The entitlment of elitists is crazy

If the Ion and his Dev team came out and said that they are removing DPS meters from the game due to the negative social effects it has and understand the feedback from the people who enjoy such tools yet this is about the improvement and health of the more broader game overall.

I would understand, as a person who really enjoys the use of DPS meters I would of course dislike the fact that a personal core part of what I enjoy is being removed for the betterment of the entire game, and due to that I would most likely try to find another game to play since the direction the devs are taking is clear.

Meanwhile we see wannabe elitists to be the definition of the entitled Gamer :tm: that believes the game should be solely made for them and nobody else

Ion quite literally said “the higher up you go the more that bothers you, we understand that feedback, it isnt a surprise to us but across the totality of the game and the broader audience "
Which means they understand the feedback from the people who enjoy being optimal at everything yet their focus is the broader audience. Therefore the optimal at everything crowd is irrelevant and ignored because that goes against their vision.

That should have made things crystal clear, meta slaves are not the broader audience, your feedback is understood but irrelevant, the game is going to a direction you dont like and that’s what is happening whenever you like it or not, I would suggest either leaving or adapting.
learn to deal with the fact that the world DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND WHAT YOU WANT.


did someone decline you again in group finder ralph? You sound salty


Posting in a Ralph thread before it gets flagged? Call me Barry Allen.


No I just find the entitled of some elitists who act as if the world should revolve around them quite astounding.


Really another one of these posts from Ralph

Could you be a bigger troll then yo already are.


Dps trackers for me help me improve and see what i should focus on more then others. It also helps me help people out who ask why they are doing so little dps or helps me find out who in my group needs help outside of raids or M+ to get them up to snuff.


Well you must be an elitist because you think everyone that plays wow should play the way you do.


Oh no, I am thinking you are meant to play the way the devs tell you to, Ion was quite clear : )

No being optimal for everything allowed anymore

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isnt the entitlement of non elitist crazier because the people pushing are willing to sacrifice a few options to make the chance at failure lower whilst the people just playing the build they like increasing the odds of failure by a slight margin and still expecting to complete the same content?

Like I’m pretty sure in some RPGs if you build your character horribly the game is way harder


You need a therapist man.


Ralph, you sure know how to poke the hornet’s nest.


Go play FF14 and leave us to enjoy the game our way.



He doesn’t have to be optimal for anything . Do you think they are going to tell the guild leader no you can’t go because you made a wrong covenant choice.

So none of this will ever affect him.

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You rly didnt read the OP at all i see xd

am I the only one confused here and doesnt know if hes for or against DPS meters?


I did. It did not change my position in that post.

Ralph, did you know that if you keep making threads about the same thing that it’s spam and easily reportable?


He is the Eggos of the forum constantly :waffle: ing

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Bro We agree with you (sometimes). Just stop making these threads already and make about something else. Your like a doomsday caller at this point. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: