If you had any critical thinking skills then you would know group leaders sacrifice their own time, and as the goblins say: time is money. That is true for a majority of the playerbase which they play the game with a real money paid sub.
Most group leaders dont enjoy wasting their time with people who are inexperienced or not willing to learn.
My fun is everyone having the choice to play how they want. If you prefer RP choices, make them. It doesn’t impact my game, the same way my choosing non RP things doesn’t impact yours.
Again, you are completely dodging what is being said. You keep claiming I have no critical thinking skills while at the same time, not even engaging with the entire premise that they are not comparable in the slightest, one having actual consequences, the other none.
Ah, so when you have no argument, you result to insults. Glad to know what kind of trash you are.
I’m arguing against your notion the game world and the real world can’t be compared in more ways than your one way that relies on consequences as the sole arbiter for determining that.
If your choice is we all play how we want, then you need to understand where it conflicts. E.g. The right to swing a fist ends at the tip of another persons nose.
Min/Max non-sense has sucked the RPG out of the game. But furthermore, how about you get on the ramparts for the PVP community, who can’t play how they want because we lost vendors, pvp power, and have to do Mythics in order to PVP.
You PVE goons are mad because you’re finally being treated like the PVP community. Well…
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Real world decision making can’t be compared to video game decision making, sorry. They aren’t related in the slightest as one has zero consequences outside of it’s own world.
I’ve always been supportive of PVP having it’s own gearing path, and I’d even say their own specific gear. But feel free to villianize me if it makes you feel better.
More than welcome to explain how a video game character that can literally die and restart is in any way related to a potential real world loss of time and money.