No, no it doesn’t. Trying to compare a video game to anything in real life is asinine and bordering on a serious mental health issue.
So this means that all works of fiction have no basis in reality? Perhaps the both of us could get a group discount at an asylum then.
you know, I heard somewhere that bungie consulted with blizz about mmos, and one of the things blizz told them not to do was trading
like they hate the way it affects the game or something, despite players almost unanimously liking it
Key word here is “basis.” Trying to use real life choices as reasoning behind choices in a video game only shows a lack of mental reasoning.
Just look at how he used to post, with the quotes in Purplelimes post.
Blizzard did something that broke his brain.
So you would have no problem with the removal of the LFG tool entirely, right? I notice you dodge this question at every turn.
See the way WoW, an MMORPG was suppose to be played was server communities and guilds. It was a “meaningful choice” to choose a server you’d be locked into and only playing with others on that server. How you choose to act and play was also meaningful as it affected your server reputation.
Now again since you’re telling us how an MMORPG should be played, you’d support the full removal of the LFG tool? I know removing it would make it harder on you to buy those runs but buying runs isn’t how an MMORPG should be played.
I didn’t say they exist or not. I said Blizzard’s comment when they did implement timers showed their thinking in the subject. They’re taking some min/max out of the game on purpose.
No i just dont bother with low intellect questions from people who seem to be unable to comprehend why forcing people to play the game the way it is meant to be played is beneficial instead of changing to optimal for every boss.
You dont seem to understand the reason behind it so you think “they must want to make it into vanilla again” xD
but then we’d have to settle being subpar like you
Fixed it for you.
Ralph have said he will leave an RPG if theirs no DPS meters.
Timers had literally zero to do with min/max. If anything, they encouraged it even more.
I think the point here is that the devs have pretty much stated they regret the min-max culture that’s dominated the game and want to take steps to remove it. Whether they’re going too far too fast or not I’m not sure but it’s pretty clear from the interviews that’s their intent.
They don’t want you to be good at everything anymore, they want you to “specialize” and my guess is realize that it’s okay to be only 80% optimal for X if you’re 100% optimal for Y. It’s going to be a very hard pill to swallow but it’s clear that’s their idea moving forward and what they are trying to steer the game towards.
They want to wean (force?) the community out of thinking it’s 100% optimal for everything or you suck.
Waiting 10 minutes every pull for lust is the epitome of min/max.
Not realizing that everything is a choice is a lack of mental reasoning, actually. Everything that you do is a choice, from logging into the game, to deciding what you’re going to do in the game, to what character you should play in the game at that time ECT. You simply want what you want, and that’s it. If you don’t like the changes, then simply stop playing the game.
Yet it was the casuals that wanted to do exactly that. And no, it doesn’t.
I mean you are just proving my point now. Trying to compare real life choice to a video game is asinine, period.
OH? Thank you for pointing that out. He also leave if he couldn’t but his runs anymore.
(toddles into thread and has no idea what is going on but politely leaves a tray of cookies and wanders off to find pills for head going boom boom)
Just because someone thinks Blizz makes the game, and we play the game they make doesn’t give you the right to hurl homophobic slurs around on the forum.
Your butthurt is sweet, oh I also bought a 15 run for gear catchup today on my 120 druid i leveled today.
Now to put you on ignore since you clearly wont say anything of value