Fates, I just avoided them outright. Someone more experienced would have told me to just ignore them, but going in virtually blind was how I wanted to play (it helps avoid spoilers too).

This scaling issue I had applies to MSQ as well. Why cant I simply be over-leveled for this content? It’s not competitive, nor am I ruining anyone’s experience.

I would argue that making a BiS TW set is fun for many players. But it’s not mandatory to do Timewalking content. Nor is Timewalking considered challenging content. So you don’t need amazing scaling.

This is good to hear/read. Like yourself, I know a lot of players don’t want FF14 to be heavily monetized (outside of the cash shop).

It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure the rotation was:

Build Fire.
Apply/Maintain DOT
Use Instant Fire procs.
Go OOM casting Fire.
Swap to Blue to regen. Hardcast in Blue til you’re about to be capped on MP.
Swap to Red to burn MP.

Which is more like 4-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-3-3-3-2-{repeat}

Again, I stopped at 50, I didn’t continue playing, so if I got anything fancy, I probably checked out by then. So, respectfully, it was pretty boring to press 3 buttons for 40hrs with no variation in combat at any time.

Edit: Forgot the DOT.