I'm not conspirationist but the whole FF14 thing

Lighten up bruv. I was literally just being silly. I even gave your post a like.

I like eggs.

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Me too, my bad.

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I eat 4 eggs a day.

Hello, I see you replied to the post. I’m pretty sure someone did some tinkering and managed to clear Mythic with a Nintendo 64 controller. :rofl:

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


I don’t think he is insulting his players on twitter either

Unless you are not doing roulettes, not leveling an alt job, it not being current content and or not grinding it for your relic weapon than I see no reason doing say Sastasha as a level 90 Gunbreaker. unless you have arguement points to back up that every single dungeon in relevant in FF14.

See above, unless you are not doing roulettes, not farming for mounts or transmog, not current, not grinding it for your relic weapon and even if the content is relevant, once you get the items you need (say Hydaelyn extreme weapons), is there a real reason to continue doing the content aside from extra gear pieces for alt jobs and a chance at a mount?

Hello, I see you replied to my post. So your argument for content that can still be done, with relevancy due to tokens and scaling, isn’t part of endgame because…you don’t do it? That’s like saying the current WoW raid isn’t part of endgame because you don’t do it. Lol huh? The argument is there is zero reason to do anything in WoW outside of the current patch, with FF14, there still is. Just because you aren’t doing it isn’t an argument, you just aren’t doing it.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Yes thats my whole point of my post.

There is catchup gear that exists in FFXIV if you missed a tier of raid content, when I was new and hit level 80 on my first job during Shadowbringers 5.0 MSQ, I later found out you could buy exarch gear (ilvl 510) from the market board and so I did with all the gil I had (somewhere around 3 million spent) seconds after the moment I hit level 80, thus eliminating the reasons for me of doing old raids and trials that dont give higher than 510 ilvl in Shadowbringers.

FFXIV gearing is pretty much the same the with WoW but with differences on how to acquire them, in Shadowbringers you had the exarch gear which would boost you to 510 ilvl, to gear beyond that point you either had to…

  • Grind dungeons till your revelations tokens are capped for the week.

  • do the 3rd alliance raid in ShB, you can also do the 2 prior alliance raids for 3 tokens which would allow you to buy an item to augment a revelation gear piece you have.

  • Do Diamond weapon on extreme for an ilvl 525 weapon.

  • Do savage E9 to E12.

  • Though optional, for a weapon slot at 535 ilvl, do the relic weapon grind.

In that list, I didn’t mention prior raids (excluding the 2 alliance raids in ShB) is because you it is either equal to the item level of Exarch gear or below the item level, the only reason I would find doing those raids is either for glamour, mounts and pets or if you are doing them on min ilvl for fun.

Now with Endwalker released, I don’t see a reason doing the Eden raids and the nier alliance raids when you are looking to increase your character’s throughput in the current raid tier, its pretty much the same with WoW, when a new raid tier of content comes out, there will be catch up gear that will trivialize the need to do prior content and to get better gear is to do the new content.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. No one is talking about…

…except you. If that is your only definition of “endgame,” then I feel sorry for you. The argument presented was that there is zero reason to do anything in WoW outside of the current patch, like none, while in FF14 there still is. Just because there isn’t for you doesn’t change this fact.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Guessing my assumption is you are one of those FFXIV fanatics, otherwise though I have said my piece, while it may pertain to me and thats fine but the way that FFXIV does with their endgame content is pretty much the same with WoW when it comes to releasing raid content.

When a new raid for WoW releases, prior raid becomes trivial and catch up gear gets put in for new content, Same with FFXIV when a new wing of bosses get released, those previous 4 bosses and extreme trials released along with the first tier become trivial and catch up gear gets implemented.

I don’t think anyone who prefers endgame content in WoW will like ff14.

They’re two different style of games. I personally don’t think one is better or worse than the other.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. It appears you are still missing the point, kind of concerning. If you need help understanding what is being said, let me know, I’ll be glad to help!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Alright so what I’m missing here? is it because I said my definition of endgame? please if so elaborate.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. The endgame for FF14 is much more widespread than WoW, which only centers on the current patch. Nothing in WoW can truly be replayed in the same manner outside of timewalking, which is incredibly limited. To claim WoW has the greater endgame is pure nonsense because it’s limited to one patch at a time while FF14s is not. WoW players have a mental worm causing them to think only 5% of the game matters while the other 95% rots, it’s ridiculous.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Alot to do… it is true… for people that care that type of stuff.

I dont think we dont see eye to eye on this one.

it is true that WoW does center its patch content around the zone it self and tier to go along with it and while FFXIV doesn’t center its content into the current patch however if you look into raiding specifically in FFXIV, the raiding content is centered around 1 or 2 extreme trials and a wing that includes 4 bosses, I looked on Twitch just recently and all I see is Pandaemonium Savage prog, People doing MSQ and other content that is not raiding, I don’t see someone doing min ilvl progging older raids or doing ultimates other than Pandaemonium at the time of writing this.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Yes, a lot to do for people that care about that type of stuff…like playing a game to it’s fullest. There isn’t a whole lot to “see eye to eye” on, it’s a fact. It’s not like I can just go raid Siege on Mythic again, it’s dead content, but I can go do old Savages as much as I want! Also, not sure why you are bringing Twitch into this, that’s pretty worthless.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

There is when its raiding and yet you do say this.

Dont get me wrong, replayability is nice but do you get any reward or incentive to do old raid content on min ilvl no echo other than mounts, pets and transmog?

To prove a point about the relevancy of raiding content in FFXIV.

Like I said I do not really see anyone doing Coils, Alexander, Omega, Eden and older extreme trials for min ilvl progging, all I see is Pandaemonium hence why I said we dont see eye to eye on this one is because you seem to ignore that PvE content in FFXIV is normally centered around 2 or 3 max level dungeons. 1 or 2 trials and 1 wing of 4 bosses with an ultimate sprinked ontop, when a new tier comes out those trials and the last wing becomes trivial since catch up gear got implemented.

Now I’m gonna mute this and move on, I don’t think we are never gonna come to an agreement here.

I think there is a hybrid approach they could do, where the first time you level, it goes at around a TBC classic or SoM pace–faster than the total slog of original vanilla, but slow enough for it to be a real experience. Then, once you get your first character to 60, it unlocks the ability to talk to Chromie and apply an optional timewalking buff that “speeds the flow of time around you, allowing you to rapidly learn skills that would once have taken years to master” and brings it to the current levelling rate. That way, people who want to take their time can, and people who want to speed level their 45th alt also can.

Hello, I see you replied to my post.

You need an award for playing the game? Haha, good god. Generally I play because it’s FUN.

People do it all the time. :man_shrugging:

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


The fact of the matter is that FF14 is not a game that is designed to hard-focus you into the endgame. You reach the max level, you’re given the tools and content for further progression, but you set the goal for what you want to accomplish. That’s it.

You want to spend every week learning and completing the Savage content available, that’s a choice. You want to start leveling your crafting classes to max level, that’s a choice. You want to train your companion and racing chocobos, that’s a choice. You want to grind Gil to buy a house, that’s a choice. You want to hang out with friends on their plots of land or visit housing locales advertised as dance clubs, that’s a choice. In the end, FFXIV is a game that’s about respecting your choices and not danging a carrot endlessly in front of you.

There is no real endgame content in FFXIV. There is content they provide to you once you reach the max level, and if you are a completionist they remain relevant for as long as you play the game.

So I posit, why is endgame so important when the game already provides more than enough outside of it?