I'm not buying the "meaningful choices line"

Not really, maybe they just dont like that specific person?

No, its not part of the game lol.

I’m looking though the comment you highlighted and i don’t see him use the word gay in there.


You said they engaged in oral sex, and evidence of that encounter was left on his chin. You may not feel homophobic, but your choice of words indicated an unconscious bias.

I think something snapped inside his head, his replies are super weird, I remember how he used to post previously, it almost seems like it’s another person using the same account lol

The real insult was implying Ion is my type, he is cool and all but nowhere near the big bara male tauren type i actually like

Sorry I dont speak the language of objectively wrong.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it’s not.

The psychology between wanting people who are experienced for something in the game is exact same as it is in real life when looking into the workplace.

That psychology transcends Raider IO, the addon is just an easy way to facilitate that.

And yet totally optional. Not only that, it is running in the background whether you use it or not. Again though, this isn’t even remotely close to a real life decision, sorry.

You really like to grab at straws. Have fun with that.

You’re playing right into his hands, just report him and move on.

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You haven’t learned your lesson. This idiom May be construed as homophobic. Just stop.

Nitpicking a single addon doesn’t prove your point. Your whole shtick is that real life decisions and video game decisions can’t be compared.

I don’t see your contention with the human psychology behind these decisions is the exact same in both worlds.

You keep mentioning human psychology while not using human psychology. It’s fascinating, honestly.

It does prove my point actually, I’m sorry but they just aren’t comparable in any fashion.

Yes report me for trying to keep homophobic slurs out of the forum. Genius.

Technically Blizzard adopts addon’s into the actual game, so they’re actually considered by developers when making content.

This means that they’re technically apart of WoW.

I’m talking TO YOU.

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Sorry, still working in my second latte. :joy:

So what’s the particular context you’re going for here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I figured i might as well ask you to see where you were going with that comment, since you did made the comment. I have a couple of guesses from looking at that comment alone, but i think it’s best for you to confirm it yourself.

By the by, before anybody comments, i geniunely never heard this phrase before.

Let me ask you this, assuming you’re not trolling or intending to.

One person wants an experienced forklifter for a job opening in a warehouse.

One person wants an experienced tank for a dungeon in 15 Shrine of the Storm

Are any of these decisions really different at all? Deciding who to bring into your space of work or content?

One is in a virtual world while the other is in a real world.

Is this a serious question? Are you seriously asking why an employer that has actual real life time and money on the line might want an experienced person on a job and trying to compare that to a video game character that can just leave a group, die, etc. with literally no repercussions outside of “trying again?” Really?